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Introducing A New Class At Big Picture Classes | One Little Word

I am super excited to announce a new year-long class I'm running at Big Picture Classes: One Little Word.

If you're not familiar with the One Little Word concept, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


For 2011, I want to do something even more tangible with my One Little Word. I've found that, just like a resolution, it's easy to lose sight of the things you set forward to embark on as regular life gets busy throughout the course of the year. To combat this I plan to bring my word into my life more consciously and concretely and make it more visible by creating an album to hold my thoughts, challenges and inspirations.

You're invited to join me on this journey.

Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Word classroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative project to complete related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word - making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.

Click on over to Big Picture to listen to an audio introduction, read more details, and register. Class begins on January 1. I hope you'll join me in this opportunity to make your word more visible in 2011.

Please note: Even if you don't choose to participate in this workshop I'll be doing my annual post about One Little Word closer to January 1. Reading through all the comments is always such an inspiring way to begin the year.

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114 thoughts

  1. Nancy E. Cook says…

    I stumbled on this from your Facebook post and have been thinking about a word on my runs lately and thought that i really should sign up for your class. Jan 1 is tomorrow! So now I have my word in my head and mind and really don't have a lot of time for scrapbooking or blogging, but thought it would be a great creative outlet for my writing and speaking. What do you think?

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  2. Terri says…

    Solace. I need it and I need to give it this year. It's going to be a challenge. Thanks for offering the BPS class; I think it's going to help me allow my word to enter my life and stay there.

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  3. Chris Z says…

    I heard about this class on New Year's Day while I was at a crop. A number of my friends are taking this class and we are planning to meet monthly to share our progress.

    This class has incredible meaning for me right now. My 19 year old son was tragically killed in an automobile accident a few weeks ago. There are no words to describe the pain of burying your child. But there are also no words to describe the love and compassion of family and friends during this time either. I was so proud to see how my son had touched so many in his short life.

    As I begin this incredibly difficult journey of grieving and healing with my loved ones, my word for this year is comfort. I will try to find it for myself, his girlfriend, my husband, his siblings and his many family and friends.

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  4. Patti says…

    I think my word should be 'time'. Nearly every day something happens that reminds me of how short time can be or how quickly it passes. It would be a good thing for me to be more aware of spending it wisely and thoughtfully.

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  5. Dineen says…

    My word is "Believe" it scares me and also inspires me. I am excited about this journey

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  6. I’m a total ‘Joiner’ | CaroleMac Blog's it! says…

    [...] now, I am in Ali’s One lil Word, Karen G’s Embrace imperfection – both offered by BigPictureClasses as well [...]

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  7. Ms. Kathleen says…

    Came over from Uplifting Words who is hosting My One Word Wednesday...

    My word in contentment for 2012.

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  8. Ms. Kathleen says…

    Came over from Uplifting Words who is hosting My One Word Wednesday...

    My word is contentment for 2012.

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