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December Daily™ 2012 | Day Twelve

Yesterday was one of those really normal December days. Work, school, etc. We've been having a lot of those lately and I'm savoring them.

That and the twinkle lights. They are everywhere and I love just sitting downstairs in the evening and soaking it all in - definitely a favorite for me. Last night I also made a fire in the fireplace which made it even that much better (and Simon ate all his meatloaf).

Little things. Love them.

On the photo I added some new word art that will be available tomorrow as part of a collection called "All I Want For Christmas."

For the journaling I decided to do one of my favorite repetitive techniques - using "around here" as the beginning of each sentence. It's a great way to quickly and simply list out some of the things that are happening around here right now.

I also sprayed this journal card with some of Heidi's Gold Lame Color Shine. Looks less like dirt and more like gold sparkle here at home.

Here's a link of all my days so far for 2012:


Click on the images to link to the products.


Two Peas in a Bucket is a small company located in beautiful Middleton, Wisconsin, in a warehouse (recently painted 4 different shades of green) housing 1000s of scrapbooking products in two connected spaces. From this space 1000s of packages are shipped to 150 different countries 5 days a week. Each one packed with special wishes for inspiration and creativity with the scrapbooking products. Two Peas was created in February of 1999 by husband and wife team Jeffrey and Kristina who are not only in it for the Long Haul, but who have also brought in people from all aspects of their lives to help along the way. The Two Peas family consists of family members, best friends, spouses, friends, and those who we picked up along the way that have been claimed as our (their) own. We have fun everyday. We laugh everyday. We believe in working hard, playing hard and celebrating our successes.


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16 thoughts

  1. Megan says…

    Love the simplicity.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mrs. b says…

    Love the peek into Annas(?) room! Sounds nice with some normal December days! (Here there's been so many different things going on lately that I just long for a few of those moments sat down on the couch...)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Mindi says…

    Love today's page. Was thinking about doing a recap page myself. Lots of stuff, every day and christmas, going on here. And I soooo love the twinkle too. So thank you for the wonderful inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Brooke says…

    Really love the lots of little bits in your 'around here' journaling!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Veronica Peralta says…

    Love the simple but very elegant way you put all the things together. The attention to details amaze me every time I see your page. You're full of inspiration. I hope, one day, I can do one too... Thanks so much for inspiring us always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. J3SS1C4 says…

    Super cute photo! I"m looking forward to the release of the new products, as well!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Mallory says…

    Wonderful. I'm glad you're savoring the season. I'm trying to but it's going so fast, and working 8 hour days don't help. I'm enjoying the little things with my 2 year old though. He loves our tree, but doesn't mess with it (thank god!) and he loves picking a book to unwrap every night. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Paula says…

    Wonderful once again! We are having the same types of "around here's" at our house...lots of twinkle, sprinkled with a combo of Christmas magic and everyday frustrations. I enjoyed reading yesterday that you had a talk with Simon about autism...we had a similar talk today about sensory disorder, Aspergers and the neverending anxiety that my 15 year old has. It definitely sets the stage on many days in our house for the type of day we experience. I struggle with what to journal and what to leave out, especially in the Dec Daily. You inspire me to stick to the positive memories and remind myself that even if the day had it's share of meltdowns, panic attacks and nonstop worry, it also had it's share of hugs, reassurance and perseverance....sorry to ramble tonight, just feeling so "full" of all of these emotions.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thank you for sharing Paula - not rambling at all. I totally get it.

  9. dawn says…

    What a cute picture this is, love the peek into her room. HOORAY for around her and normal days. We have been doing that too, lots of card playing going on and Sam is making his own snowflakes to hang up. We are still waiting for the first big snow so maybe these will help bring on the snow.

    HOORAY FOR SIMON EATING HIS MEATLOAF!! I sit each night before bed with just the twinkle lights on too, makes me go right to sleep when I hit that pillow. Will miss it when we take them down.

    I had a question about the remote you use for your camera. Do all camera remotes go with any camera or is each one specifically made. Can't remember what you've said in the past about this. Would love to get one if possible. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think they probably have generic ones Dawn - I ordered a Canon one.

  10. patty says…

    great way to knock out journaling!
    last year i remember using your "loving" prompt!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Deena says…

    There is so much about that photo that is beautiful, but my eye went right to the glass doorknob. It reminds me of my grandpa's bungalow from when I was a little girl. :) Thanks for that!

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  12. December Daily 2012 | Day Eighteen | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Day Twelve [...]

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  13. December Daily 2012 | Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Day Twelve [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. December Daily™ 2012 | Day Nineteen | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Day Twelve [...]

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