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How Do You Read Blogs?

Have you read the news that Google Reader is going away?

Which leads me to my next question...

How do you read blogs these days?

Via a reader? Via email? Via bookmarks?

I've been using Feedly for a bit now and love the clean streamlined design plus it looks great on my ipad which is where I tend to read blogs the most (thanks to Peppermint for the tip on that one a few months back). I also just have a set of bookmarks in Firefox toolbar that includes blogs I like to visit from time to time. I do have a couple blogs I subscribe to via email that I really don't want to miss.


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168 thoughts

  1. KarynS says…

    I'm so "old fashioned" when it comes to this), all my blogs are bookmarked. Mostly because I just haven't known any other way. I cant wait to read what others are doing as I've been thinking there was a better way. Funnily enough I was just thinking about looking into Google Reader...I guess not now! Am going to head over & check out Feedly as a starting point.

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  2. Ilona says…

    I have A LOT of bookmarks, did not use any other tool up to now. Maybe it's time to give Feedly a try :-)

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  3. Hope Wallace says…

    Take a peek at Reeder - it is free for the iPad right now (usually $5) and the developers are working on several options/services to replace google reader on the back end.

    The thing I don't like about feedly is if I have a lot of feeds I want to jut look at the titles (if I searching for something or jut want to look at what grabs my eye at any given moment). Reeder is great for that, and for organizing your feeds.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Keine says…

      Well, but feedly does have the "titles" view. Look for a gear icon at the top right corner when you browse a folder.

    2. hope wallace says…

      good to know! thanks!

  4. Sally says…

    I'm so pleased to see that you've been using Feedly! I've just started and I absolutely love it. I've been working on moving all of the blogs that I currently get via BlogLovin' and through email updates over to Feedly to help free up my inbox. The clean, well organised look is just fantastic. You can read more about my love affair with Feedly at Thanks for sharing, Ali! :) S

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brooke says…

    I'll be switching to Feedly. Soon because Google keep taking Reader out of the drop down menu in my email. Grrrr.

    FYI Even though I use Reader I click on your site several times a day if I'm online. Your are my 3rd most clicked page (above my hotmail account and my own blog!!). Ha.

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  6. Lindsey says…

    I transferred from Reader to NewsBlur which I like - it feels a lot like Reader!

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  7. Diane says…

    When I was just on my pc, I read my blogs through the feeder in outlook. Now that I have an iPad and iPhone, I use FeeddlerRSS. It's quick and easy and I don't spend eons clicking from site to site. If I miss days, they are all in there, bolded as unread. Super simple

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jenny says…

    I use Blogger, and have a long list of blogs to which I've subscribed. I pull up Blogger, and click through the link to the blog post. It pops up a new tab in my browser takes me to the blog site itself, where I read it in its original format and presentation. Then I close that tab, and click another link in Blogger to go to the next one. Etc.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jen says…

      is the blogger dashboard reading/blog list google reader? thanks!

  9. Linda Langes says…

    I use Feed Demon and love going to look at my blog list when I want to - not when I'm checking emails which is why I prefer not to sub via email cause it clutters up my inbox. I prefer to keep the two separate.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Gill says…

      I use Feed Demon too, Linda, but sadly, it's going to disappear with Google reader too...

      So, I've just switched to Feedly. It imported all my blog feeds like magic and once I've got used to a new interface, I'm sure we'll get along fine.

  10. Jan K says…

    I have been using Google Reader, but I use Feedly on my iPhone, so I have now put Feedly on my computers and am using it. I read blogs at throughout the day on different platforms, so it is nice to have them all synced.

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  11. Jen Wright says…

    I use "Pulse" app. I couldn't live without it. It's amazing. I can group my blogs, and scroll through them. I use it every night to read all the blogs I follow, including yours. You should check it out and I'll definitely check out feedly. I love learning about new apps! Thanks. Hugs!

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  12. Lisa says…

    I'm trying Bloglovin and so far I like it!

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  13. Tanya says…

    The only feed I have ever used is - it's an *ok* reader - I'd like to find something a little more organized and has more features to filter with. Mine is sorted by date and that's it. It's plain and user friendly.

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  14. Susan says…


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  15. Harriett says…

    I had been using Google Reader exclusively. Just this week I was looking into other options and found Freely. I have only been using it a couple of days but it seems to work well for me.

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  16. Tara says…

    I've used byline for a long time. What I've enjoyed is I can open the app with wi-fi connection and everything is uploaded and ready for me to read on my devices so when I'm not able to connect to wi-fi I can still read and catch up on my blogs. This is great when running my kiddos to activities or traveling. Hope that it survives and if not I will be searching for a new option as well.

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  17. Anne Marie says…

    I find Bloglovin' user friendly and I love the fact that I can see how the blog is/the look. I follow you there...

    Some are put off by the name, but that doesn't bother me :-)

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  18. Anne Marie says…

    I just took a look at Feedly. I do like the clean and simple look it has.

    but, what a definately love about Bloglovin' is that I can see the design of the blog. Each bloggers blog design is for me part of te experience... the colours and the layout is part of the connection...

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Lisa W. says…

    Most of mine are simply saved into my fave's. And the one's I read EVERY day come into my inbox. Never heard of feedly:) When you open the window and bring us all these awesome new blogs I just click into them and save then in favorites!

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  20. Yolanda D says…

    I prefer email. I also follow within Wordpress if email is not available, but confess I rarely check there to read.

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  21. AngieK says…

    I just switched from Google Reader to Bloglovin' and love it!

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  22. Erica Thomas says…

    I was using Google Reader (I'm guessing it's the same as iGoogle?) and was really disappointed to hear they were discontinuing it. I subscribe to a lot of blogs so having them in one spot is nice. I tried Bloglovin but didn't like the list format. I also follow a lot of blogs by email, some I have in iGoogle, some I don't mainly because I don't want to miss content.

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  23. Joanna says…

    I've used bloglovin' for a couple of years and it works ok. But I also have blog list on my own blog that I use daily for my favorites. Will most definitely check out Reader/Reeder,Byline and Feedly. Bloglovin on the Ipad isn't great...

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Sherry Eckblad says…

    I am trying Feedly and not sure that I love it enough to say that is the one I will be using. I plan on trying out a couple more and then deciding as we still have a few months before our beloved "google reader" goes away.

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  25. Kristina says…

    I have been using bloglovin' for a while and it is super easy and functional - I recommend it. It has an option to divide blogs into categories so you can read what you want when you want. I used bookmarks but then I would get sad when I opened a page and there were no new posts.

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