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December Daily™ 2011 | Studio Calico Kit

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

I'm very excited to announce that I've teamed up with Studio Calico and they will be offering a December Daily™ kit for 2011.

Similar to past years when a kit has been available, I'll be using pieces of the kit in addition to supplementing with products I have here at home and creating printable/digital products available through Designer Digitals. You do not need to have the kit to participate in December Daily™. There have been requests in years past for a kit option so I'm excited to be partnering with Studio Calico to fill that need for those who are interested in purchasing a group of supplies from one retailer.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

The thing I'm most excited about this year is that the Studio Calico kit will include an album. (It's actually a jumping up and down kind of excitement.)

Many of you who played along last year (or in past years) have known the struggle of finding/making an album to fit all the pages we create over the 25 days (and even more than 25 for some of you). American Crafts has created an exclusive chipboard binder album that is 3 inches thick - perfect for holding all the good stuff that goes into this album.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

The binder measures 9 inches wide x 9.5 inches tall and has a 3-inch spine. Inside the album you'll find 25 page protectors that hold 8.5 x 6 inch pages. In the image above you can see the size of my 2010 album placed inside this new ring binder album.

I'm super excited to see how people decided to decorate this album. So many possibilities on the outside, the inside, and in how you choose to work with (or without) the page protectors.

I'll be updating the December Daily™ printable pages to fit these page protectors and changing the dates for 2011. My hope is to have those available through Designer Digitals either this weekend or next.

Kits will go on sale to Studio Calico subscribers on October 27th at 12:00pm EST and to non-subscribers on October 28th at 12:00am EST.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

My hope is to get all my foundation pages completed this week and be ready to share with you next week. Getting all the foundation pages done in advance has always been a big part of enjoying this project during December.

Wondering what a December Daily™ is all about? Check out my December Daily™ compilation page for all the details on this annual project, including links to all my past projects in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

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136 thoughts

  1. Paula G says…

    Looks wonderful!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Angie Blom says…

    Ahhhh!! I have been stalking, waiting for this moment to arrive!! Wow and look at that amazing album!! I can't wait to get one! Looking forward to seeing what your theme is and all your elements!! Whoot whoot December Daily!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. dawn says…

    I'm soooo excited to see you getting ready for DD already, love that we do it early. How exciting to have a kit and a new album for this project, thank you so much Ali and sponsors. I was just looking thru my Christmas leftovers from last year and deciding how to do this years. Looking forward to your next DD post Thanks always for sharing and inspiring us!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Theresa Grdina says…

    I am thrilled that there is a kit for DD!!! I have done it over the last few years and LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!! To think that the bulk of the "stuff" could come in one place!!! WOO HOO!! I promised my hubby I wouldn't join any more kit I will have to sit tight for the non-subscribing release from Studio Calico! Keeping my fingers crossed....

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Bernice says…

    I've been stalking Studio Calico and your page, waiting to catch glimpses of this DD kit! I love what I'm seeing so far and can't wait to see more! Will you be sharing your pages over on the SC gallery?

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Kim says…

    Will there be a way to purchase just the album from American Crafts, or is it only available as part of the SC kit?

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. Lynnette says…

      I was also wondering if AC would be selling the album separately. I just had an opportunity to visit my favorite scrapbook store (I no longer live in that state) and I bought up supplies for DD, because I new Ali would soon begin the process.

    2. Diana says…

      For those of you that need an album that size, why don't you try the Memory Dock - Creative Dock? There are pictures on my blog, just scroll down to find it. I bought it in Quiet Meadow color and it was so awesome! It fit all my pages last year! The pages measured around 8.5x5.5. It is meant for a planner I guess, but I bought it thinking it would be perfect for DD. I still think I want the chipboard one!!

    3. Ali says…

      As far as I know the album is exclusive to this kit.

    4. Pam says…

      I was wondering this too. I remember in last year's post, you had mentioned wanting to have an album made in this size, but I am kinda bummed it is grouped in with the Studio Calico kit. $80 is steep when I have tons of holiday papers and embellishments already, you know?

      Really hoping there is an option just for the album!

    5. Katie t says…

      I just got off the phone with American Crafts because I was wondering the same thing about the album and it will only be sold with this kit. Bummer, I really wanted to get one for a project or two.

    6. Birgit says…

      I was wondering as well. I have so many supplies still at home that I don't need more but would love to purchase the album with page protectors. Looking forward to another fun December Daily experience. Welcome back home.

  7. barbi d. says…

    My creative thoughts were starting to churn on this year's December Daily. And I have been wondering what to do about my album this looks perfect!! so : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Susan Anderson says…

    So excited to get started and love the kit and binder. Yeah for a American Crafts for making a binder that will fit all our December treasures.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Ruth says…

    I've been checking back all month to see when you were starting this. I have amassed a pile of supplies but haven't started yet. Thanks for the kick start. i might even get it all out tonight!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lana says…

    This looks awesome, Ali!
    I'm so glad you are going to update the daily printables for this year as I had already decided to use the same format this year. I absolutely love how my album came together last Christmas and I'm so looking forward to creating one again this December. I already have my papers picked out! Can't wait to see what you come up with too:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Natalie (qsogirl) says…

    I have never done a December Daily before, but I really want to do one this year-- I am pregnant and my daughter's due date is December 3-- It would be so fabulous to combine memories of her first month with all the Christmas memories... Our lives are truly going to change this December, and I think this project will be the perfect way to document it. I've been pretty overwhelmed with the thought of putting the album together (I have very little in the way of Christmas-y products), and I was delighted to see the Studio Calico kit announced. I can't wait to see more!!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Amanda says…

      Oh yes, that is so exciting! Best of luck to you:)

    2. Melissa says…

      What a great opportunity to capture every day of a child's first month, along with holiday memories!!

    3. sophie says…


      last year was the first time i did a December Daily book and i loved the experience. what helped me the most was starting early. try to start now, if you can find some time, to put together all your pages and details, so you can just drop in all the beautiful pictures you'll be taking once your little bundle of joy comes along. congrats to you and your family. best of luck!

  12. Marti Richards says…

    SUPER EXCITED that you are teaming up with my favorite kit club to do this! Cannot wait to see your foundation pages. And yahoo to a binder to fit it all!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lisa W. says…

    Never done this...I really would LOVE to this year...I'll be waiting for the 27th with bells on:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Tinkster says…

    I was going to cancel my SC subscription until I saw this coming!

    So excited!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Astrid says…

    Love to see this glimpse of the kit and the album!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Nicole says…

    My jaw dropped when I saw SC's sneak peek over the weekend. This is so cool! I CANNOT wait to see your foundation pages and hopefully figure out what I'm going to do, before the kits sell out. Because we all know they will! :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Janet Straub says…

      Where did you see the sneak peek? I looked thro SC's entire site but couldn't find it. Probably looking right at it, and overlooked it! Thanx.

    2. Nicole says…

      The sneak peaks are under their Kits tab. The December Daily kit is considered their fourth add-on.

  17. Amy Albert says…

    Love it! Can't wait to order it" Any idea how much the kit will cost? Thanks!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Diana says…

      $80 I found it on the message board at SC.

    2. Jane says…

      Wow...that is steep! I wish it could be sold separately. I will be lifting your ideas, but I can't justify that kind of $$ when I already have so much.

  18. Molly says…

    Yay for chipboard! I love the way the binder rings are shaped for page uniformity when laying flat. Intentional I'm sure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Amanda says…

    Did my tired eyes miss the price?

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Laura@OV says…

    I still have not put together my 2010 album...I think it's because I didn't have the foundation together beforehand. I'm excited for the kit - I may have to look into that, although I do love going thru my Christmas papers and such each year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Stee says…

    @Amanada - the kit is $80

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Amanda says…


  22. laura g. says…

    can hardly wait to see this! also, elle's studio has some cute christmas tags and chic tags has a december daily tag kit that looks awesome maybe to supplement this kit or use on other christmas projects!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jennifer Levin says…

    I've never done December Daily before. I approach it being a little nervous about actually getting it done, but I think this is my year!

    I love the idea of a kit, especially the album part of it. I've already been turning ideas around in my head about how to make this project work for me color-wise...we celebrate Christmas AND Hanukkah!

    I'm excited to learn how to put the foundation pages together and get it going. ~Jen

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Suz says…

    Super stoked that you have collaborated with SC on this project Ali! Total awesomesauce! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jen D says…

    I am so excited - my favorite project all year! So happy you were able to make an album happen! I need two as my 2010 DD album is still sitting in a plastic bag since I can't figure out how to bind it :)
    Love love love this project and very happy you chose to partner with SC- I subscribe and am a huge fan.
    Can't wait to see your foundation pages- It gives me just the jumping off point and excitement I need to get started.

    Reply 0 Replies

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