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Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

Welcome to Project Life | Week Twenty-Four.

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

Last week was a really full week: Simon finished third grade, Anna spent five days with my parents in Seattle, I attended a really great retreat on the Oregon Coast, and Chris was working hard as the legislature almost finishes for 2011.

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

One of my favorite photos from this past week is the one of Chris and Simon. Simon was practicing a speech he needed to do for his class on penguins. Chris was doing a bit of coaching and they were really having fun as Simon corrected Chris when he would make a mistake in how the words were supposed to flow. It's a great capture of connection.

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

The first insert is a nine-pocket, 8.5x11 page protector that holds mini Instax photos on both sides. The front side was shown previously in this post and includes images from around my yard.

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

The other side includes images I took this past weekend on the Oregon coast.

I stuck the photos back to back using a bit of Scotch adhesive, slipped them in the pockets, and then stapled them in place. I tried stitching along the top to keep them in place but that didn't work great (it was ok, but I'd rather do something else - learn as you go, right?) so I ended up just stapling them in place so they won't fall out.

I also included a second insert this week - a simple 8.5x11 page protector that includes an email from my parents on the front (and a card that Simon got Chris for Father's Day) and another special email I received on the back.

Project Life | Week Twenty-Four

The last page includes a bunch of different photos since we were really all over the place. A couple from the beach, one of Anna & Gabrielle who was also in Seattle with my parents, one of Simon with a mask Katie made for him after he watched The Princess Bride for the first time, some journaling I did while at the retreat, and one of the backyard that I took on Sunday when I returned home.

Life is full. This album often only scratches the surface of what's happening around here, but I love it for that. I love it for the opportunity it presents to see our lives in a single moment and then later on to be able to see the full year. It's really such a gift.

Project Life is a product created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces of the album kit (similar to the one I’m using) are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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33 thoughts

  1. Jessica says…

    love it! great photos of your busy week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Pauline says…

    Love it! It's great the way you capture the little details in Project Life - the Instax photos are particular favourites!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sarah says…

    You ALWAYS inspire me; wishing for spare time to catch up my neglected album... stuck ON HOLD since having a newborns. Thankful for Macintosh computer archiving my pics by date... should be easier to catch up once I find some time. Thankfully, I write some notes on the calendar to spark my memory and am collecting/saving other little bits from our life to use as well.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Laura says…

    I love The Princess Bride. The book is fun too. My copy is almost falling apart.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Gaye says…

    I am one of the lucky folk to receive a project life kit in the UK can't wait to get started as I find your PL posts very inspiring thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jill says…

    Hey Ali - thank you for posting a clever way of keeping back/back instaxes in those pockets. I thought of backing my collection together then realized my sewing machine isn't going to like zipping through the bulging plastic (I have the Brother one like you have - it's touchy sometimes). But of course - staples are a perfect solution :)

    Re: Project Life. My attitude and emotions have been really lackluster over the past month. I've fallen behind on journaling for PL and haven't been taking as many photos either. Last night I sat down with the album to take stock of getting caught-up and I was struck with *how fortunate* I feel to have taken on this project. Cruddy times come and go (and will again and again) but what I want to remember years from now are the small details of life that made me smile, how life is *really* about the sum of its parts and that I lived and problem-solved and had faith during tough times. That's what this album will show me next year, five years and fifty years from now. Thanks for all you do to help remind us memory keeping is important and valuable work :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Amen Jill :)

    2. Jill says…

      Hi Ali - my red shoes are the Dansko Maeve style
      I'm thinking about getting the honey color for Italy in Oct :) I had a one day difficult break-in with them w/o socks, but now they are great.

  7. Missus Wookie says…

    Princess Bride is a favourite around here - such fun to have a new generation discovering it. Thanks for sharing the instaxs, keep looking at those or a photo printer.

    Hoping the various page protector options become available in the UK.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Paula in Australia says…

    Ali get again thanks for inspiring me to keep going with PL. A lttle bit behind due to sickness but going to keep at it! Just a question what is the label used on the photo of Chris and Simon and the yard photo - absolutely love the shape! Thanks again P

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Those are from Ormolu:

  9. dawn says…

    Hi Ali, love that you filled up your week with so many photos from all sides of the family. Don't you just love those baseball PP, they are perfect for these busy weeks. I had to add one and a regular one too since I spent 3 days of the week in Miami at my daughter's college graduation. It was so nice to be there again and taking different photos this time that were for me and what I liked not all about the kids this time.
    My favorite is the one of Anna and Gabby, how sweet that is and will be treasured when they are older. Great photo of Simon and his dad too and the heart in the sand?? how fun to have a creative weekend. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a good week back with your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. leah a. says…

    may i ask which corner rounder you have? everything about your project life is amazing! :) so inspirational!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Anja says…

    Ali, i´m always looking forward to your PL-Updates! You are such a HUGE inspiration!!! I love everything about it! Thank u!
    You said in one of your last posts, that you already had to start with a second PL-album for this year. So there´s one question coming to my mind: Do you split up the weeks or how do you fill the last and the first pages of the album?
    Would love to know what you do... :)
    Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Susan says…

    May I ask what is the 'joy' list in the last photo? That would be such a unique way of titling a 'to do' list of things that need done but one may not be that interested in doing. Just curious.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It was a simple writing prompt to list out what brings you joy ;).

  13. Karen d says…

    I also enjoy your pages. Your trip to the Oregon coast is especially meaningful to me as my husband & i will be traveling to Oregon to belatedly celebrate our 25th anniversary. The original inspiration for the trip was seeing the retreat you attended advertised and falling in love with the pictures of the coast. Our itinerary includes three days near Yachats.
    Have a great week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. AbbyS says…

    Love your pages, Ali. I enjoy looking at them every week. It's very true about how PL only "scratches the surface" about what's happening in our lives and also true, about either you perceive this PL to be -- it's so meaningful --- this weekly peek into our lives -- I can't wait to see it at the end of the year!!
    Thanks for your cont'd inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kamila says…

    It is lovely! I XOXOX it all. You are/continue to be so wonderfully inspired/inspring. I am so happy I am doing this project. Things are busy for me too - but I delight in doing this project in my evenings after workdays. I love that no matter what life throws at you (too) -- you find ways to shine in this. MUAH to you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Dina says…

    Your photos are always inspiring Ali, but I have a question. You have a link for the mini Instax photos, but I wondered if the one on the first page of this week's layout was also an Instax. It's the one of feet, and is a different orientation than the mini ones? Is that with a different Instax camera? And just in general, do you like your Instax 7S? Is it kind of large and bulky? Thanks so much!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Dina says…

      Thanks Ali. I am also a huge photojojo fan (even have their book!), and if I may give you a recommendation... the white balance lens cap ( I use it constantly when I take photos inside without a flash. It has helped negate weird colors enormously.

    2. Ali says…

      That one is also an Instax - that's the 210 (takes larger photos and is a MUCH larger camera). If I was to choose between the two I'd definitely go with the Mini...for size of the camera and size of the images. has them - both the 7 and the 25 (the updated, slimmer camera body version):

  17. Jen says…

    I love seeing these glimpses into your daily life.. And how fun will that be to look back on?! I'm going to have to go and look at all your other "Project Life" posts. Thanks for sharing :)

    Is it difficult though, to keep up with it? I always feel pressure to follow through...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I haven't found it difficult, but it's become a part of my weekly life. I usually work on it a bit throughout the week and then finish it up on Monday to post it here on Tuesday. The weekly posting schedule does help me get it done. Knowing myself, if I didn't really love it I wouldn't keep it up (nothing wrong with that).

  18. Alicia says…

    What a great and full week! Your reflection looks like this was the kind of week you really want to capture while you're still near it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Mefi says…

    How do you print the small 3x4 pictures? Do you print a 4x6 and crop?
    Thanks Ali.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Mefi says…

      Thanks Ali. I am getting tons of inspiration from your PL. I have just started.

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Mefi - that's usually what I've been doing.

  20. LuckyLindaAZ says…

    Hello Ali, you mentioned you are breaking your PL into two albums. Can you please post how you are doing this because I will also need to do this as my first 6 month fits just right into one binder. I am just wondering how you will split the pages....

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Julie S. says…

    I've just spent two days going through your PL album and reading ALL the comments. I have been on a scrapping hiatus for about 2 years now and have decided to jump back in with PL. I'm going to order divided protectors and journaling cards but otherwise use what I have collected over the years. This is very much where I'm at in my life right now. I CAN DO THIS!! Thanks to you and all your readers who have commented for making me feel like I can do this!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You can totally do it Julie! Have an awesome time!

  22. Instax Day in the Life | Amanda's 101 in 1001 says…

    […] over the course of the day used a WRMK 8.5 x 11 9 pocket page protector and some inspiration from Ali Edwards. I laid the instax in the order I wanted in the pockets and stuck them back to back with double […]

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