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Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday Words + Photos

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday


Today was a good day.

We went for a super long bike ride around town that included stops along the way for checking things out, for rest, and for lunch (and when I mean super long I mean we were away from home for 3.5 hours or so). I'm actually amazed that Simon made it the whole way - it crossed my mind more than once to call a friend to come pick us up. You'll see a photo of him below when we got home and he laid down on the sidewalk and proceeded to literally fall asleep on the ground. Other than that adventure we did a lot of just hanging out.

A couple notes on self-portraits: I never did find my camera remote so I've just been setting my camera on chairs, counters, etc as I've gone about my week. My process is to find someplace or something to set the camera on, open up the lens (usually I go as wide as I can or at least 1/2 of that - my lens is a 24-70 and it can get most of a room in a shot), set the timer on, press the button, and get back in position. I then check it and if it's decent I go with it. I wrote to someone in the comments yesterday that I'm not striving for perfect with these shots - I simply want a representation of what was. If it's super out of focus I'll try again, usually putting my hand out in front of the lens and pressing the button half-way down to get it to focus on the foreground and then pushing the button again to begin the timer.

ONE MORE DAY | You can do it. I can do it. And even if you are just seeing this now you could do it too - do it for one day or begin your own week.

Next week I'll be sharing how I put my album together - incorporating the words and photos I've collected. In case you missed it a few weeks back, here's my design plan.

Here's a look at some shots from my Saturday:

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday

Week In The Life 2012 | Saturday


I'd love to have you include a link to your SATURDAY of words and photos here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

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TODAY'S SPONSOR GIVEAWAYS | Check out today's giveaways from all the Week In The Life 2012 Title Sponsors, including Simon Says Stamp.

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52 thoughts

  1. Paula in Australia says…

    Hi Ali I didn't participate in WITL but have so enjoyed your week. Thanks for sharing and as usual thanks for inspiring a nation. Kind Regards

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Anne-Marie says…

      Isn't that the truth. Ali, I know you've had a challenging year, but know that you inspire people, all over the world, every day.

  2. Colleen says…

    Hi Ali,

    Thank you for such a great week! I am looking forward to pulling together my WITL pages for the first time ever. :-)

    I was just starting to work on my Photoshop files for WITL. I am not sure if anyone mentioned this to you yet, but I noticed that the Sunday page in the Designer Digitals WITL set (AEdwards_WeekInTheLifeVol4_8halfx11_Sunday.psd) has Sunday listed as the 28th. I fixed it no problem on my copy, but I just thought I'd let you know. Am SO excited to use these templates!

    Have a great Sunday! -Colleen

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. J3SS1C4 says…

    Way to go Simon managing to last for such a long ride! Sounds like you guys had a really fun day! Love you photos today, especially the one of Anna in the car and the one's of the kids asleep. Thank you so much for hosting this project again, I really have enjoyed doing it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Mary-Lou says…

    I think besides recording my own week, what I have enjoyed the most is seeing from around the world what other normal, regular, routine days look like for people. In some of the blog posts that were in a language I did not understand I used online translation. We are more a like than different. Cheers Ali for your peace keeping work to bring us together :-)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. dawn says…

      I agree!! LOVE THIS PART !

    2. Ilona says…

      Same here! It's great to take a look around the world that way!
      Thank you Ali!

  5. iHanna says…

    Great photos, the first one of Simon holding up his lego makes me smile, reminding me of my brother when he was a kid, always holding up his toys when I wanted to take a photo (often in front of his face) probably because they were IMPORTANT to him. :-)

    Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. dawn says…

    GO SIMON GO!!!!

    Love your day Ali, filled with love and fun with the kids. Your pictures always make me smile.

    Thanks for the tips on self-timer photos. I did better on mine today and hope to get more today, getting a haircut!!

    Enjoy the last day everyone!! Thanks again Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ruby C says…

    Your photos are always so wonderful. Thanks for sharing your life and your Saturday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Juli says…

    Ali - I love the pictures of Simon laying on the sidewalk at the end of the bike ride and Ana asleep on the back of your bike - so real life! I've also really enjoyed that you've included pictues of Simon not wanting to play along this week. I get a lot of that when I try any kind of project where continual pictures are happening (WITL, PL, Project 365). I have lots of shots of my teenager making a face or sticking her tongue out. I'm embracing it and just including it because this is who she is right now. Life is not perfect...this is all about the everyday. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ruth G says…

      Juli, I totally agree with you. I could get frustrated with the lack of cooperation, but if I embrace it as part of who they are, then there will be a record of that instead of a big gap in pictures!

  9. Ann says…

    That was me that asked the question about how you're doing your self portraits. I have a remote shutter that focuses when I hit the button, but then in all my pictures, it's very noticeable that I'm either holding the remote shutter or I'm missing a hand in the picture (if I'm trying to hide the remote shutter). I have to stop being so picky =P
    I'll try the timer but I know it's tricky getting the camera to focus if there's nothing to focus on.
    So how in the world did you take that picture of you and the kids in the car? Do you have a dashboard mount for your iPhone or something?
    Love all your pictures, and you have such amazing light in your house!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Michelle says…

      I'm not sure how Ali does it, but I stop the car, put my DSLR on the dash, set my timer & pretend to be driving! That's how I do it. :)

    2. Ali says…

      Yep - DSLR on the dashboard.

  10. Marcia Scantlin says…

    What unbelievable giveaways. Glad you had such a fun outing and that Simon made it through. Way to go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jennifer says…

    Wow, amazing giveaways....thanks so much for the chance to win. Looks like you had a great Saturday, I am looking forward to some bike rides when the weather warms up a bit.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Debbie W says…

    Every time I see your yellow kitchen stool I smile - we had that exact stool when I was little! (but it was not 'vintage' back then... :-)

    thanks for sharing your life with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. mel says…

    Love the story of the bikeride and how wonderful to remember that being a kid can be all about just falling asleep - wonderful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Darla says…

    Love that you can make your own stamps! So cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Tami says…

    triathlete magazine?!?!?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…
  16. Ruth G says…

    What a great way to get out and enjoy the day! It looks like Anna really enjoyed herself on the bike ride! If Simon is anything like my son, he worries about not having enough time to do the playing that he's been thinking about. Getting out to do anything is really challenging, although once we're out, he usually does enjoy himself. Good for you for sticking it out. The mind is a powerful thing (I think especially in kids on the spectrum) and if you can get them to cooperate, they can enjoy themselves doing something they didn't expect, even if they feel wiped out in the end.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. anne says…

    I love your pics. They are so... real. Blurry or not!


    Reply 0 Replies
  18. CathyJean says…

    What a great picture of Simon with his helmet on. This has been such a great week. Love everyone's words and photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Andi Sexton says…

    What a great Saturday! I love the shots of Simon with his shoe off.. so real! And Anna snoozing on the back of the bike. And now.. I want pancakes!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. dawn g says…

    The picture of Simon on the driveway is the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. angela g a says…

    Thanks for sharing this incredible project with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Amy H. says…

    Ali, I'm not sure how expensive your camera remote was, but you can get an app for your iPhone that can act as the remote for your camera. Since I always know where my phone is, I thought this was a great thing when I first heard about it. I haven't actually bought it yet, but now you've reminded me that I wanted to! I thought it might be a good alternative for you. Amy

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kathy L says…

    Thanks for sharing your photos. They have definitely inspired me to take more pictures along the way to show what a typical week really is like at this point in our lives, baseball games, homework, as well as the laundry and cleaning. It's all of life's little moments as well as the big.

    Loved this weeks giveaways! Hoping to win 1!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Fiona says…

    Great pictures, Ali! I love seeing pictures of your every day life. You are a real inspiration to me (and I guess to many others) with your simple and authentic approach on memory keeping. Thank you once again for inspiring and inviting us to be part of this mammoth project! I love looking back on my week already. Looking forward to putting it all together and holding it in my hands!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. cindy says…

    classic shot of Simon on the ground w/ one shoe on! love your day!

    Reply 0 Replies

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