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Around The Room | The Office In Progress

This is one of those posts where I grabbed my camera and took some shots of life "as it is."

As it is around here right now means lots of projects in progress, piles on the floor, and me still simply trying to see and feel just how I want this space to work (while working in it).

As you come into my office you walk by built-in shelves (they were built into an alcove that was already there) that were designed to fit 12x12 albums with extra supports for the weight. The spotlights were already there and that top shelf has become a good spot for some of my larger projects and "A's" (most found at antique or junk shops).

The yellow walls were here when we moved in - those walls, along with the one window at the far end, make it a bit of a challenge to get the colors in the photos correct. I like the yellow but I daydream about having it all white.

Looking into the office while standing by the shelves this is what you see:

01 | A small couch with a TV for kids and/or husband. I can see the TV from my desk (just in case I need to have the TV on while working on my computer which is just about never).

02 | The area opposite the couch is where I hope to have a sit-down table one of these days. Right now it's a catch-all for things that need to but put away or hung up (more specifically photos and art that don't yet have a home in our home). I have a bit of fear that the same thing will happen when I put a table there, but the goal is to have a place for the kids or friends to come over and work on projects. There's also a little chalkboard for Anna and a small bookshelf along the wall that holds my art/design/craft/scrapbooking books.

03 | My computer table/desk and all my hardware. I just recently turned the table around so I face into the room - much happier with that setup.

04 | My work table - originally a kitchen island.

05 | Sewing machine and typewriter and more storage.

06 | Lockers. I found these at an antique fair a few years back and I still love them. They hold extra adhesive, painting supplies, ribbon basket, embossing stuff, etc.

Here's a closer look at some of the spaces mentioned above:

My computer table. Along the back of the couch I've got a row of wire shelves that hold my computer tower, printers, scanner, etc.

This is what it looks like if you are standing over by the lockers and look towards my computer table.

12x12 paper storage on top of a piece I picked up at an antique shop. There's nothing in those drawers just yet. The wood piece hanging on the wall is from Pottery Barn.

Here's what you see when looking from that corner over towards the lockers:

I'm still using the same kitchen island I've had since I first started scrapbooking. I have dreams of a bigger work surface - like two of these from Ikea placed back to back.

A layout in progress.

Next to the table is a rolling cart I found last summer at an antique fair. Still not sure I love how I'm using it right now, but it's working.

Stuff on the floor next to the cart.

And the sewing machine/typewriter/more storage area.

Other things currently on the floor include:

My December Daily supplies. I want to go through what I have left again and see what I might want to use this year and what can be shared.

My 2010 Project Life. A sad thing happened to this a few weeks ago - it fell off the ledge it had been sitting on and exploded onto the floor. My next task is to go back in and attempt to put things back in somewhat of an order.

It's all a work in progress. The room, the projects, etc.

My dreams for this space include skylights and some sort of hardwood flooring vs. the carpet. Someday.

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149 thoughts

  1. Linda says…

    Hi Ali,

    How nice that your office has plenty of room for your helper Lily! I love that she is right at your feet!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. kat-in-texas says…

    This post ALWAYS inspires me to do something different in my own space!!! LOve it!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. paula s says…

    look at all that space! i'm jealous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kate titcombe says…

    Hi Ali,

    Love this post and all those albums lined up - it just makes my heart sing!

    I swapped all my mish mash albums over to the chestnut American Crafts as you did and I've never looked back.
    Now I'm digital and print into Blurb books. I love the Blurb albums that I've made...but there's something just not quite the same as hearing the plastic page protectors turn over.

    Sometimes I go back to the link where you redid all your albums just to look at how it all came together. Only the other day I was dusting around my 12 AC albums and admiring how strong, sturdy and attractive they are four years down the track.

    Enjoy your room!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Shannan says…

    I have last year's Project Life sitting on the ottoman in our front room. My one year old son looks at it every single day. A couple of times he has knocked it off and pages have fallen out. It is a huge pain to put back together but seeing him looking through it makes it worth keeping it out rather than storing it away (he also loves pulling out the bits of ephemera like clothing tags!).

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Christine @ Coffees & Commutes says…

    I wandered here through a variety of blogs and I am just thrilled that I have!! I'm a blogger, but more than that I'm a scrapbooker and I have yet to blend the two together. I'm so excited to poke around here a bit, and to get to know you better. I'm in the process of setting up my own final destination. That is, me and my scrapbooking supplies have wandered around this house a lot and into various different spaces, but my final resting place is complete. Well, at least the bones are. There is much work to do, but I'm settled and so excited, so I enjoyed this virtual tour of your space.

    Great to "meet" you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Rosa says…

    I sooo enjoyed your photos and the tour of your creative space! My husband often gives me a hard time about my space (that it is "way too cluttered"). I agree with you that the more stuff you bring in, the more time is spent organizing and rearranging than actually scrapbooking. I have a rather small rectangular room with way too much stuff in it. I need a large working space to just scrapbook. As my husband has said "I have metasticized into other areas of the house (namely the laundry room which has lovely shelved cabinets). I'm looking to simplify my arsenal of scrapbook items to the bare essentials that can be used for lots of general ideas. Thanks again for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Erin K. says…

    Hi Ali! Thanks for sharing your space.

    I am just you sew standing up or move your machine when you sew? I have been trying to decide where to set up my machine. I have never really sewn on lo's but LOVE the texture it adds.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I do sew standing up :).

  9. Sue TR says…

    Hey Ali! Thanks for the glimpse, I always love to see how others work...great to see works in progress and a lived in space, instead of a lot of these sterile "staged" spaces you see in the magazines. I'm still trying to paint the paneled walls of my attic studio after 14 years...maybe this summer!


    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Debbie S. says…

    My room has "the piles," too, as I call them. You're a lot farther on them than I am...I like finding treasures in them, but sometimes it makes me feel a little frustrated, too. Oh well! :)

    My kitchen is yellow, and boy, do I hear you on the lighting. I am finally getting then hang of "whitening" my photos in here a bit better, but so many of our family birthday dinner pictures, etc. make me cringe...I am ready to PAINT! (My scrapping buddies have been hearing my stress on this one for a while.)

    Thanks for sharing, Ali. It looks great! I hope you get it where you want it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Michele H. says…

    thank you for sharing your space ali. i love, love, love your table that your computer is on and the shelving for your albums is fabulous.

    btw...your paintings are looking awesome! they are bigger than I pictured them:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kimberly says…

    Love the space. I look forward to seeing how it progresses. I particularly enjoy the "A" and "E" around the room! My scrapbook room is yellow - though I love it (i picked the color and painted it myself) it is terrible for photos. Everything always looks crazy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Starr Mercer says…

    Oh how I love creative room tours...thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Alida says…

    Thanks for the peek into your WIP! Good to see some familiar stuff there, like your BLISS coffe tin (remember that post from way back). I am also blessed to have a little bonus room upstairs, but because I mainly do digital these days, I haven't done much to the space. Inspired now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. asta says…

    Thank you for sharing, Ali. Love your sweet cozy place.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lisa Walters says…

    OMG thank you SO much for this post. I LOVE love scrapbooking and all but decorating is my nitch. Loving your room, it will all come together. Your collections of "A"s and E's are to die for. I have a collection of "L"s but never have found such BIG ones...I will start going to those flea markets I guess. Keep it coming, seeing your work space is awesome. Thank you:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. jamie says…

    thanks for letting us peek into your creative space. it is so large and light.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Courtney Walsh says…

    Gosh, I miss scrapbooking.
    And having an office.
    Inspiring to see how you're working through "getting things set up." I will be having to do that soon... :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Brenda in Sunny SoCal says…

    Oh, how I have been patiently awaiting this post!
    Thanks for sharing and letting us peek trugh your day to day and showing how not always everything is in its place!, right now mine looks like a bomb went off!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. kristina wilberg says…

    ooohhh, LOVE the pottery barn piece, been looking at that for awhile. It's nice to see it in an "actual room." They have a similar piece on sale for $70 right now, kinda tempting!!:)

    p.s. glad to see people as productive as you have "piles" too!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Darlene says…

    In the alcove and on the top shelf, what is the interesting looking picture behind with big "E" with lots of little pictures?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Darlene - you can read all about that project here:

  22. stacyj says…

    Ali -- this is awesome. what a great space with so much potential and I'm with you, live in it and let it define itself over time. Thanks for so many pictures and the tour!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. MaryAnn Kearns says…

    ali -- thank you for this great reminder today.....I needed to see and know someone else has piles, projects to be dealt with, unhung pictures....etc.....I always feel like I am the only one with lots of things I leave undone and "think about" forever....
    and by the way...saw a super cool rug that would be awesome for your room in the cb2 catalog... called "letter press rug" ....

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh that letterpress rug is awesome. We have the hopscotch rug in Anna's room - so fun!

  24. Jolynn Kress says…

    Thanks for sharing your space. A goal of mine for 2011 is to make my space more user friendly. I also need to find storage items that helps me put all the small stuff into it's own place.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Ann in WI says…

    Thanks for keeping it real... I don't feel so bad now. :)

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