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NINE | Thankful Thought No.4

Today I'm thankful that Simon has been coming home, giving me a big hug, and then turning around and going right back outside to shoot baskets.

NINE from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

Go, Simon go.

Download Thankful Thought | 004 overlay here.

Thankful Thoughts is a semi-regular series. If you've missed any of the previous weeks please check out the archive. Click above to download a free Thankful Thought overlay to add to your own photo. Thankful Thought | 001 included a rounded corner mask and a video tutorial to show you how to work with both the mask and the photo overlay.

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42 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Ali, this is so cool. I love that you made it a mini video for us to see. Did he stop at 9 because that's how old he is now? I love that he has a sweet spot to stand on each time. Way to go Simon you ROCK!!

    My son Sam loves bball too and when it gets warm out that's all we do is play bball for months. I actually finally did a layout about this and titled it " IF THIS DRIVEWAY COULD TALK" and told the story of the games played here and for a change of photos I sat on the ground and took the pictures from their waists and lower really getting some good action shots with their feet off the ground and the ball bouncing. I also took pictures from above them in a bedroom window looking down and loved that effect too. So much fun to play with these ideas, thanks to you Ali and all your inspiration you give us. Have a great day.

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  2. JASA says…

    Love this. =)

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  3. Cindy McDannold says…

    I can't believe how Simon has grown. I feel like I'm part of the family and happily cheer him on as time goes by. I love seeing his progress and that sweet smile of his. Such a darling child.

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  4. anneberit says…

    Loved the video. Thank you for the download :D

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  5. A.Sanborn says…


    TFS a bit of you with all of us!


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  6. madeline St onge says…

    He sure does rock. Love how he has to stand the the right spot.
    Thanks for sharing Ali

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  7. Nicky from Canada says…

    Simon Rocks!!

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  8. Elizabeth H. says…

    Too cute! We always forget to record some of the simplist forms of joy in our lives...

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  9. Kristyn says…

    I love how his voice got louder as his number increased! thanks for an early morning smile, simon.

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  10. Sylvia says…

    Yeah for Simon!!! Thanks so much for the wonderful gift, Ali!

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  11. Jenny A says…

    Pretty cool Ali! Love this!

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  12. jennifer says…

    You must have been so excited...I agree: Go Simon Go! :)

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  13. jennifer says…

    Ali, I'm curious to know what camera and lens are you using these days?

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  14. Patricia says…

    Awesome. Big smile!

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  15. Kristyn G says…

    Great job simon!! Thanks for the download, Ali :)

    QUESTION: I have been playing along on our family blog with the Thankful Thoughts and have been trying to figure out what I would like to do with the pictures and journaling. Do you have any plans for printing your pics + words for a mini or to put them in your family albums?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi! No plans right now - simply trying to be in the moment, capture something I'm thankful for and then move on :). I might put them together in an album down the road - some of them have gone into my Project Life book - but for now, they are just living here.

  16. Michelle L says…

    What an awesome little guy!

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  17. Sheila Miller says…

    Thank you Ali for the downloads. Love the Easter ones too.

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  18. AbbyS says…

    GO, Simon, GO!! That was awesome!

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  19. Susie Leggett says…

    Awesome video of Simon, and awesome job shooting hoops. Love the symbolism for his age right now. Did you record this with a video camera or your iphone? I need get more video these days, but always grab my camera by default.

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  20. Crystal says…

    Yay Simon! Loved the video and I normally hate videos. In your class, I actually skipped the videos and just used the handouts. Shh! I'm also wondering about your 'production' skills....looks like maybe it was with an iPhone but how did you get the numbers on there? So cool!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Crystal! Oh man - don't skip the videos in the class - silly - there are tons of little tips I include in there that aren't included with the handout :).

      This movie was made using iMovie - easy to add the numbers as a title.

  21. Alexandra says…

    so cool! our little guy comes home everyday wanting to play basketball too - maybe they'll play together when you come visit ;)

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  22. Paula G says…

    Simon is THE MAN!!! He's super fantastic and a delight to watch grow up. God bless him!!

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  23. Ellie A. says…

    GO Simon YOU RoCK INdeed!!! If it would have been me I still would have still been trying for my 1st shot :) GO Simon GO!!!

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  24. Leanne in CA says…

    Love it! Way to go Simon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. sarah says…

    you're awesome simon!

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