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10 Things

1. December Daily making is in full-effect around here. Look for an initial foundation post on my projects blog on Friday. If you want more info on what this project entails, as well as past albums, take a peek here.

2. Struggling a bit in the transition home after the last trip. Yesterday was the first day that I actually felt even a little like myself. It doesn't help that the house is still half-unsettled from the move. I'm someone who very much likes to feel settled in my environment.

3. Simon is huge. Seriously. He got off the bus yesterday and I caught my breath. Big. Up to my shoulders (I'm 5'9).

4. The crock pot is my friend. My Mom always told me that one of the paths to sanity was carved by making or prepping dinner early in the day. She so totally knows what she's talking about. The busier I get, the more stress creeps in, the more comfort and sanity I find in having something planned and in the works before 5pm.

5. No travel through the holidays this year. YES. We had talked about traveling to see family but have decided to stay here as Simon has decided that our chimney will work very well for Santa.

6. Toddlers are challenging and amazing and crazy and wonderful all in the same instant.

7. I ordered a new sewing machine after watching this video and reading her recommendation. I want to make circles like that. When you click the link you might want to check out more inspiration on her site including her really cool travel journals. I also love how she calls what she does gorilla sewing. I first learned about Dispatch from LA after seeing a journal my friend Catherine's made after taking the Remains of the Day workshop.

8. We've had a house-guest for the last week named Howard. He's Chris' Chinese tutor and is in transition between school and the working world. It's been fun having him here and chatting about the cultural differences between life in the US and China. He tells me he's eaten more cheese while staying with us than any other time in his life.

9. After holding off for awhile I finally tried misting with Studio Calico's Mister Huey Color Mists this past week and now I want to mist all kinds of stuff. More on this in my upcoming December Daily post. Last night I was trying it out on acrylic - it was still wet when I went to bed so I'm not sure how long it will take to actually dry. When I was in Greece I saw some cool stuff that Ronda was doing with it and I was also inspired by a layout created by Leah Fung in a past issue of Scrapbooks Etc. magazine.

10. Glee. I love it. I can't help it. I was catching up on episodes I missed while I was out of the country the other night and I was completely laughing out loud by myself in the living room.

WEBSITE HOUSEKEEPING: I found out yesterday that people have been having an issue when linking to my site and receiving a "Connection Reset" message. You were still able to get to my site if you clicked refresh or clicked on the link again. That is NOT acceptable - no one wants to click twice. I was actually having the same issue but thought it was just me and had been chatting with my web person about the issue. We think we found a solution to the problem but if you are still receiving a message that says "Connection Reset" could you please let me know via the comments or email me.

BIG THANK YOU: To those of you who helped me reach my $1000 Komen Race for the Cure fundraising goal. Excited to run this weekend. Cathy is pushing me to run under 30 mins for the 5K...that's my goal.

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107 thoughts

  1. Janell says…

    Ali - Last year was the first time I had done a December Daily album. I thought I wanted to "make it as I went along", so that I could embellish on top of photos, create a page that "matched" the day, add journaling where I wanted, etc. What happened was, the season moved very quickly, and I had a hard time keeping up. I ended up finishing it long after the holidays were over and I was out of the mood.

    This year, I will definitely create the whole album beforehand, and enjoy the process from beginning to end.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Tanya Watson says…

    yah daily december i love what you do mine is again different size pages and stuff as i love that affect, im also making one up for my 11 year old daughter for her to do as she got her very own camera for her birthday this year so want to see what a 11 year old thinks is important to docucment, and i think once a week we will sit down and put our weeks photos in etc, as i have a note book that i write all my journalling in and print photos weekly at the local looking forward to it as the first week of december we are off on a little family holiday so it will be cool to add that into the album....thanks for your photos looking forward to seeing more pages and info on this Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Stacy B says…

    Dangit, I wasn't going to sign up for another class! A friend of mine sent me the ROD link about 6 months ago, I really want to use it for A Week in the Life. I've been trying to find a negative comment on the class, but to no avail. Looks like I need to sign up!

    I saw the link to the sewing machine - how does this one differ from a standard machine? I have a White Jeans model and can do the basics on it...will it work for a ROD journal as well?

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Tanya Watson says…

    also wanted to say re the height of simon, im not 100% sure how tall i am lol but my 11 year old daughter is nearly taller than me now, i know im definally not short mmmm might need to buy some shoes with heals on them i think lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Emily Kinsaul says…

    Love, love the December daily albums! This will be my first year doing one so I'm super excited. Can't wait to see what your DD looks like this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Leora Henkin says…

    Best of luck with the race. Thanks for running for us.

    By the way, I broke down and watched GLEE for the first time last night. I now know what I have been missing. It makes me smile to know that you are also a fan!

    Take good care of yourself,

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Stacia says…

    Just had to say that I only discovered Glee about a month ago, and promptly ran through the whole first season on Netflix in a few weeks. Fabulous!! I haven't seen any of the new season because I hadn't finished the first season yet and I didn't want to skip ahead. But I watch the new season? Wait for a set to come out on DVD and catch up then? Last year they did a half-season set so at least I wouldn't have to wait a full year but...but...can I wait at all?! LOL!

    And secondly, just seeing all of that prep for December Daily is such eye candy!! You're tempting and teasing us, girl. :P Look forward to seeing more about it soon. :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Theresa says…

    Hi ...cant wait for December Daily....Will we have an opportunity to purchase a kit ?? and if yes, when?? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Theresa - there's no organized kit this year. I'll be providing product links and suggestions in the post tomorrow.

  9. Melissa says…

    Am seeing some Hambly and other fun stuff from years gone by.
    I'll sheepishly admit that I've never actually COMPLETED a December Daily - although I've started many and managed to separate my Christmas goodies from all others. Maybe this will be my year!!
    I'm so looking forward to seeing what it is you're conjuring up, Ali. It's a vicarious enjoyment since mine are perpetually "in progress". :))

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Doreenkay says…

    I am so very excited that you have discovered mists! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. You are so over the top talented I can't wait to see what you do with them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. TracieClaiborne says…

    I am SO EXCITED to see your December Daily idea for this year! For myself, I need to simplify my process this year. I did not complete last year's - I think I'm up to Day 22 and I am determined to finish it up in the next week or so, then I will start thinking about this year. I'm thinking of doing all long envelopes so I can collect a ton of memorablia but I'm sure after I see yours - I'll want to do it like you are!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Brooke says…

    I love that you are giving us the December Daily inspiration at little earlier this year. I've been thinking about it and collecting small bits all year. I actually plan to document my ideas before your post comes up on Friday because I know once I see yours I'll be flooded with new ideas! My problem last year was that my ideas were too advanced for my skills at the time. I've learned a lot this year and can't wait to get started.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. donna says…

    I thought Simon's legs were looking longer in one of your recent posts. Isn't it totally weird when your kid is getting taller than you are? I'll never forget the day I was struggling to reach something way up in the pantry and my son came up behind me and effortlessly got it down for me. He got the biggest kick out of that. It's kind of sad watching them grow up, but at the same time, it really is wonderful to see them develop into "big people."

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. debbie mcintyre says…

    Just hosted a cruise to Bermuda, and brought my DD book from last year. I convinced everyone that if they only made one book the whole year it should be your December Daily and have now sent them all to your blog to follow along. I can't wait to do this for the third time, and will display my first two proudly during the holidays. It really is my favorite project.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for spreading the love Debbie! It's definitely a favorite of mine too - even more so now that I have a few years to look back on :).

  15. Shanon Gibson says…

    I am really looking forward to putting my December Daily album together. I just ordered some papers and my album base but don't think I will have time to start putting things together until after Halloween. I am trying to mix things up a little bit this year and I look forward to being able to flip through it once it is completed. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with yours.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. ale says…

    this year i'll do my first december daily album. i'm already shopping my stash, gathering things for it. can't wait for friday to come!
    thanks for telling us about dispatch from la - i'm love with her work!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Gina Crowley says…

    Didn't know where to post this, but are you doing Week In The Life this month. I did it last October and then again in April. I love the process and it is a nice practice round for DD. Any plans to do it this month?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Gina - just once a year for me :). I'm switching it up each year to cover some of the different things that happen. Thinking I might do a summer one in 2011.

  18. jamie long says…

    I use my heat gun on my mister hueys when I spray them on gesso and they dry super quick!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh thanks Jamie - I'll try that.

  19. kristina p says…

    December particularly Christmas will never be the same for me. it was when my little angel was born. and now that he really is an angel with Jesus, I would like to pay tribute to his short life with us through a (completed) December Daily.

    am totally loving Glee! too. rock on ALi. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That sounds like a wonderful idea kristina.

  20. SusanC says…

    Any chance you'd kit the DD that you do? I always LOVE yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. pamela says…

    I've seen all of your DD's on your blog and I love them!
    My sister did one last year and to see her's in real life, made me want to do one! Thanks for the inspiration and ideas.

    On another note, Good Luck at the Komen Race for a Cure. What an amazing thing to do. I have been apart of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for a Cure for the last three years. An amazing event to be apart of, my life has been forever changed. Good Luck!!!


    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Shelly says…

    Love the December daily projects...I'm probably the only one still working on mine from, but I'm kinda sorta almost finished. And I plan on catching up my 2009 too...ahh high hopes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Madeline St Onge says…

    I keep stalking your blog to see if you posted the DD details early lol
    Guess I have to wait until tomorrow

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Feverishly working on the post :).

  24. Delanie says…

    I'm so keen to see your December Daily album I keep checking out your blog every couple of hours. It is 2:30pm Friday but no post yet. Of course then I actually converted the time (I'm Australian) and realised it's still Thursday night in the US. I think I have a while to wait yet!
    It is my first time doing this album and I am incredibly excited. (Can't you tell?!) Confession time - I have actually timed my 6 week overseas holiday so I will be home in December to do this album. I arrive home on the 1st of December and am already picturing airport, luggage and/or family photos for the first day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Shelly K says…

    December Daily is looking GOOD!! It looks like they are similar in size? are these the pages? what size are you doing? Can't wait to see what you come up with...always so inspiring!!

    Reply 0 Replies

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