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Around The Room | The Office In Progress

This is one of those posts where I grabbed my camera and took some shots of life "as it is."

As it is around here right now means lots of projects in progress, piles on the floor, and me still simply trying to see and feel just how I want this space to work (while working in it).

As you come into my office you walk by built-in shelves (they were built into an alcove that was already there) that were designed to fit 12x12 albums with extra supports for the weight. The spotlights were already there and that top shelf has become a good spot for some of my larger projects and "A's" (most found at antique or junk shops).

The yellow walls were here when we moved in - those walls, along with the one window at the far end, make it a bit of a challenge to get the colors in the photos correct. I like the yellow but I daydream about having it all white.

Looking into the office while standing by the shelves this is what you see:

01 | A small couch with a TV for kids and/or husband. I can see the TV from my desk (just in case I need to have the TV on while working on my computer which is just about never).

02 | The area opposite the couch is where I hope to have a sit-down table one of these days. Right now it's a catch-all for things that need to but put away or hung up (more specifically photos and art that don't yet have a home in our home). I have a bit of fear that the same thing will happen when I put a table there, but the goal is to have a place for the kids or friends to come over and work on projects. There's also a little chalkboard for Anna and a small bookshelf along the wall that holds my art/design/craft/scrapbooking books.

03 | My computer table/desk and all my hardware. I just recently turned the table around so I face into the room - much happier with that setup.

04 | My work table - originally a kitchen island.

05 | Sewing machine and typewriter and more storage.

06 | Lockers. I found these at an antique fair a few years back and I still love them. They hold extra adhesive, painting supplies, ribbon basket, embossing stuff, etc.

Here's a closer look at some of the spaces mentioned above:

My computer table. Along the back of the couch I've got a row of wire shelves that hold my computer tower, printers, scanner, etc.

This is what it looks like if you are standing over by the lockers and look towards my computer table.

12x12 paper storage on top of a piece I picked up at an antique shop. There's nothing in those drawers just yet. The wood piece hanging on the wall is from Pottery Barn.

Here's what you see when looking from that corner over towards the lockers:

I'm still using the same kitchen island I've had since I first started scrapbooking. I have dreams of a bigger work surface - like two of these from Ikea placed back to back.

A layout in progress.

Next to the table is a rolling cart I found last summer at an antique fair. Still not sure I love how I'm using it right now, but it's working.

Stuff on the floor next to the cart.

And the sewing machine/typewriter/more storage area.

Other things currently on the floor include:

My December Daily supplies. I want to go through what I have left again and see what I might want to use this year and what can be shared.

My 2010 Project Life. A sad thing happened to this a few weeks ago - it fell off the ledge it had been sitting on and exploded onto the floor. My next task is to go back in and attempt to put things back in somewhat of an order.

It's all a work in progress. The room, the projects, etc.

My dreams for this space include skylights and some sort of hardwood flooring vs. the carpet. Someday.

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149 thoughts

  1. patricia says…

    You have an awesome space. I love seeing how others creative people work. You're inspiring me to take a new stab at making my space look better. It isn't very inspiring at this point. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sabrina says…

    Thanks SO much for sharing this with us! It is so wonderful to see your creative space with all its imperfection. My space gets completely organized a couple of times a year, but that lasts only until my next project gets started. Since I always have something in progress, it seems to be always leaving a bit to be desired. It gets discouraging to see these "perfect" photos in magazines, but that isn't real. I moved my space a couple of years ago to our formal dining room -- a room that was NEVER used. The table in there was a 40+ year old table with a wood grain formica top given to me by my parents, so I use it for a workspace. I needed to be closer to what was going on in the house rather than in the basement, which also did not have enough light. It would be great to share your "real" ideas as you move forward and get settled!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Funnelcloud Rachel says…

    What a great and cozy workspace! Where did you get those shelves in the alcove (or if they're custom - how did you build them)? Looking for something similar...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi - they are custom. We hired a contractor to build them into the alcove. I don't know much about construction but was able to communicate to him how many pounds I wanted it to hold :)...and his wife is a scrapbooker and friend so he "got" what I was talking about.

  4. daisy says…

    Thanks for sharing! I like, as do many others, the "realness" of your creative space. We all have these dream spaces in our minds, but we make do with what we have for now. If we wait till we have the perfect space to craft in, we'd never get anything done. Dream of what you want, but work with what you have.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Carla says…

      Wonderful comment! That is a perfect sentiment and this was a timely post for me too. Just finished building and haven't taken pics to show my far away friends because things "aren't done" yet. Thanks for the inspiration to do it anyway!

    2. Ali says…


  5. katie says…

    so nice to see that I'm not the only one who uses a piling system.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Deb J says…

    Enjoyed seeing your work space and how it is a work in progress just like mine. Love all that space and openness. Hope you get all of it like you want before too long.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Helen says…

    Ali, it's so nice to see your space! Actually sort of a relief to see that you also have piles of stuff everywhere! Blogland photos can create stress (feelings of inadequacy) when everything seems so, so, perfect!! So sorry to hear about your album falling down - thank goodness you have lots of photos of it that will hopefully make it easier to put things back in place.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. madeline St onge says…

    Well now I don't feel so bad about all the stuff I have to step over to get into my room. LOL
    You have a really nice space Ali
    So sorry about your album exploding.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. vee says…

    always love your creative space ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. noell says…

    This was probably the best room tour I've ever seen! You made it so easy to understand the orientation of your room. Normally it takes me a lot of work to figure out how all the different parts go together. Love your numbered pic and explanation at the beginning to bring it all together right up front!

    It must be so nice to have a big space like that for your different areas where family can come sit and friends can play with you around a table.

    Can't wait to see it again as you continue to make progress on it. It's my opinion that the best way to know how to organize a space is to work within for a while. Of course, that could just be what I say because I'm so slow to get on the task of arranging rooms! ;)

    BTW my room is a very bright yellow. I love the yellow but it definitely makes color and lighting tricky!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Noell!

  11. Dawaila says…

    This post comes as I am knee deep in making my scrapspace more functional. I have a small awkward space but thanks to a very handy husband it is coming together really nice. fun to see other works in progress.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. cindy b. says…

    Love the peek into your room Ali. Thank you for sharing. Good to know that I am not the only one with stuff on the floor. hee hee..

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Debbie P says…

    Thanks for posting this. I am currently working on redoing my room and this gave me some good ideas! Thanks!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. heidig says…

    Looks like my scrapbooking room - organized chaos! And I mean that in a good way. I am organized to a tee in my home life but somehow when I'm creating, everything comes out and stays out. Every now and then, I get the urge to put it all away but that lasts only as long as the next project!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Cynthia H says…

    The built-in shelves for the 12x12 albums are awesome! What a great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Kendra says…

    YOWZA! That's a lot of albums!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…


  17. Mel says…

    Have been looking forwad to a view of your room. Love the shelves that store the albums what a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michelle D. says…

    SO SORRY about Project Life---at least you have your photos of it, yay! for that.

    TFS the awesome room. I know you'll post again when it's all tidy :)! The 12" deep shelves are my fav.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Nicky from Canada says…

    Thanks for sharing - and especially love Lily in the middle of all of it

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. antiquechase says…

    LOVE seeing your space in detail... Lots of great vintage elements. Didn't see you speak of the great printers tray on the floor...looks like an oldie! Glad to know I'm not the only one with piles on the floor... although mine didn't fall off the shelf... they are just piles waiting to be sorted..LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tweets that mention Around The Room | The Office In Progress | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by kelly mc willette, Becky Higgins. Becky Higgins said: : ) for sharing your space, Ali. : ( for the #projectlife crash. RT (via @aliedwards) Around The Room [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Kim Shimer says…

    Would love more info on your letterpress tray. The link under it in your DIY decor section is not working. I would love to make one of these. thanks

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for that link Kim - I can fix that one ;). Appreciate it!

    2. Kim Shimer says…

      somehow when I click on the more details "here" image on this page it doesn't work, so thank you for sending it. I am searching right now for a tray!

    3. Ali says…

      Hi Kim - not sure which link isn't working? Here's a link to the post about the tray:

  23. Jill says…

    I feel like all my piles (that sometimes make logical sense to me, sometimes not after I look through them - what was I thinking with this assortment of things?) are in good company with your piles. And every person's piles because we all have them - somewhere in our homes. Love the tour. Love all the letters. I need to pick up more "J"S for my home. I was just dreaming about painting white walls in my place last last week. Then thought of the irony of how I couldn't wait to have my own place so I could leave the white apartment wall look behind. The grass is always greener on the other side. . . :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      So true Jill, so true.

  24. Karen says…

    Love your space! It's the envy of all of us who have to share a space. I have a corner of my bedroom and I also took over my dining room but I find it so hard to create with others and their noise around. Maybe someday I will get a room of my own with a door that locks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. pidge says…

    Wow, I love how "real life" this is.
    Question: On the board by the lockers is a alphabet thing that looks like laser-cut wood? What is it? It's super cool!
    Also, how sad about PL 2010!! I hope that it all goes back together quicker and easier than you imagine.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Pidge - I'm trying to remember where that's from...when I find a link I'll let you know.

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