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The Evolution Of My Story

It's always been my goal to authentically share my story both in my scrapbooks and in this online space.

To me that means addressing the good, the bad, the beautiful, the successes, the challenges - the very real pieces of my life.

As many of you have noticed, and some have commented and emailed, Chris has been mostly absent for some time from the stories and photos. He has decided that he wants something different with his life and we are in the process of getting a divorce.

Chris continues to maintain an active role in the kid's lives.

There is nothing easy about this.

It's very hard and very stressful and very sad.

And yet, the story continues for all of us. For him and me. For the kids and me. For him and the kids. And there are many, many things I have to be thankful for in my life.

I've always maintained, and taught in my workshops, that not all stories need to be told.

But here, in this space, it's important to me that there's a general awareness of this change. This will allow me to more authentically share my story going forward.

A few months ago I asked for your prayers, your positive energy, your wishes of strength and peace, and your compassion. I'd humbly ask for your continued kindness as this specific chapter closes and new ones begin.

As you consider leaving a comment I would also humbly ask that you focus on something positive, compassionate and/or uplifting. Our heartfelt intent is to maintain a positive relationship as we move forward in our lives.

Wishing all of you, especially any of you who may be experiencing something similar within your own family, peace during the Christmas season.

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934 thoughts

  1. karen says…

    love to you on your journey....

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. PJ says…

    Dang it! Oh, how stong you are!!!!
    Although i sensed your struggle in the background for some time now, i didn't expect this... reading your post with tears in my eyes...
    Anyway... on to the postitive words:
    My heartfelt wishes for you are: the capability to take it one step at the time, the ability to live in the moment, and the strengh to take a véry deep breath every time you feel you can't go on...
    You are so loved, by so many people all over the world, and made a great difference in the lives of so many people (including mine)! I truly hope that this knowledge will be a comforting blanket, keeping you warm in the coming month!
    Big syber hug from the Netherlands!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Celeste N says…

    In the Bible it says
    "It came to pass"
    Not that it came to stay.
    Remember, God does not close one door without opening another!
    My thoughts are with you and your sweet children

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sue says…

    Please be sure to take care of yourself. You help and inspire so many others, I pray that there are people close to you to help make sure you take care of yourself. Prayers are with you and all your family during this difficult time.

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  5. Nancy G. says…

    Recent posts for you hinted at this change. Change may not always be what we seek in life yet it happens in so many different ways.I wish you the strength to continue being wonderful parents to your children. Your journey is ongoing, where it will lead no one knows. Your spirt will help you soar along the way.Wishing you a contemplative, peaceful and quiet Christmas

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  6. linda says…

    Love that quote you put up by Joseph Campbell. I think you expressed a very important thought in this post, that when a chapter closes, another one opens. That keeps us all going, looking forward towards the many joyful moments yet to happen. :)

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  7. Sarah says…

    I'm so sorry to read this, but I admire your bravery in how you are being so honest & open here. I wish you & your family a peaceful & blessed Christmas, and a smooth transition into this new phase of your lives. Sending love xxx

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  8. Julia says…

    Life is full of high and lows and and we sometimes wonder how we survived them. In these kind of times I always remember the quote from a speech Vice-president Joe Biden held in Denver 2008: „God sends no cross you cannot bear“. We grow stronger with all the experiences we make. Thinking of you and your family!

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  9. Anne Elisabeth says…

    Dear Ali,
    you are such a class-act! You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you for beeing you. I don't do much praying, but you are in my thoughts!
    Lots of love

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  10. kate adderley says…

    Dear Ali, times like these are never easy, and reading your words today have shocked me, we never know what goes on behind closed doors and for you to share with us all your heart breaking story must not have been easy, never forget how strong you are , and keep positive, many times l've heard people say that god never gives us anything we cant handle, he is beside you all the way to keep you strong, l wish l was there to give you a big hug, you are in everybodies prayers, most of us that dont know you personally but also feel we do , because you give so much of yourself freely, but dont forget to give to yourself as well, send you love peace and happiness to you and your beautiful children............kate

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  11. Paulette Sarsfield says…

    " every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end" ...speaking from experience... Godspeed Ali...

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  12. Sue says…

    Just wanted to send a hug and my best best wishes to you all as you make your way down new paths.

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  13. Pedita Hall says…

    It's ok to grieve, it's still a loss, a change.
    Be gentle on yourself.
    Every morning the sun comes up to set light on a new day. A new beginning. Sometimes that certainty gives solace.
    Get outside, feel the sunshine.
    Do thing you enjoy - like you need to give yourself oxygen first on a plane so you can be there for everything else.
    It will suck at times, ride the wave, it does get better.
    Accept help. Not everyone will understand, but you'll find amazing friends and support through it too.
    Love your kids, and speak kindly of their dad in their presence. Cherish the good times, no one can take that away.
    And when all else fails, cry, scrap, scream, shop or eat chocolate. There's no right way to get through this.
    Best wishes, Pedita
    Ps and thank you for being brave enough to share so much of your lives with us all, you are an inspiration in so many ways.

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  14. Jane says…

    "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." ~
    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Take heart Ali, I know you will get through this. Peace to you and yours.

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  15. Petra from NL says…

    Ali, I am in awe of your honesty and positive determination for this challenging time in your life.
    Wishing you all the best!

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  16. Donna BD says…

    “Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.”

    You are so genuine. Wishing you peace.

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  17. Johanna says…

    Dear Ali,

    my parents got divorced when I was 9 - just like Simon is now. It sure was no happy time for me and my sister (2 years older), but our parents never made us a "messenger" between them or talked negatively about the other to us, which I am very thankful for - and what helped us a lot to get used to the new situation. Later, when I told someone that my parents were separated, I was quick to add that I'd have it no other way - as I wouldn't want to miss the new addition to my family and my two younger half-brothers for anything in the world! So I'd say that although it was a challenging time for all of us, so many new happy threads of life spun off of it - and this is what I hope for all of you as well.

    Sending you the best wishes and a bright future as a Christmas thought over the ocean. Hugs to those cute kids of yours, Johanna

    P.S. There is another great Chinese proverb I'd like to share - "You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."

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  18. Kim says…

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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  19. dawn says…

    Dear Ali,

    I'm so sorry to hear this, my heart aches for you. So many have already commented and I DITTO everyone of them.

    You are so special and have a gift that you share with us daily, many of us like me look up to you and learn from your examples. Isn't it funny that most of us haven't meet but you hold a special piece in all our lives and hearts.

    God needs to create more women like you in this world. Thank you for letting us know how things were going and sharing this hurtful part of your life with us. I am from a divorced family and the one thing I'm still wishing for is my parents to get along, instead we have seprate parties for holiday's and birthdays which isn't always fun. So I do believe you are on the right and positive path with your new life. Bring as much positive and love into your life for you and the kids.

    You are in my prayers and sending you and those precious kids of yours big hugs, smiles, hope, energy, peace thru the holidays.

    Love Dawn

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  20. Lara says…

    My heart goes out to you. I don't even "know" you, yet I am saddened by this news. You are an amazing Mom and a super strong woman. Wishing you the best and praying for your sweet little family. :)

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  21. Lorette C says…

    You are in my thoughts and prayers! It is very courageous of you to share this with your readers. I wish you and your children all the best this holiday season.

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  22. Kim H says…

    I admire your grace and dignity and what must be a very heart wrenching time in your life.
    My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time.

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  23. Vera says…

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Ali! I hope to be as courageous as you one day...always speaking from the heart.

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  24. peggy says…

    This is what I like best about you - you are real and share. I now capture life's memories all because of you, your my first read of the day and Mary Ann Moss (you introduced me to her via your blog) is my second. I wish you the best, your parents, friends and faith will continue to make you the beautiful person that you are. Love your pictures and stories of Simon and Anna.

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  25. Maria says…

    Hello, Ali,

    First of all, let me say how sorry I am to hear about what you are going through. Allow me to share an African saying that resonated with me when I was going through some dark days - "No matter how long the night, the dawn will break". Wishing you all the best.


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