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Introducing A New Class At Big Picture Classes | One Little Word

I am super excited to announce a new year-long class I'm running at Big Picture Classes: One Little Word.

If you're not familiar with the One Little Word concept, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


For 2011, I want to do something even more tangible with my One Little Word. I've found that, just like a resolution, it's easy to lose sight of the things you set forward to embark on as regular life gets busy throughout the course of the year. To combat this I plan to bring my word into my life more consciously and concretely and make it more visible by creating an album to hold my thoughts, challenges and inspirations.

You're invited to join me on this journey.

Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Word classroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative project to complete related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word - making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.

Click on over to Big Picture to listen to an audio introduction, read more details, and register. Class begins on January 1. I hope you'll join me in this opportunity to make your word more visible in 2011.

Please note: Even if you don't choose to participate in this workshop I'll be doing my annual post about One Little Word closer to January 1. Reading through all the comments is always such an inspiring way to begin the year.

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114 thoughts

  1. Bonnie says…

    Hi Ali! I absolutely love One Little Word - I used it last year for the first time and it completely changed my outlook on life. I chose STORY, like you, and it helped me run a half marathon, travel in Europe with my family, and write my first book. It was a wonderful year! Thank you for all of your inspiration!
    I am really looking forward to 2011, and very excited about this project. My new word hit me a few days ago when I was feeling unmotivated to exercise or do any writing - PERSEVERE! I really want to build on my accomplishments and energy from this last year, and see where it takes me. I'm looking forward to January 1st. Here we go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Believe | Traci Shupert Photography » Traci Shupert Photography says…

    [...] each year. A word to define her life for a year.  (She’s actually teaching an online class, One Little Word, starting January 1st on this very idea).  I’ve never chosen a word as a New Year’s [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Bonnie P says…

    I actually asked this question on Yesterday Today, but I'll ask again. Is it possible to take it without doing the printable downloads? I only have access to the internet on my Blackberry or at the library a half hour away. I'm thinkin that because this is a smaller page that I could print these there. Do you think these are possibilities or do I "scrap" the idea altogether and wait till I get internet in our area? Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. purinne says…

    yeah i finally signed up for the class :) ... really lookin fwd to it :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa O says…

    what a generous giveaway, ali! i would love to take both of thes classes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Anne says…

    Hi Ali, I've been kind of playing along with One Little Word for the last couple of years, but have usually lost sight of it over time. So a class to keep the momentum going seems like a great idea! Just a quick question about the supplies (it's probably been asked before): my budget doesn't allow for the class AND a new album and page protectors (which are hard to find here in the UK), so I'm hoping it's okay to use either an 8x8 album I've got or a 12x12 album. Hoping to sign up in the next few days, getting quite excited :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Susan Wilson says…

    Follow-up is not one of my strong suits and I don't finish many of the interesting projects that excite me so much in the beginning. I think this workshop could have real benefits for me in several ways.

    Ali, congratulations on your follow-through of your goal about the fitness/triathilon. Good for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Diana C says…

    This is a unique concept that I would like to take part! Always LOVE Ali's classes!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. ckoesters says…

    I can't find the long list of words... I think you usually post them in January but i've been through the posts and can't seem to find it. thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…
  10. Vera says…

    Ali, wondering how many packs of the page protectors we need? I don't have them locally and would have to order them.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Just one of the divided packs - you'll also likely want to have some extra full page 8.5x11 on hand (I'm just using the ones that came with my album).

  11. Cindy Key says…

    I think this class sounds like a great idea! We all get busy at different times and when a class is too short, I feel like I've missed out soooo a year-long class is perfect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. My Word for 2011: Nurture | SnowMoon, LLC says…

    [...] that I have my word, I’m impatiently waiting for the next step from the class. Posted in Living Deliberately, Scrapbooking | Tags: [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Alexandra says…

    Just wondering...

    Is registration really open until Dec 1, 2011??
    I'm wanting to register but not quite yet - just want to make sure
    registration will be open for a little while.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It is - that means that people can join throughout the year.

  14. Shauna Miller says…

    I am so excited to join in this year for the first time with my little word. My word "grow". With 3 kiddos one being 7 months old, I feel like the fog is lifting :) and I want to really focuss on what it means to grow as a wife, mom, friend, and a women. I can't thank you enough for your blog and how you coutinue to inspire me as a scrapbooker but also as a women, mom , wife. THank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kaylea says…

    Do you think I can do this mainly digi? That's what most of my stash is...

    Just wondering.
    I have paper and stuff..... but haven't been really creative with it in the last couple of years.

    Am really hoping this sparks my creativity and helps me really focus on my word this year.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kaylea says…

      BTW Ali....surfing to see if you answered, and saw that you already answered this question....oops...

      Hope you had an awesome Christmas!

  16. Misty Hofbauer says…

    Hi Ali.
    I am panicking, because I can't seem to find the Pink Paislee refill pack ANYWHERE.
    I have looked at all my local stores, as well as online, and they seem to be all sold out.
    Any idea where I could find them?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Stephanie says…

      Misty - I was having the SAME problem :) I followed a link to Archiver's Online that was posted in one of the older comments and was able to order them today! Try this:

  17. FELIZ NAVIDAD & MERRY CHRISTMAS « Llenando de color mi vida says…

    [...] Yo estoy a punto de acabar mi mini álbum de propósitos de año nuevo. Como cada año, elijo una palabra para definir lo que espero del año que viene, siguiendo a Ali Edwards. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. A. Sanborn says…

    Every year I struggle with a fitting word for the year. This year I have discovered my word. While I'd like to sign up for the One Little Word Class I have a few questions I "couldn't" find answers to -

    1. Is the $36 fee a one time fee for a yearly class there-after? Shimelle comes to mind.

    2. Is the 8.5 X 11 size mandatory -along- with EVERYTHING listed on the MASTER LIST provided? My concerns are these items aren't available and the extra costs? I'm attempting to use things I have on hand within reason. So I guess, my question is can it be anything 8.5 X 11 or is there a particular reason you've chosen this album?

    3. Being I'm a VISUAL learner... I'm finding myself inept at visualizing the journey.

    My apologies if I missed the answers to my questions as I did read this post and comments.

    Thanks for the challenge Ali... looking forward to the process. My sincerest apologies should you find my questions annoying!

    Appreciate the clarity,

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. SArita says…

    Like someothers I am keen to know more about the house of three portfolio pack. I'm from NZ and have not been able to find a stockist here. Would it be a do-able class to modify or adapt (although I love working in true 'Ali' style)? Or is there a supplier in the US that freights to NZ??

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cathryn says…

    I'm going back and forth between two words. One would probably help me feel self-satisfied and accomplished and the other would be more fun. What to do?

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Cherie M says…

    Just signed up for your class and already have my word. I just visited my doctor yesterday and he wanted me to work on some things this next year so I decided to use the word "Wellness". It is something I've been intending to do. I start and then stop, so I think the monthly prompts will help. Also, we have a granddaughter living with us and I want to be an inspiration to her, as she has health issues that she needs to work on. Thanks so much for being an inspiration to me. Cherie

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Erin Prais-Hintz says…

    Hi Ali-
    I stumbled across your class while doing a search for help choosing a word. I am linking to your class in my blog post today ( I was thinking about joining your class to keep me on pace with my word (FOCUS) but I am not a scrapbooker. I love the idea of it, but I am wondering if this class might be something that will have value for those who are not into that.

    Thanks for your inspiration!
    Tesori Trovati Jewelry
    Treasures Found::Inspiration is Everywhere

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Erin - thanks for the note and for your interest in the class. What we'll be creating in the workshop is more of a journal/collection of thoughts and images rather than what you might imagine as a traditional scrapbook. I imagine there will be others who might not be scrapbookers but are simply interested in the monthly reminder to reconnect with your word in a creative way. I think there's value in it even if the actual prompts are not completed.

      Actually, I think it would be cool to see how people who don't scrapbook interpret and re-invent the prompts to fit within their own creative world :).

  23. Diane Marra says…

    Ali, love your new OLW class and I will be signing up. I have been doing the OLW with you for a few years - thanks for your inspiration! I wanted to have a tangible way to remind and live my word for the year so I create a canvas project with my word to remind me of what I am focusing on. I believe the OLW is whispered to me from God. My words have been "the light", trust and abide. Since yours is light this year Ali, thought I would share what my canvas project reminds me: to be the light, to live in the light, shine the light, teach the light, rejoice in the light, my light journey, discover the light, etc. See my project over at my blog and my website. I also created a worksheet which I give away for free to help people meditate and ask God for their word. My web site is and has pictures. My blog is
    My email address is

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  24. Vanessa says…

    I just paid for this classe. I can't wait!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. forget resolutions…instead focus on ONE LITTLE WORD « faith. everyday. says…

    [...] concept is totally from Ali Edwards. I have found this works much better for me than [...]

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