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NINE | Thankful Thought No.4

Today I'm thankful that Simon has been coming home, giving me a big hug, and then turning around and going right back outside to shoot baskets.

NINE from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

Go, Simon go.

Download Thankful Thought | 004 overlay here.

Thankful Thoughts is a semi-regular series. If you've missed any of the previous weeks please check out the archive. Click above to download a free Thankful Thought overlay to add to your own photo. Thankful Thought | 001 included a rounded corner mask and a video tutorial to show you how to work with both the mask and the photo overlay.

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42 thoughts

  1. Sherrie says…

    The video of Simon is wonderful, so happy to hear his voice!

    I love that he shoots 9 for his age. I just started exercising this year at a gym and they have an indoor basketball court. I have never played basketball, but wanted to set a challenge for myself making hoops. I am 55 yrs. old, so I started with a goal of 5 baskets a day. I would shoot hoops until I successfully made 5 baskets each day. Then I increased it to 10 (5 + 5). I am working on that goal now. I will think of Simon when I am making baskets!

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  2. Kathi says…

    Thanks for sharing these.

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  3. ale says…

    thanks for the smile, simon!

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  4. Pam says…

    Oh, Simon certainly does ROCK! This brought tears to my eyes.

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  5. Catherine Denton says…

    I love your positive and thankful thoughts.
    My Blog

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  6. Kelly says…

    Love it. Love just the happiness of being a boy that he brings :)

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  7. Gail says…

    Way to go Simon ... from a PE Teacher, you've got the shot! Love that you are shooting and not throwing ... GREAT JOB!
    Ali, thanks for another overlay ... my plan is to make a 2011 book of my Thankful "things" :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Amybug says…

    Fantastic! Love the video =0)

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  9. K says…

    My 2 1/2 yr old son came in while I was watching this video. He said 'that boy's hooping it up!' and wanted to watch it again and again. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      love that.

  10. Sarah says…

    love that you're capturing stories in video as well...reminds me of "motion scrapbooking" that Izzy talks about in the paperclipping digi show. I enjoy video editing, but don't do it much b/c I take more still photos than video....but every time i play around in iMovie I love the results. Must try.

    and one more thing....tell Simon he's dabomb dot com!!!

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  11. jo says…

    Thanks for this - today I am thankful for the safe arrival into the world of the newest and smallest member of our family.

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  12. Carolyn HP says…

    Thanks for sharing such a sweet little moment, I cannot believe over the years how much he's grown since I've followed your inspiring blog & stories... keep on growing Simon!

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  13. Lisa says…

    What a sweetheart!! That was sooo good. I don't even think I could make 1 basket. . .yet alone 9! Yes, Simon does Rock!! :)

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  14. Project Life | Week Sixteen | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] a phrase from my new You Are Awesome word art. You might recognize the photo from last week’s Thankful Thought post. I’m thinking I might burn that little video to a DVD and add it into this [...]

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