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Siblings | Traditional Scrapbook Layout

I started the day yesterday with a tweet and a facebook post that said, "I've got a layout in my head that I want to make happen today."

Of course, the one I was imagining was not exactly what I ended up with but it was a good experiment and experience.

In my mind I envisioned a background full of handwriting. I ended up with half a page of embossed handwriting paired with journaling inter-mixed between the lines.

Here's a look at the completed page:

And here's a look at the process:

Using a Martha Stewart fine-tip glue pen, I hand-wrote some words onto cardstock. The trick here was that the glue is invisible so I couldn't see where my words were placed on the cardstock. I knew that I wanted to emboss on top of those words so I poured on a bit of Zing powder before doing a few more lines of handwriting.

I wrote on about half the page and then used a heat gun to set. This was my first time using a glue pen + embossing powder + heat gun and the results were okay. The embossed portion didn't end up as smooth as I'd hoped. I think I need to use a "real" embossing pen next time instead of a glue pen.

I also ended up burning the background cardstock a bit. There were a couple areas that turned brown from too much heat.

That said I decided to just go with it.

I knew I wanted to work with these colors and embellishments so I decided to rub ink on top of the embossed handwriting (once it was dry).

I used some chalk ink from this set. I started with the brown and then decided I'd rather have the blue.

And then I painted over the top with gesso (essentially white paint).

On the bottom half of the page I added a piece of polka dot pattern paper (unknown source) and painted gesso on top of it too.

Next I grabbed my other supplies.

I cut a couple words out with the Silhouette and ended up using one along the bottom. It was one that I just hand-drew and it's not currently part of a set of word art but I do have a set about siblings available here. I was having trouble getting the Silhouette to cut through the cardstock - wondering if maybe I need a new blade? My settings were the same as I've been using recently when it was cutting just fine. How often do you need a new blade?

For this layout I wanted to use two Instagram shots of Simon and Anna on a rope swing at a local indoor play place.

You can see the texture of the embossed handwriting a bit better in this image.

Intermixed between the lines of embossed handwriting I wrote my journaling using a .01 Precision Pen from American Crafts.

The combination of tags and arrows includes: Heidi Swapp Disco Arrows, Oromlu Go Negative Tags stamped with my Ordinary Days stamps using gold chalk ink, a pattern label tab from American Crafts, a yellow tag from the new Martha Stewart collection at Staples, and a playing card from this month's Studio Calico kit.

I also added a bit of zig-zag stitching connecting the background cardstock and the polka dot pattern paper.

Along the bottom I stapled the "siblings" word art I cut with the Silhouette on top of the photos. I just ended up stapling it with a Tiny Attacher on both ends.

To finish it off I inked the outside edge of the page with gold chalk ink.

This is one of those pages that's got really nice texture when viewed in person and I'm not sure it translates all that well online. Totally worth playing around with and I'm definitely going to seek out an actual embossing pen.

JOURNALING | The two of you. Amazing. In a place right now that's all about finding your own place and discovering yourself (kinda the place where I find myself too). The three of us are establishing new routines and new ways of being together. We are loving each other in the middle of growing and changing and learning new stuff. Exactly the way it should be. I love that you have each other and that you give kisses and hugs and look out for each other. That's a big piece of being in a family.


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60 thoughts

  1. aliza says…

    I love seeing your traditional pages. you always manage to add lots of texture, but keep it looking clean at the same time. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Stephanie George says…

    Ali, So happy to see a layout like this that has such tender hearted journaling. My parents went through a separation for a while when I was in college. I was old enough that I could talk to them about what they were feeling and what was going on. And I've looked back on those times so often in the past few years. In some ways, I feel like it has strengthened my own marriage, because I realized that life isn't always easy. I love seeing that you are sharing some of your thoughts and feelings with your kids, even if it's just at this level. It will be something nice for them to look back at and see how you chose to handle the situation that you are in. They'll realize that you always chose to keep your head up and look at the positives... a opportunity to grow and find yourself. I commend you for being so open and brave. And thanks as always for sharing with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Dori says…

    Wow! Beautiful layout, sweet journaling, straight from your heart. And I always learn the neatest little tricks from you. Thanks, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Cindy says…

    Can't help but notice that the tags and such all include arrows, pointing "up". Was that a subconscious thought? That "one little word" is always in the back of our mind. (Mine's believe) Love the layout. I need to try the embossing powder thing, haven't attempted that technique yet!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Not subconscious at all :). Totally done on purpose.

  5. patty says…

    L*O*V*E this layout! i am so into texture... i will have to try out an embossing pen! awesome job ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jen says…

    Awesome layout!
    Ditto on the tinfoil trick. I replaced my first blade fairly shortly after getting my Silhouette but since then I have just been cutting tinfoil once I notice my blade getting dull and haven't had to replace a blade since (over a year). Good luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Wendy says…

    Just going to have to try this - I've been wanting a reason to get an embossing pen - thanks, Ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Karen Walker says…

    Hi, I didn't have time to read through all the comments, but recently I read on Nichol Magouirk's blog that it's often not the blade on the Silhouette that needs changing, but the cutting mat. Recently I was having the same problem, and changing the mat solved the problem.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Cool - thanks for that tip.

  9. Anthea says…

    Love how textural this pages is.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Deanna Lynn says…

    Thanks Ali--your insights are really helpful. I am an avid writer and appreciate your perspective. I never know when a particular story will pop up in my writing. Sometimes I end up not including the story in an album because it does not fit in chronologically. I like your approach of letting the story drive the process!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. TWarner says…

    Love the layout!

    I have never been able to emboss with a Versamarker. It seems like mine is too dry for embossing powder to stick.

    I do, however, LOVE the embossing pen from Ranger. It comes in a two-pack (one black, one clear), and powder sticks really well to the ink.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Angie says…

    Customer service at told me that they suggested replacing the blade every 6 months.(on the Cameo...convo 2/13/12) Beautiful layout. I love that you kept the scorched areas.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Angie!

  13. ANGI B says…

    love this so much! silhouette is on my wish list right now. i'd probably run it into the ground.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Karina says…

      I have a Silhouette for sale. I never used before. There are two rolls of vinyl included. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks ! Karina

  14. Sandy B says…

    Love the handwriting background. Thanks for the inspiration...going to adapt for my Valentine pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Charline says…

    Nice opportunity to try wonderful products

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Dogmatix says…

    What a great technique. I will definately be trying this, it looks fantastic.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Annette says…

    Love this Ali! Have not seen the embossing your handwriting trick--love it! Love how you included Up in your layout. Just beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Julie Ebersole says…

    Cool idea! Just wanted to mention that glue pens will often "bubble" when you try to heat emboss with embossing powder over the top--a good embossing pen will often do a much better job, and no bubbling. :)

    You might also achieve better effects using a "detail" or fine grind embossing powder, as opposed to regular grind. It doesn't have as high a loft as regular grind, but by the same token, it may have a smoother finish (less bumpy). Another thing to try, if you want a "fine" hand-writing line to emboss, try writing with an ERASABLE ball point pen and applying embossing powder over that. ;)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Julie - great tips!

  19. Kelsey says…

    I think this is the perfect place for me to.comment and ask you something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. With Baby #2 on the way I've quickly felt anxious both about the new edition (naturally) as well as about the fact that I feel i've done a lack luster job of documenting my first son's life so far. I've read your tips on scrapbooking the past and it has been extremely helpful both fundamentally and emotionally. I a mom (who is also going to school full-time to get my masters in Early Childhood Education) with limited you have any tips on how to do a better job documenting this time around? Also, how do you find balance between your layouts with two children?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Kelsey says…

      That sounds great! Thank you in advance! :)

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Kelsey - I'm working on a response for you :). I think I will use it for a post later this week.

  20. dawn says…

    Ali, what a sweet layout and journaling. Love the way you combine the two, always comes from the heart. Hoping you do more layouts this year, I love love your layouts. It inspires me to keep scrapping.

    Oh and nice to see that you play with products too, it came out beautiful!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Beth says…

    Hi Ali! On my Silhouette SD, I find I replace mine about every 3 months, but that's with pretty heavy use. When I've called Silhouette before, they had me double cut as well. I usually use Bazzill card stock so it is much thicker. I also use the deeper cut setting, like for magnetic paper, as otherwise I can't get a clean cut line. This makes my mats wear out quicker too. BUT, I love the results so I don't mind replacing more often.

    Love your layout and journaling! The tag layers are wonderful!

    Reply 0 Replies

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