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Introducing A New Class At Big Picture Classes | One Little Word

I am super excited to announce a new year-long class I'm running at Big Picture Classes: One Little Word.

If you're not familiar with the One Little Word concept, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


For 2011, I want to do something even more tangible with my One Little Word. I've found that, just like a resolution, it's easy to lose sight of the things you set forward to embark on as regular life gets busy throughout the course of the year. To combat this I plan to bring my word into my life more consciously and concretely and make it more visible by creating an album to hold my thoughts, challenges and inspirations.

You're invited to join me on this journey.

Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Word classroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative project to complete related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word - making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.

Click on over to Big Picture to listen to an audio introduction, read more details, and register. Class begins on January 1. I hope you'll join me in this opportunity to make your word more visible in 2011.

Please note: Even if you don't choose to participate in this workshop I'll be doing my annual post about One Little Word closer to January 1. Reading through all the comments is always such an inspiring way to begin the year.

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114 thoughts

  1. Carol says…

    I've never scrapbooked but would like to take part in this project because it I want to do an album just for me!! And not the family. Do I have to be a scrapbooker?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. pidge says…

      I'm not Ali, but I know from taking her past class, that no matter where you are (scrapper or not) you will LOVE her class. Which brings to mind that she often says she's a "Life Artist" ... which sheds new light on this class (well, for me anyway! lol.) I'm positive you won't regret it! :)

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Carol - you definitely don't need to be a scrapbooker to take this class. The actual projects will be visual and some might be more on the scrapbook-end of the spectrum, but I think you'll probably find some inspiration within the prompts (especially if you're open to taking the prompt and making it your own).

  2. Chris H says…

    I've signed up for this class as well. I've chosen my word...Discover.

    I recently moved to northern Virginia and there is so much to see here that this year is going to be one little discovery after another, as has been the last couple months. And I don't mean just geographically. We are out here with no family, very few friends, and we are figuring out (discovering) who we are independent of every thing we've ever known.

    Unfortunately, creativity has been put on the back burner for many many months with this whole process. I busted my tail unpacking my craft stuff and setting up a temporary studio so I could have it all available and get back in the groove. I sat down last night to do some Christmas projects I had in my head, and nothing worked. It was just stale, dead, and frustrating.

    I hope this class will help me discover my creativity again. I'm opening a fresh page and I put the Christmas ideas away. Evidently I'm just not being called in that way right now.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Diane Marra says…

      Chris, I live in Woodbridge, and would love to meet you! I have a studio in my home. send me a email and we can connect!

  3. Francesca Di Leo says…

    Hi Ali, I've chosen my word for the year 'risks'. Thank you to you and to Andrea Scher, I have my word, and I have done my 2010 completion ritual. All ready to move forward into the new year with specific goals in sight. Such an incredible way to start the new year. Only wish I could join in the class.

    If interested, visit this link for my 'word and completion ritual' here:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Love that Francesca - very inspiring.

  4. Stephanie says…

    Just signed up..yippee!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. madeline St onge says…

    All signed up and ready, Just need my word and an album

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. dawn says…

    I'm excited that this will be my first year picking a word with you. Having a class about it is even more exciting. So far I have 2 that I'm playing around with.

    My question is how will you base this class on a word alone or by an action word, how will it all tie in together with so many different words? I hope this makes sense, I'm not sure how to describe it? Looking forward to this journey though, thank you so much for all your fun and inspiration you bring to us.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      There will be specific assignments that encourage you think or take action on your own word. Everyone will be tailoring the prompts to their own word, life, situation, etc.

  7. Chris H says…

    Question...I'm also considering getting the Project Life kit. It's been a couple years since I have done an annual scrapbook because, frankly, I just haven't found a format I'm happy with. I get frustrated with digital and overwhelmed at the slightest bit of being behind...Would the guidance of the class help in giving focus to that as well and do you feel PL would be a good companion to this class?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Chris - this class is not really about scrapbooking as much as it about giving gentle reminders with a small one-page project to help you focus on your word of the year. It's very specific to choosing a word and taking action on that word.

    2. Chris H says…

      Thank you Ali for the response. That helps. I'll discover along the way as it all plays out. I'm being called to do these things this year more so than my usual paper arts.

  8. KatieK. says…

    In the past I usually had a phrase or two I concentrated on, that reflected issues or my journey I wanted to focus on. I related to your one-word focus because of that. I too feel very inspired by your new class but in typical KK fashion I wondered how I could condense. It came to me when looking at a laundry product sitting in the bathroom that our family loves. Revive. I have many reasons and applications so now I can skip clicking to BPC to sign-up! Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amy says…

    Yikes! There must be a bunch of us excited about taking this class. Had the page protectors in my cart this morning at Two Peas since was out. . . but waited because I had a question for TwoPeas on the Y&T 6X12 page protectors I needed. . . got the answer but they're now out of the ones for One Little Word.

    Wound up getting both at Archiver's Online:

    Just have to hope they were in stock. We don't have a store within 2 hours that would have had either set of page protectors.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Cinnibonbon says…

    Hi Ali

    I'm in, I signed up the other day, ordered my page protectors from Peas--(thanks for that heads up) I already know what pattern paper to use and I've got my "fixings" all lined up!!!

    Yet--I still don't have a word, but get this--last year I had 7 of them!!! And boy did I use them all.

    I'm still thinking this one through. I haven't had that "ahh ha" moment..but I've got my eyes and ears open for it! SUper excited for this new year. Thanks a bunch!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Daphne says…

    I have a quick question for you. Do you use the Bamboo Tablet to create your designs, handwriting; etc.? I have been investigating and would love to buy one; but wasnt sure if that is it or not? Just curious! I cant wait to sign up for your class ...


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I don't have the Bamboo but do have a different tablet (intous3) from the same company. I think mine has a larger (6x8) drawing space. I use it all the time.

  12. How’s Your OLW? « TWO WRITING TEACHERS says…

    [...] Ali Edwards posted about OLW for 2011 today. Just saw the post & thought you may be interested [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Peg says…

    Hey Ali! So excited to see this. Making arrangements to get the protectors and will sign up soon! I wanted to ask you two questions:
    1. Is the link on your site an affiliate link? I'd love to do a little extra to support your work on this site that provides so much inspiration to me.
    2. About how much patterned paper do you think we'll use ultimately? I'd like to make a special choice and get enough right away because I have a total gift for picking the product that will be discontinued 2.4 seconds after my purchase. :)


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Peg - thanks for the questions. My link from here to Big Picture is not an affiliate link. As for the pattern paper I don't think you'll need a lot. I'm gathering up some - going for a yellowish color scheme. It's not all planned out just yet as I want it to evolve throughout the year.

    2. Peggy says…

      Thanks Ali!

  14. sue says…

    I've just started thinking about my word for 2011. I've participated for the last 3 years and focused each year on the word I chose. It's amazing how the word I've chosen each year keeps popping up over and over. 2010 I chose the word 'FAMILY' and I've made a concerted effort to spend time with my parents, my children and my husband. We had a wedding and my mother-in-law spent most of a month with us recovering from a broken hip. Now that I look back, FAMILY was the right choice. Must think of a word for 2011...,

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kim says…

    I'm really thinking about the word motivation. In some areas, I am kicking up my motivation level, and in others it is decreasing. So if I choose to focus on it, it will reinforce the good and help out with the not so good. Does that make any sense? :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Helen says…


    I am so excited to take your class at BPC and would love to attend an in-person class... someday time and finances will permit a more exciting adventure (like your Tuscany trip with ScrapMap); but, do you think there may be a class or two you might teach closer to home in Oregon so that us locals can benefit from having such a master in our midsts? :)


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Helen - thanks for the note and for your interest in having me teach more locally. Right now I don't have plans for that...but I'll keep it in mind as I plan out the year.

  17. JenThompson says…

    Not sure if this had been asked yet but how many sheets of white cardstock do we need? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jen - my suggestion is going to be to have a pack (I think that's 25 sheets) on hand throughout the year. We won't be doing anything larger than 8.5x11. The prompts are not all created yet but they will all fit within the confines of an 8.5x11 album.

  18. Kelly B says…

    Super cool Ali & freaky, but I had already chosen light as my word as well. Now I must do the class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sandi Keene says…

    Just signed up for the class. So looking forward to this! Now to discover my word for this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. pidge says…

    is there a button for "newer comments"? i can only read 42 and i know there's more! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. pidge says…

      Opps, just realized there are only 42 comments --the 65 are the replies. Sorry. :)

  21. Manola says…

    I have chosen my word "FOCUS". It seemed an obvious choice to follow on from my word from last year "LEARN".
    Manola :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Ciqi says…

    Hi Ali,
    I have been thinking of choosing a word for some time, and now that I was found (!) by one I signed up for your class. I´m so thrilled to see where this will lead me!
    I have a question though, about the protectors: is it possible to do without them? Could I do this in paper or by sewing in ordinary protectors or something? I live in Europe, and the shipping from will cost me more than the class itself... I have found page protectors with 9 small pockets here, but I didn't even understand the design of the folded ones :D so I don't know if I can get them.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Netleigh says…

      I'm in the UK and I have preordered the protectors from a supplier who is getting one in. There are posts about them on the UK Scrappers web forum, the postage to wherever you are in Europe might not be as bad as from the USA!

  23. Becci Sundberg says…

    Well I'm not sure what all of this involves really but I have decided that my word for 2011 is BLISS

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Ruth says…

    I've aready signed up for this class, as an early Christmas present to myself. I lost sight of my word this year, but as it still fits with how things are for me and me, I'm going to use it again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Netleigh says…

    I've signed up and I'm really looking forwards to focusing on the word regularly.
    I had Reduce as last year's word and life (husband having an operation then elderly relatives needing sorting out) got in the way of what I'd hoped to do.
    This year I'm going with, Clarity, as my word.

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