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Little Miss Anna-Pants

t-shirt from Amy Tangerine

Little miss Anna-pants.

I'm so excited to experience the Christmas season with Anna this year. She's saying "Santa" and "tree" and definitely checking out all the changes in decor happening around here.

She loves removing everything from my wallet.

She also loves to run into the laundry room and pull out the swimming towels. She brings one to me yelling "Swimming! Swimming!" When we take her to the pool her favorite thing is jumping in from the side and going all the way under the water.

Baby dolls and the care of those dolls are big on her list of things she likes to play with right now. Feeding them, changing their "diapers," taking them shopping ("bye-bye" she says as she pushes them in her toy grocery cart).

She runs from one end of the porch to the other and back again. Enjoys it most when Simon or other little friends are doing it too.

She is growing so fast. Almost every pair of pants I put on her are way, way too short (but of course they still fit around the waist) so we're in the middle of a clothing purge of all things that too small.

Everything is also about the "potty" right now. Dolls on the potty. Anna on the potty. She loves getting a little happy face sticker when she uses the potty.

Simon's sweatshirts and his bathrobe (seen in the image above) are a couple of her current favorite things.

She is a tyrant with a pencil, crayon, or pen. I love this. Simon has never had much of an interest in coloring - it's fun to have a kid that wants to color and draw and scribble (even if she currently wants to color on anything and everything).

"Mine" and "no" are two words that we hear loud and clear.

A few weeks ago she mastered the word "paci" (what we call her pacifier) - it doesn't come out quite like you're reading it, but she knows what she's saying. We got in the car after running some errands one day and she kept saying the same thing over and over and I couldn't figure out what it was. She was steadily getting more worked up, I'm looking around trying to see what she's pointing to when it hits me that she might be saying paci (something that's often up in the front seat, saved for necessary occasions). I said "paci" and she in a very exasperated, very clear voice she says, "yeeeesssssss."

We just love her. She's been such a wonderful addition to our family.

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64 thoughts

  1. therese says…

    I just love it when kids know what they are saying and we just can't get it. You know they are thinking we are the ones who are not very smart. LOL, great story!

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  2. Louise P says…

    Aww, she's such a sweetie. My DD is one on Sunday and I just can't believe where the last year has gone. Like you, I can't wait to share the holiday season with my children. Happy Holidays to you all!

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  3. dawn says…

    Thank you so much for sharing this Ali. Love the stories you tell and love seeing Anna growing up. I was laughing so hard at your last paragraph about the paci. While babysiting last week for my cousin she was saying chalk and I had no idea what she was saying and of course the tears came and frustration but 10mts later I figured it out and she was instantly happy. This was the first time she's said the word for me poor girl. Also excited because she's excited about Christmas too and I've got her holding her belly and saying HO HO HO really loud, it's so precious. Thanks again, and cute "A" shirt she has on.

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  4. Nicky from Canada says…

    She is lovely - amazing how wonderful little girls can be!!

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  5. c@rol w says…

    She's just so cute! Is there anything better than a "little one", so fresh from God? Those sweet little hands and feet and button nose. Makes me wish I had one. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

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  6. madeline St onge says…

    Ali she is beautiful and I love how you dress here, just adorable

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  7. CathyM says…

    I remember those days--boy they do go fast!!! Enjoy this time Ali, it is truly wonderful! All the awe and joy they have at Christmas is great! She is definitely a little sweetheart!

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  8. Julie L. says…

    I have a daughter nearly the same age as Anna and it is fun to read you snippets about Anna because there are so many similarities. I have a notebook that I try to write those little tidbits down in but often times don't make the time for it. This is a great reminder that I need to pull it out and add some "notes" about who she is right now. I love the snapshot that you paint of Miss Anna! What a joyous age, "mine" and "no" included ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Heather Johnson says…

    So cute. This is what I love most about blogging--I have been doing it too since my daughter was born, it's such a great way to remember the day to day of all of the years! One of these days I have to get all of it printed up in a book or something, have you ever heard of being able to do this somewhere?

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  10. Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal) says…

    Such an adorable post!!! I also have a daughter and a son, although mine are now 12 and 11. My daughter was and continues to be the big drawer/coloring/painting/artist (she now scrapbooks, etc.). I have great memories of her using my office highlighters when she was a toddler! And, my son never was into that sit down and patiently create thing. Nope. pure constant action that guy! Unless he could take apart or build something. And, yes, we are also a lego family:)

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  11. Sara Mangan says…

    I took classes from you at CKU in Minneapolis and Chicago and I always remember you saying you were done having children. I love reading your posts about Anna. It's just cool that you get to experience another child. We have 3 girls. I always look at our 3rd and think "you weren't a given". I always knew we would have 2 kids but we didn't know if we would have a 3rd. I look at her everyday and am so thankful we decided to have one more.

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  12. Alida says…

    Those feet are too sweet!

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  13. Carol says…

    She's such a cutie! Going on "2" -- gotta love 'em!

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  14. Judy says…

    Have the SAME problem with pants that fit in the waist, but are too short. I've been told that Cherokee at Target has adjustable waist pants but have not ventured out to look yet. In Alabama we are surviving right now with "tights"!

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  15. Jenni Hufford says…

    she is so cute ali!!! i love that you call her anna pants! :) my little girl is almost exactly a year older than anna -- i felt like she changed SO much between the age of 12- 24 months. it's such a fun time- esp at christmas. have a great week!! xo

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  16. NancyN says…

    My dd was about Anna's age when I took on a little part time job for the Season. My sister was tending and I got an "emergency" call from her. My dd was crying in the background. In an exasperated voice, my sister asked what a "toodie" was. I answered, "Cookie." My sister laughed and said, "No wonder she is standing there with her arm up. She is trying to point out the cookie jar. I've pointed to everything in the cupboard."

    Thanks so much for sharing your darling children. Anna is growing up. I think you will have a very fun and exciting Christmas season with both of your children. Thanks for all that you do to help and inspire.

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  17. Teena says…

    Love to see her grow up so fast. She's amazing! :)

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  18. Lida says…

    I so enjoyed your update on Anna. Yes, babies grow up so fast.

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  19. Bev says…

    pants with the adjustable elastic are great! You can find them most everywhere now. Just double check inside the waist band.

    My grand daughter is almost 3. She wants a table for mama's craft room. One just her size so she can make *pretties* with her mama.

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  20. Vickie says…

    Your children are both darling.

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  21. young c-m says…

    Thanks for sharing these cute things about Anna! So fun as a fellow mom. :)

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  22. Anna-Marie says…

    I so love when you finally get a word they are saying, when my Grace learned how to ask for pudding and I finally got it I had her say it to my husband when he got home so he would know that was what she was asking for. I just love being able to watch them learn new words and use them properly. Such a big change from 2 to 3. Grace totally is all 3 word sentences now and I love it. So looking forward to when we can communicate completely with words. Each week she is completely adding to her vocubulary and it is so wonderful. Still can't believe she will be 3 soon, it is going so fast!!!!!!!!!

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  23. Becky H says…

    Thank you so much for letting us into your life. It is wonderful to see you children growing up.

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  24. amy tangerine says…

    the note about her infatuation with removing things from your wallet makes me giggle.

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  25. Kaitlin says…

    Oh, that little Anna! She is such a sweetie! Love how one of her favorite things is Simon's robe :)

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