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If you were unable to leave a comment on the giveaway post...


Winners will be posted on Monday.

Due to there being some issues for people leaving a comment on the main giveaway post I'm opening up a new post for a few hours today.

This is post only for people who were not able to leave a comment on the main post.

I will combine the lists before using the random number generator to select the winners.

To enter, leave a comment telling me something that's special about you.

This post will close at noon pacific today. One comment per person please.

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300 thoughts

  1. Priscilla says…


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Diana B says…

      Thanks for being so kind Ali. I just thank God every day that I am here to live out my retirement years and that I can take care of my ailing mother with the help of my WONDERFUL husband!

    2. Rona says…

      I'm special because I like doing all the stereotypically "man" chores around the house... Making decks, changing light fixtures, etc. But i like crafting too!

  2. Carolyn says…
    07/29/2011 did you become so creative??

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  3. Casey says…

    Well, I think that I am pretty special because I was adopted, my mom always told me, "We chose you Casey!" I like that! :)

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  4. stephanie says…

    Stephanie, columbia, sc
    since I have started running in may I have run 200 miles!

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  5. gina P. says…
    07/29/2011's kinda hard to toot your own horn, but I'd say I'm special cause I have a passion for photography and feel like I have talent for capturing those special moments!

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  6. megan dudash says…

    I am a mother of a special needs child and I am extraordinary because God blessed me with this amazing oppurtunity. My son, Drew, just turned 5 and he is legally blind. He is my miracle and every day I remind myself that I was given a chance to be his mom. It is never easy and very trying at times! I think, I learn so much about myself and even other people just by watching him grow up! Everyday is a new day full of exciting things!

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  7. Haidee says…

    All I have to say WOW!! New here & just overwhelmed on all that goes on here. I really LIKE taking pictures of all kind of random things. One thing special about me is that I always LIKE to do something for someone FREE. I enjoy sharing my creative creations with others & I think that is special & exceptional about me. Never expect anything in return. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Diana B says…

    Thanks for being so kind Ali!!! I thank God that I am living out my retirement years and that I am able to take care of my ailing mother with the help of my absolutely WONDERFUL husband!

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  9. kelly says…


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  10. becky jeffress says…

    I am a wife, a mom, a granny, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend to some really great people. I am exceptional'ly' lucky to be able to be all that.

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  11. shaui says…


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  12. Rebecca says…

    Mom to an angel in heaven, and daily am grateful for the pieces of her I see in her three younger sisters.

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  13. Ann Daly says…

    Something special about me is that I always have a positive outlook on life. I can put a positive spin on things.

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  14. Shannon Worgan says…

    You are fabulous!

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  15. Guénolée says…

    I can see behind the pictures & can understand the importance of silences.

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  16. Sue young says…

    I am special because I am me!

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  17. Sarah Martina says…

    I think I'm still learning who I am and what makes me special. Life is a journey, right? One thing I *love* about myself is that I'm a mom. It's a gift, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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  18. Erin says…

    Adaptability. 39+ years as a Type 1 Diabetic has made me incredibly adaptable. And, I love my art!!! Thanks Ali!

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  19. Lori Barnett says…

    Thanks for finding a way for us to leave a comment. WHEW! And just in time :) You are awesome! Something Special about me....well...I think having 8 grandchildren is special! And the fact that I'm under 50 years old is even MORE special...don't you think ;) LOL! My 5 kids and 8 grandkids are a blessing beyond words. Thanks for a chance to win some WONDERFUL prizes! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

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  20. Mindy says…

    Thanks for all the great inspiration and giveaways Ali! I think one thing that makes me special is that I'm a good problem solver. From little problems to big ones, I can usually come up with some kind of creative solution.

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  21. Alex says…

    I persevere and try and get better every day. I love Week in the Life because it is so encouraging.

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  22. ashley says…

    im a fulltime student, fulltime nurse, and a mother to a beautiful little girl. will graduate in december but havent had much time for fun or scrapbooking in the past couple years. would love to win so my little girl and i could squeeze a little artsy fun in!! thanks ali

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  23. Pam Bunn says…

    People think I'm crazy for having 4 kids in 3 years, but I think they're crazy for not doing the same. Sure I'm tired and personal time is limited, but the reward of siblings as best friends is totally worth it ;).

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  24. kimberlee says…

    thank you so much, Ali for doing this! xoxo
    I have been blessed a freaky memory where I can remember names/faces and even what people wore and where they sat for years after.

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  25. Traci says…

    Loyalty :)

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