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December Daily 2010 | Day Seventeen

Welcome to Day Seventeen!

It's getting so close. Just eight days of documentation left for me and anyone else who's going through Christmas Day.

Katie Pertiet has a new brush set coming out next week (I think it's next week). It's called Text Clusters No.3 and it's a great holiday version. All those words on this page one photo are from one file.

Two stories for today's page: one is about playing pirates and the other is about Simon's excitement for the last day of school and getting to wear his Christmas PJ's. He is a big-time PJ fan.

Along the bottom is a piece of Teresa Collins pattern paper and a cute little mini flashcard from CariKraft.

SUPPLIES : Ali Edwards 2010 6×8 December Daily overlays; Hambly Chic Circles Transparent Overlay; The Girls Paperie Christmas Ribbon Trims; CariKraft Mini Signs of Christmas Flash Cards; Teresa Collins Noel Sheet Music Pattern Paper

All posts related to December Daily can be found here.


I’d love to have you include a link to your DAY SEVENTEEN page here. Please link directly to your post or image on Flickr vs. your general blog link. Thank you! Also – don’t feel like you need to leave a comment!

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48 thoughts

  1. pidge says…

    i love that pirate boa! awesome!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. pidge says…

      ha ha ... pirate boat! i could just see a pirate in a boa! lol!

  2. Maureen says…

    That's a great misty morning shot with Santa Simon going off to school. So PNW!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Raylene says…

    Thanks for continuing to inspire us. I am thoroughly enjoying this daily documentation. And although I don't have kids at home anymore, each day seems to have its own story! How excited am i? Ok, so 2 days were full of winter storm photos, but it really affected our lives . . . people were snowed in and couldn't get to work! Then the big snow removal right outside our house! I loved getting the camera out and waving to the truck drivers!! LOL the 6x8 format is fun too! Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Pam says…

    I just love Simon! Anna, too, of course. Simon is close to my heart because I work with autistic challenging, but sooo rewarding. Great shot of him off to pajama day! Thank you so much for your daily inspiration, tips, all the great things you do for us! My kids are grown, but I'm still getting the stories in, there's always stories to be told. Bless you & your family this holiday season.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Estellita says…

    Oh !!! Kids have always amazing ideas ... I wonder why .... I am in holydays now, my girls too ... What will they do ??? Being princess in their castle, in the midle of our living room .... Yeah !!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Shelly K says…

    Ali, you are truly amazing! I love seeing what you document, and I love that you make the time to do it! Inspiring!
    Hope you are enjoying the looks like you are! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Wilna says…

    LOVE your pajama day picture. LOVE.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Christiane says…

    looks like less and less people are keeping up with their December dails (that includes me of course)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Paula G says…

      I think many are keeping up but as the season gets busier, fewer posted layouts may show up....but I bet they will show up later on, in scrapbook galleries everywhere! As for me, I am keeping up with the daily photos and the daily documentation....somewhat behind on the layouts, but I plan to be caught up by New Years Day. Just looking back, I see so many little important things to my heart that I would have missed had I not taken on this project. Thanks Ali.

    2. Ali says…

      Tis the season :). This is usually how it goes - people get busier as it gets closer to Christmas. Many people are still working even if they aren't linking right now :).

  9. rhonda says…

    Good Morning Ali! I have kept up with my album everyday and am really enjoying this year's DD. Thank You so much for inspiring so many people! Simon and Anna are adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sandi says…

    That is an awesome picture of him walking out to the bus!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. AmyHip says…

    You're PJ day photo belongs in a magazine! Love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. jan Davis from Canada says…

    Awesome shot :)

    Makes you wish there was a P.J. day for grown ups :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. angie blom says…

    Awesome.. love the cluster words.. willhave to look for that next week. Loving all the photo's and pj day.. my daughter is waiting for that to happen at school. It looks so dark in the morning in the photo.. getting on the bus. have a great weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Stacie says…

    Hey Ali!
    I have noticed that you are doing a lot of your journaling either under the item on the page or as an addition to the page rather than in that little spot on the bottom by the number...I like that idea! More than anything because I love the fact that you are adding a little splash of color and whimsy with the paper you cut for that spot! Just wanted to let you know...I like! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Alida says…

    Wonderful wonderful photo's AND pages. Your album is once again so inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Maria says…

    I finished last year's album last weekend, and started 2010 album at the same time. I am up to day 15 of the current year as of now (last night I finished more pages) and hope to get caught up this weekend. One thing that was clear to me is that even if I don't have time to make the pages daily, taking pictures every day (or almost every day) and keeping those pictures organized in folders for each day was very helpful to be able to get back and get the memories down on paper for the album. I am very glad I have taken the time to get these pages done. For me, it's priceless to be able to get back to previous Christmas memories and re-live the magic by the simple turn of a page. Thank you Ali for your ongoing inspiration! I love what you continue to do with your album every day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Katya says…

    Beautiful! I liked it very much, as Simon goes to school .. Very inspiring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Laci M. says…

    I'm sure this has probably already been asked but what size is the pic you print for the inside of the DD overlays, the pic of Simon catching the bus? I had to cut my pic down to size yesterday in Photoshop and remember the measurements werent an exact number, what size do you crop it at? Seems like it was something like 6.5"x3.? IDK! Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm doing 5.5 x 6.25.

  19. Cherie says…

    Yay! Caught up. I don't print at home so I keep running up to Walgreens - luckily it is close!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. dawn says…

    Hi Ali, only one more week till the big day. I can't believe how fast it's going. I'm loving my album more and more each day. This is such a fun page for you today, love how it's two stories together. Such a sweet picture of Simon in his PJ"S. Sam was excited on Thursday for his PJ day at school, of course I forgot to get a picture. But I might still journal about it. How cool you are with that Pirate boat, the kids must have really loved that. We somtimes make a cardboard house for our kids to play in and decorate, harder now that they are so big though. Thank you again for these wonderful stories and ideas.

    The best surpriese for me this Christmas happened last night. My oldest daughter (21) who couldn't come home for Christmas surprised the heck out of us and walked in last night saying merry Christmas to us. We were sooooo happy to see her. She got the ok at her new job and they let her come home for 6 days, hooray!! So now my DD will get to have some pages about her in it. Wish I had a bigger book now, oh well it will be filled up that for sure. Hoping to catch up on the last few days tonight then will post them.
    Happy Weekend everyone!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That is so awesome that your daughter was able to come home Dawn! What a wonderful surprise.

  21. Patty N says…

    What an awesome photo of Simon going to the bus! My son gets picked up by his bus at 6:10- not too good for photos then!! I am sitting down this weekend to get started (yes, started) on my album- I have all the stuff, just not the photos printed yet. Things are crazy this time of year! Have a great weekend.

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  22. Tweets that mention December Daily 2010 | Day Seventeen | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: December Daily 2010 | Day Seventeen: Welcome to Day Seventeen! It’s getting so close. Just… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jan says…

    I wish I had time to look at AND comment on each beautiful book that's being worked on. Ahhh, but my project time is fleeting. I still have several to complete, so the rush is on. My eldest and his wife (LOVE them!) arrive for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I'm aiming for some R&R time with them... We'll see!

    And with today's post, since I'm going the whole month, I'm now half way done! Woo hoooo!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dawn says…

      Hi Jan,

      I feel the same way about reading everyone's pages. Everyone is doing such an amazing job, so many cool ideas out there. So I try to limit how many to read everyday and sometimes I leave a comment and other times not. The coolest thing is that there are so many of us from all over doing this album and sharing!! Have a Happy Holiday with your family.

  24. gscrapbooks says…

    I love your December Daily! Your black and white photos always look so perfect when you print them. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Barb in AK says…

    Okay, I'm slow, but why do you have the number 2 on the pirate boat page?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      2 kids :)

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