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Week In The Life 2012 | Friday Words + Photos

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday


Any one else feel like this week just flew by? I can't believe it's Friday night already.

I'm looking forward to capturing a weekend here at home with nothing on the agenda other than being together.

Here's a look at my Friday in photos (most are un-edited):

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Week In The LIfe 2012 | Friday

Week In The Life 2012 | Friday

Also wanted to take a minute to say thank you for your comments and for sharing your own lives this week. The sharing of ideas and lives is one of my favorite pieces of this project.


I'd love to have you include a link to your FRIDAY of words and photos here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

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51 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    Love the picture of Simon holding Anna's hand in the car. My almost 3 year old does this with the baby. So cute.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. dawn says…

    What a lovely day of photos. Is Chris and Simon playing rock, papers, scissors?? LOVE THAT!! How sweet you got the one of them holding hands. What a great way to spend Friday night, the last one is precious! Pretty ones from your yard also.

    I have enjoyed peeking at other blogs thru the week also, so amazing to see everyone's take on this. Thank you Ali for sharing this project with us and little bits of your life also.

    Hang in there everyone for the home stretch!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Becky says…

    Thank you Ali for letting us into your life and giving us the opportunity to do this awesome project with you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jennifer says…

    I know he's sitting but in the pic of Simon and Chris, Simon looks so big and looks like he's gotten really tall. Has he had a growth spurt? Have enjoyed your words/photos this week.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I don't think he's ever stopped - always been on the tall end and just keeps going.

  5. Michelle L says…

    I love that last photo of Anna leaning on you. It's so sweet. This week really did fly by!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. paula says…

    Allie-I've really enjoyed your photos! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Dana says…

    I joined this project at the last minute, deciding to participate last Sunday. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance that has helped me to document this week in the life of my family. Looking at us through my camera's lens has opened my eyes to the little moments each day that equate to LIFE. I can't thank you enough for encouraging the participants to *just do it*. It's been a fantastic experience and I look forward to putting it all together.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That's so wonderful - totally what I experience too.

  8. Marie says…

    The picture of Simon giving hand to Anna is so nice! Have a nice week-end Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kathy says…

    Loving the "everyday life" pics. I can't wait to see your pages next week. Really enjoying this project again this are amazing coming up with these little projects that mean so much to your family and you are willing to share with others so they can mean so much to their own families....sharing your creative gift, now that is something I am so grateful for. When I stumbled onto your WITL a few years ago I didn't even know there was such a thing as a digital template so I created my pages in a word document (very basic) but that little 8x8 book still means so much to me and with each year the album progresses showing how our lives have evolved. Thanks Ali Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Paula says…

    Very sweet slices of life, each and every day. You have documented an important everyday week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jeannie says…

    I do a travel blog, but have the goal of doing a much more personal blog about my life with my guy as we travel. I just wish my personal photos looked better, I struggle with trying to do a better job of learning my camera. Have signed up for some free classes online, and hope that will help. You are such an inspiration, Ali! Thank you for sharing such an intimate glimpse into your life with photos of your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Alison says…

    have really enjoyed having a glimpse into your week Ali..TFS!
    Alison xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Ann says…

    Ali, you said you lost your remote shutter, so how are you doing your self portraits? Are you putting your camera on a tripod, focusing on a spot where you think you'll be standing, and then setting the timer?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Margie S says…

      I do like Ali does but I also set my cameras timer to take more than one picture in a row (my camera goes up to 10 - many low level DSLRs and mid to high end point & shoots have this feature). This allows me to move around a bit doing what I am trying to capture and gives me more opportunity to get one or two good shots. It's fun to experiment. I also focus on a spot that is right about where I think I or what I want to capture will be. It's fun!!

    2. Ali says…

      I haven't used my tri-pod once this week. They've all been sitting on a counter, chair, shelf, window sill, etc. I set the camera down, usually open up the lens (make it a wide shot), and then click the shutter and go sit or stand or whatever it is I want to capture myself doing. There's some trial and error involved, but I'm not going for anything close to perfection (but I do want to be in-focus if possible).

  14. J3SS1C4 says…

    Great pics yet again, Ali! I love having a look at the ones you post each day and admiring your sweet family! Anna and Simon holding hands is the cutest ever. It's great to see that they're so close most of the time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. EE K says…

    Yes, this week is definitely going by fast.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Mary-Kay says…

    Hi Ali,
    I'm wondering how you are using the timer on your camera and if it is on your DSLR or your iPhone. I don't understand how it stays in focus. I love that you are actually IN your photos as well.Can you explain your process?

    Thanks so much!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Timer on the DSLR - haven't tried it on my iphone yet. All the shots have been sitting on a counter, chair, shelf, window sill, etc. I set the camera down, usually open up the lens (make it a wide shot), and then click the shutter and go sit or stand or whatever it is I want to capture myself doing. There’s some trial and error involved, but I’m not going for anything close to perfection (but I do want to be in-focus if possible). I take one, see how it looks and if I need to adjust because the focus is way off (like all the background and none of the foreground) then I'll do it again - maybe holding my hand out in front of the lens to get it to focus on something in the foreground vs. the background.

  17. Chris says…

    I have seriously been enjoying your photos this year, Ali. Maybe even enjoying them more than I had previously since I'm actually remembering to play along all week long.

    I, too, find myself having the same photos day-after-day sometimes, as you'd spoken about earlier in the week. And I am finding myself taking certain photos, purposefully, each day -- meals, a representation of the shows we watch through the week, of the toys my son plays with, the places we go....

    I also have found myself trying to "copy" some of your photos. Not the actually photo itself, but the concept -- moving away from the activity and having a shot showing the activity within the bigger picture, putting my camera on the floor/counter/table and making sure I'm in the shot somehow (if only my hands, and sometimes all of me). It has been a wonderful process.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Awesome. That's how I've always learned - trial and error and trying again :).

  18. Katherine Ware says…

    Oh, my heart just melted at the photo of Simon and Anna holding hands. They are so sweet together!! I've so enjoyed looking at your week, Ali, and love the inspiration you give with the photos you take. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. M says…

    I also would like to hear more about how you do the photos of yourself. They are really great. Somehow when I hit the timer and run it is always awkward. Can you show us what kind of tripod you use and how you set it up and the whole process of including yourself in the photos?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I actually haven’t used my tri-pod once this week. They’ve all been taken with my camera sitting on a counter, chair, shelf, window sill, etc. I set the camera down, usually open up the lens (make it a wide shot), and then click the shutter and go sit or stand or whatever it is I want to capture myself doing. There’s some trial and error involved, but I’m not going for anything close to perfection (but I do want to be in-focus if possible).

  20. Jennifer Kellogg says…

    Great inspiration - thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Hedwig says…

    Hi Ali, please be proud of yourself to be including Chris into the kids and your lives. I've seen it so different with friends and seen the kids suffer from that. I love this project, and your thoughts on repeating stories. Made me feel less inadequate, life has it repetitive moments and it is good to notice that too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Deb J says…

    Ali, it is so nice to see the love your family has for each other. I love the picture of Simon holding Anna's hand. It's also neat that you can include everything in their lives even the hurtful things. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle Huegel says…

    thanks for sharing your life with us, you are an inspiration! I've enjoyed this week and documenting the little things. Your photos are so awesome, I love how you use angle and lighting to capture the feeling of a moment.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Randa says…

    Always love seeing the unedited versions-still such great shots. And....I'm gonna need that chair/settee/couch-thing you've got goin' there ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Leanne in CA says…

    Love your pictures from this week! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Have a great weekend.

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