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This & That | Updates

Coming home means lots of things to share that have been piling up.

Here's a few things that might be of interest to you:

December Daily 2010 | I'm in the final stages of picking an album and plan to work on my December Daily foundation over the next few days. Look for a full post at the end of next week.

ScrapMap Event in Italy 2011 | The next event I'm scheduled to participate in is a Tour of Tuscany with ScrapMap in October 2011. I'll be teaching two classes in addition to touring around Tuscany. ScrapMap offers a payment plan and full refund up until final payment date. Check out the itinerary and more details here.

Elsie's Photo Journals | Elsie's offering a new instant e-course of 14 super cute, fun minibooks. The workshop includes photos, tips & tricks, technique tutorials and tons of visual inspiration. See more preview images and get more information here.

Layout A Day with Lain Ehmann | I recently had a great phone conversation/interview with Lain Ehmann for her October Layout A Day series. Here's what Lain has to say about this 31-day challenge: "Layout A Day (LOAD) is a month-long scrapbooking challenge that will give you new inspiration, daily challenges, whiter teeth, and minty-fresh breath! October's theme is "Story," and we'll be exploring how to incorporate our personal stories into our scrapbook pages (no, it's not all about journaling!). Participants will be treated to a daily inspiration e-mail, audio interviews with fantastic storytellers like Ali Edwards, Celeste Smith, Noell Hyman, and Katrina Kennedy, an online gallery and message board, and a chance to win fabuloust prizes." Sign up and more info here.

The Daily Digi | The Daily Digi has a brand new subscription service called The Digi Game available for their monthly collaboration kits (The Digi Files) and Playbooks. Check out all the details and options on this new service here.

AE Freebie | Don't miss the Love You digital scrapbook freebie over on my Projects blog.

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64 thoughts

  1. steffb says…

    love these ideas - ah, if only we didn't have to live real life in order to scrap LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Anya says…

    December Daily - I loved it so much last year!!! It changed the way I was looking at holidays. Can't wait!!! I should start gathering my supplies...

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. tara says…

    Hmmm... Guess this means I need to finish assembling last year's December Daily?! A god escape form housework!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. amy says…

    yea! already ordered some extra papers for dec daily. i'm so excited to get started on the shell... can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. audra says…

    Ali, I'm SO looking forward to The December Daily! I have to admit I have some pages leftover to finish from last years, but the new December Daily will motivate me to do just that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Laser says…

    Looking forward to the December daily again this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tere says…

    December Daily....way to stress me out this 1st day of October! Thanks Ali :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's all about doing some of the prep in advance - that's why I start now :).

  8. Marsaille says…

    Look how excited we all are!
    One thing I already did was savw a couple of cereal boxes. I plan to use them as chipboard, and can cut them in any odd shape/size I want. Anyone else got some fun ideas?

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Heather V says…

    I looked at the ScrapMap itinerary and and fell in love. I've been to Italy twice now, and of the 14 countries I've been too, it is still my very favorite (Greece is a close second, though!) What a fantastic trip! I have wanted to go to Cinque Terre and haven't had the opportunity to go yet. Good luck with all of your projects, I know you'll continue to whip up some fantastic stuff to inspire us all :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. JulieK says…

    I am ready to start on my December Daily...even though it's just the beginning of Oct!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. ale says…

    yay! looking foward to december daily!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Holly S says…

    Is it daily december time already??? Oh where has this year gone? Super excited to start thinking about it for the third year of my most favorite projects ever!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Susanne says…

    This year i WANT to do a december daily, too. Always loved yours and now it's time to try it myself!

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  14. KathyL says…

    I didn't get to do the december daily last year but I will definitely get it going this year. Can't wait!

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  15. Alison Exelby says…

    Welcome home ....Im looking forward to seeing what sort of album you pick for your Daily December this year. While I was having a sort out of some of my house the other week I found and old album that I have decide to give it new life and use it for my Daily December this year. This will be my second year for doing Daily December and Im really looking forward to it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Denise Laborde says…

    I'm December daily-ing for the first time this year. Excited about it. Already have my stash ready. Yay!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Tracey Holdyk says…

    I had just started to think about my December Daily and then I read this post. Can't wait to get into this year and I am even thinking about doing digital version. But I am only new a digi stuff so we will see.
    Thanks for your inspiration as always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Tanya Watson says…

    like many others it would seem im very excited to see what you do with daily december this year ive already got mine ready for december lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kristi says…

    I have been looking forward to the Dec Daily since summer (and collecting all sorts of holiday stuff)! I can't wait to see what yours looks like, Ali. This project makes Christmas even more fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Teresa L. says…

    I don't have to do anything. I fixed my album last year, but lots of things happened, so I was not able to do it. I just changed the 09 for the 10. Its all good with my DD prep work :) And its my sons first xmas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. anna says…

    tuscany please!!! sigh and double drool!!!!!!!!!!! one fine day! please do this for the next 30 plus years! :) my kids will be older, and i will have had time to save for it! :)
    super inspiring all the things you have posted!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Haley D. says…

    You're up to some really cool things! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a messy room, although mine tends to be that way constantly... Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. susan bourgeois says…

    I have been thinking about my December Daily. Gathering a few items and waiting to see what you have in store. I did it last year for the first time and can't wait to do it again this year. Last year I didn't get my foundation done ahead of time and it stressed me. This year I am going to be up on my game!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Shelly K says…

    Glad you're home safe and glad to see a "mess" in your studio/office! You may be normal afterall! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Erika says…

    So glad your back. Looking forward to starting my December Daily this year. I watched all last year as you put yours together and this year I'm going to do. It's my mission right along with making gifts for everyone. Can't wait! Let's just hope I can keep my momentum.

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