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Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday Words + Photos

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday


One of the things I wanted to do today was go around the house and take some shots of stuff.

Why? Because those are some of the sorts of photos I'd like to see from when I was a kid. How cool would it be to have a shot of my whole bedroom, or a shot of what I had on my own bookshelf or be able to see what was in my own closet or chest of drawers (Simon actually uses the same chest of drawers in his closet that held my clothes as a kid). This peripheral stuff from our everyday (like closets and dishes) are the kind of content that can be added to any day this week where you might have a few less photos (and are also great for Project Life too). I've always loved seeing a combination of up-close and far away shots that showcase the environments in which we spend so much of our time.

Follow up from Wednesday: Anna was feeling better today and we've got a make-up appointment for Simon with the neurologist today.

Here's a look at some of my images for Thursday:

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Katie took the next couple of shots while I was out to dinner with friends.

The fact that Simon shows himself to her through the lens tells a lot about their relationship.

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday

Week In The Life 2012 | Thursday


I'd love to have you include a link to your THURSDAY of words and photos here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

With the Playbook in iBooks format, it means you can open, zoom, and scroll through the interactive galleries; watch embedded videos, and tap links to open web pages with more resources; it's part of The Digi Game membership at The Daily Digi. Your membership also includes at least $50 worth of digital scrapbook supplies all of this for only $7.50 per month. The Playbook is also available as a PDF.


TODAY'S SPONSOR GIVEAWAYS | Check out today's giveaways from Big Picture Classes and Elle's Studio.

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71 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    Gorgeous photos Ali. Great idea taking pictures of the ordinary stuff. Thanks so much for the inspiration for Week in the Life. I love what it has made me do this week and love that my children will have this to look back on.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ilona says…

    :) the last two pictures made me smile!!
    Thank you Ali for sharing your photos and stories!
    Great idea to take some photos around the house, how it looks like today, esp. as we are going to have new furniture in a few weeks and it will look completely different next year when doing WITL 2013.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. EE K says…

    Another great idea for photos. I have been having a hard time picking up my camera this week but I definitely want to take photos around the house today!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Marie says…

    Nice pictures. Your house seems to be a very nice place where to live, I really like the way things are organised in the closets (again very inspiring for me!). Your kids are beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kathy says…

    Loving your daily photos....I enlisted 2 friends to do WITL this year with me and they are getting so much enjoyment out of it so it makes me thrilled so I'm sure you are thrilled with the wonderful participation of all these people. Thanks for coming up with such meaningful interesting projects (ie WITL and DD). Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. dawn says…

    These are great photos and shows how lovely your home is also. Love the colors and the brightness of your rooms. So glad Anna is feeling better and Simon has appt today, thanks for the update. Love that the kids played so well and Katie got pictures of BOTH the kids.

    Have you been working on your PL during this week? I'm looking thru photos today and deciding which ones to use for PL.

    Have a great weekend!

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I have last week all ready to go (wk 16 I think) for a post - was just waiting to get through the week in the life posts this week.

    2. dawn says…

      Thanks for answering my question Ali, I noticed you haven't posted anything about in your daily photos this week so was wondering if you did anything.

      I'm thinking of doing a paper only week soon, especially after this week full of photos.

    3. Ali says…

      Totally right - and I've done "stuff-only" weeks before in there. I was thinking about doing a couple enlarged photos or something else more "playful" as a representation of the week. Actually feeling excited by the challenge of what to add in there.

    4. Ali says…

      Haven't been working on it but have been thinking about an approach...not sure yet.

    5. Pidgen says…

      Ali, this is completely random, but you mentioned a few weeks ago, wanting to do a PL spread that included nothing but "stuff". I'm not sure if you're going to do a digital-only book, but PL would be an awesome catch-all for the ephemera. :)

  7. Mari K says…

    Your photos are great. I love the idea of taking pictures of your "stuff". You're right, it would be nice to have pictures of my things when I was younger. My son is always asking me about what toys I had and stuff, it would be nice to be able to show him. I'll take some pictures like this and someday when his kids ask him what his toys were like he CAN show them :) I am having a great time working on this project! Have a wonderful day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Susi from Germany says…

    Call me weird: I just looove the shot of the white dishes stacked neatly :-) This time - 4th time - WITL feels kinda easy for me. Don't know why. I don't take a load of pictures, just going with the flow. Planning the same thing for the digital album, just clean and simple! :-) Thanks for the inspiration, Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Carolyn K says…

      you are not weird- or if you are, then I am too... that shot, that mood- the feeling of the photo of dishes stacked- white on white is just 100% pure... reminds me of Ali's word of the year last year... which was LIGHT. :-)

  9. CathyJean says…

    Love your pictures-great ideas and inspiration. Have enjoyed the week. I haven't taken as many pictures as I would have liked. I feel like I need another week! Thank you for helping me to examine my everyday life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Karen says…

    Wonderful photos, I too wish I had shots like this from when I was a child! I know I have been ensuring that in my PL now I have LOTS for my two children to look back on in the future :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. mel says…

    Great stuff photos. Great photos as always and inspiration. Didn't get chance to upload yesterday's pictures but I'm going with it..... Life sometimes just happens right? Tell me I'm right.

    : )

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…


  12. Kim S (nerdgrl) says…

    I'm finding I'm taking a lot more pics of my "stuff" since I'm concentrating on me this week, rather than us (which suits my husband just fine). Pics of what I'm reading, listening to, the messiness of my desk, my SBing stuff, etc. Love the last two pics of the kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Marya says…

    Amazing photos for the day. Love the combination of stuff and people. Thanks for all the inspiration - it's my first year and I'm doing this with a friend as well. I seriously already looking forward to next year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Carla G. says…

    Great giveaways! We loved Kidding Around in past summers . . . it's neat to go back and see the scrapbook pages the kids and I made during this and remember the fun stuff we did (even clean rooms!). Loving the Elle's Studio pieces! Thanks for sharing your life, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. kristen says…

    love the everyday-ness of your work, as ever, ali - & got a little catch in my throat at the shot of chris' unadorned hand holding the coffee cup . . . it must be weird to have virtual strangers feeling fairly deeply for you during such a personal challenge, but we do. & you inspire me all the more for being brave enough to share pieces of it with us. thank you for your courage + your art. amazing, you. :)

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. Julie MacManus says…

      what a really nice way to let ali know we are all thinking of her at this time and sending good positive thoughts :> we admire you for sharing , thanks

    2. Carmen Pauls Orthner says…

      I was very struck by that image as well. Also LOVED the shot of Simon laughing for Katie behind the camera, and that you explained about the significance of that.

    3. Alexandra says…

      that photo tugged at my heart too.
      sending hugs and love to you, Ali.
      always so inspired by you - on so many levels.

    4. dawn says…

      I agree, well said.

    5. Elizabeth H. says…

      Ditto to this...

    6. Sarah R says…

      Same here...

  16. Jennifer Levin says…

    Ali, I've SO enjoyed seeing all your photos this week. I love the way you capture your home, the children and yourself. Your photos truly speak volumes! I especially love today photos.

    Thank you so much for always sharing your life here with us! You are such an inspiration to me. Have a great weekend! ~Jennifer

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. lee says…

    I love the picture of the chalkboard...that you can just kind of see the kitty cat stretching out on the back of the couch makes it even more charming. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Dana says…

    Great photos Ali! And the shot of Chris' hand without his wedding ring is so subtle in its everydayness but also so clear in its statement. I'm inspired by the way you are sharing this personal challenge...even though I know it is only a glimpse. It has me wondering if I would be able to handle a similar situation with such courage and grace.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Carmen Pauls Orthner says…


  19. Helen says…

    i am endlessly amazed and inspired by your grace through all of the process you are living.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. KathE says…

    Thanks for the idea of documenting the here and now. Just took pics of laundry room and refrigerator contents.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Lalia H says…

    That very first picture makes me really smile. We had those exact two metal barstools while I was her age. (And they were vintage back then!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Dette says…

    You're pics always look great! You're family and home look great!

    I just realized how much Simon has grown! I remember seeing his pictures when he was still very young from scrapbook pages you've made of him in Creating Keepsakes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Suzanne says…

    I really like the picture of Anna washing her hands. I have a 2 year old and 5 year old and they both love to wash their hands and play in the sink. My 2 year old always wants to do it by herself. I never thought to take a picture of them washing their hands, going to have to do that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Alison j says…

    I love the greenness of your area, it seems so refreshing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Becky says…

    Love these pictures. I often think of the house I grew up in and would love to have pictures of the wall paper in the kitchen and things. Great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies

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