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This & That | Updates

Coming home means lots of things to share that have been piling up.

Here's a few things that might be of interest to you:

December Daily 2010 | I'm in the final stages of picking an album and plan to work on my December Daily foundation over the next few days. Look for a full post at the end of next week.

ScrapMap Event in Italy 2011 | The next event I'm scheduled to participate in is a Tour of Tuscany with ScrapMap in October 2011. I'll be teaching two classes in addition to touring around Tuscany. ScrapMap offers a payment plan and full refund up until final payment date. Check out the itinerary and more details here.

Elsie's Photo Journals | Elsie's offering a new instant e-course of 14 super cute, fun minibooks. The workshop includes photos, tips & tricks, technique tutorials and tons of visual inspiration. See more preview images and get more information here.

Layout A Day with Lain Ehmann | I recently had a great phone conversation/interview with Lain Ehmann for her October Layout A Day series. Here's what Lain has to say about this 31-day challenge: "Layout A Day (LOAD) is a month-long scrapbooking challenge that will give you new inspiration, daily challenges, whiter teeth, and minty-fresh breath! October's theme is "Story," and we'll be exploring how to incorporate our personal stories into our scrapbook pages (no, it's not all about journaling!). Participants will be treated to a daily inspiration e-mail, audio interviews with fantastic storytellers like Ali Edwards, Celeste Smith, Noell Hyman, and Katrina Kennedy, an online gallery and message board, and a chance to win fabuloust prizes." Sign up and more info here.

The Daily Digi | The Daily Digi has a brand new subscription service called The Digi Game available for their monthly collaboration kits (The Digi Files) and Playbooks. Check out all the details and options on this new service here.

AE Freebie | Don't miss the Love You digital scrapbook freebie over on my Projects blog.

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64 thoughts

  1. Audrey Yeager says…

    Oh I am so glad to know that your room looks like that!!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sandi M says…

    I'm in LOAD and can't wait to hear your interview! December Daily, hmm I better start thinking about how I want my own to look this year :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Debbie P says…

    You are awesome! Already planning for december. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Melissa says…

    Ali, Can you share with us if you still use your HP Photosmart D7360 Printer to print your photos at home? If not and you have purchased a new printer, can you share which one it is? I'm still having a really hard time believing that ANY home printer will be as good as traditional developing (snapfish, Ritz, etc.). But I would love for you to convince me otherwise! Thanks a million!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Brooke says…

      I would love to know the answer to this one too. Hybrid is VERY new to me.

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Melissa - right now I'm using a HP Photosmart B8550 here at home. The older one died about a year ago - it was a great printer! This one is a larger format and was less than $300. It's been great too. I think the thing it comes down to for me is convenience - it's more convenient (often) for me to print at home as I'm working on projects. I do still have many photos printed (or I need to - I have a folder on my desk called "print" that's waiting to be uploaded to and if it came right down to it I'd always have them printed that way. That said, convenience often wins out for me personally and the photos that come out have been perfectly fine.

  5. Nicky Golden says…

    Hi Ali, I am so excited about December Daily this year. My friends don't really follow any blogs or such so I am their conduit to you - after seeing my Dec Daily from last year they want me to help them in the process of getting theirs ready for this year and helping to keep them inspired through December to keep it going. I'm looking forward to this new little adventure. Thanks for starting it off!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kat-in-texas says…

    Ali, what kind of chair is that on the right?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sonja Chandler says…

    Started my DD also. This year (my 3rd for DD) I chose the House of 3 Portfolio Album. I'm planing on a screen printed image for the cover. Can't wait to see what you cook up! So grateful you brought this project to the masses. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Carolyn HP says…

    Hi Ali, glad you had a great trip, would love to go next year, will have to see if it's doable... looking forward to this year's December daily, last year was my first attempt and it didn't quite get finished so this year I'm hoping to get on board early and have a final finished project! Thanks for the inspiration as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Brooke says…

    Can't wait for your December Daily post! I've been holding off heading to the stores for my big December scrapping shop. It's really the only one I allow myself each year. I've been honing my skills and am ready to get it done this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Kathe in CO says…

    So inspiring! Hoping to make the time to give a Dec Daily a try...

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