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Scrapbook On The Road Self-Paced Class Now Available

My new self-paced Scrapbook On The Road class is now available. Check out all the details here.

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48 thoughts

  1. Rosa says…

    woo hoo!!! I've ordered the kit, just waiting for it to arrive, so excited!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jennifer Levin says…

    I'm so excited, Ali! Thank you! Our family travels a lot, so I'm looking forward to learning some of your tips and techniques for recording our adventures!

    Yea!! I can't wait! ~Jen

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. annette says…

    Hi Ali,

    How long will the class be available for purchase???? We're getting ready for a family vacation soon. Love your classes Ali!!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Annette - my plan is that it will be up indefinitely (unless something crazy changes).

  4. Irene says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jill says…

    I'm so excited about this, Ali! Thanks for sharing more about this concept with us :) I want to leave work for the day and go home and craft - not gonna happen, though ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Robyn says…

    Thanks, Ali! I just said to my sister this morning that we need Ali to come up with something fun like the DD! - and Voila, you deliver! You're the Best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Wendy O. says…

    I am so excited. 30 days and counting...Paris here I come

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. MichelleGB says…

    Woohoo!!! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Suz says…

    Waiting on my kit to arrive. Will be registering soon for the class! Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. anne leglise says…

    I just bought it and I'm so excited already:-) Thanks Ali for making it available online.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Christina says…

    Just purchased the class and it looks like a great project for me to use on my upcoming trip to Ohio. I'll be visiting my grandparents and attending a comic book convention (with my DH) and doing a little shopping & eating along the way. I'm so excited to download everything! Thanks Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. MelissaL88 says…

    This couldn't have come out at a better time. We're taking a family road trip to Washington, DC in two weeks! Thanks for all this wonderful content!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Annette says…

    Thank you so much.Thats grat.We are taking a trip in two month.Is there a kit for this album? an when yes where can I order it.I am from germany

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Annette - there's no kit for this class (there were a limited number through Cocoa Daisy that are all gone). The class is more about process and approach and encouraging you to use what you have :).

  14. Debbie says…

    Hi Ali, I am very excited about downloading the online class as I have a trip coming up and love the idea of working on an album before the travelling. I have lots of supplies that need using up so that will be a bonus. As I'm in Australia, does this matter for the part of the class that is to be posted to the paypal address? Thanks.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Debbie says…

      Awesome. Just wanted to be sure I wouldn't miss out on any of the good stuff by being in another country!!!

    2. Ali says…

      You'll be perfect Debbie. This is a self-paced class. When you pay through paypal you then gain access to all the content.

  15. Jen L says…

    I just found out that I will be spending the summer working in Alaska. I love the idea that I'll be able to document the experience without having to drag all of my supplies with me! Maybe I'll make 4 {one for each month} :)

    Thanks for the great class Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Esther says…

    I just ordered it. Going to France in a couple of weeks, yay!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. beatriz says…

    Hi Ali, I have really wanted to read it, because this summer I followed your advice to collect the moments of summer, with words and pictures and then became a mini book. It was a very nice project and also a little hard, sometimes I felt lost when choosing the materials and formats!. I am sure that with this course "on the road", I can get new ways to capture my memories of travel and to obtain new and fresh perspectives for my future projects.

    Thank you very much

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. nerdgrl says…

    I'm a bit confused. When others are saying they ordered the "kit" are they saying they ordered all the individual items, or is there really an "everything for the album" kit? I've got a couple of upcoming trips that this would be fantastic for.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Morning - there's no kit for this class (there were a limited number through Cocoa Daisy that are all gone). The class is more about process and approach and encouraging you to use what you have :).

  19. Nicole says…

    Awesome, Ali! Something to work on now that I'm finally finished with my December Daily. Now I just need to make plans to go on a vacation. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jill says…

    LOVE the e-course, Ali. It made my Thursday night. . . since Parks & Rec wasn't on. You've inspired me to think about all the letter stickers I have collected in a new way :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. audra says…

    This class looks GREAT!!! I purchased it right away yesterday. I noticed there was something that mentioned limited downloading of three times...Can you tell me if the classroom & video have unlimited access, I just want to make sure I understand. THANKS!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. audra says…

      Yes Ali, I'm not sure what I have done, but it says I've reached my limit as far as downloads, if you can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks again.

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Audra - the download limit has to do with the initial Welcome PDF. Once you have successfully downloaded that you have unlimited access to the videos and handouts. Can you email me with your order number and I can resend you the email with the Welcome To Class download link.

  22. Glenna says…

    I have spent the day with you, Ali. Downloaded everything and watched all the videos. We are leaving Tuesday for a two week trip to Israel.I am rounding up 'stuff' to get my album started. Thanks for all the great ideas and support.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That's awesome. I love how you wrote that you spent the day with me :). Have a wonderful trip!

  23. Deb Wisker says…

    I'm looking forward to this Ali! It will be the perfect way to document my trip to Tanzania this summer!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Sally says…

    Headed to Mexico in April- this is exactly what I needed to prepare for documenting our trip! I'm going to make a small book for each of my boys (11 and 9) so that they can participate, too! We'll have no tv or anything in our hotel room, so this is going to be the perfect way to spend some of our evenings! It will be fun to have some of their favorite memories captured in their own words. :) Thanks, Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Love the idea of making a small book for each of your boys. Awesome - and it is great as a down-time activity!

  25. Marilyn Platt says…

    Im getting ready to purchase this class. I have no definite plans for travel except maybe visiting my son in Beijing, China in the fall (not sure) he teaches there.

    I can adapt this book to tons of past travels, yes? I can focus on the process as if I'm on the trip and the feelings and stories will certainly emerge.

    Marilyn Platt

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