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Day In The Life 2013 | June (+ Week In The Life 2013 Date Information)


  • Skipped the Daily Sheet again this month. I think what I'm learning from doing this each month this year is that just setting aside a specific day for me to take more photos vs. a regular day is perfectly fine. What I love is that it makes me think about taking a photo first thing in the morning and at random points throughout the day when I would otherwise just be taking care of the regular stuff (work, kids, etc.). It continues to offer the opportunity for more intentional photo taking and I'm thankful for that.

  • My approach to this project is significantly less intense than when I do Week In The Life (check out info on the 2013 dates below). Six months into this project this year and I'm really appreciating that I've been able to capture a variety of different ways I live, especially with and without my kids. I have a lot of intense feelings about that ranging from thankfulness to frustration to resignation to guilt to worry to joy to relief - oh so many emotions. Crazy the stuff that scrapbooking highlights when we take the time to document.

  • All photos were taken with my iPhone 5. All edited with Rad Lab or Pic Tap Go on my phone.

  • I used the hashtag #dayinthelife on Instagram and I loved seeing so many of you joining in.

Here are links to the other Day In The Life posts this year:

NEXT UP | This month I'll be doing Day In The Life on Wednesday, July 31st. I'll post a reminder about a week before here and on Facebook/Twitter.


For those of you who have been wondering about a date for my Week In The Life project this year I've set a date! Mark your calendar for September 9th through September 15th. More details to come or you can spend some time checking out posts from previous years (with tons of details, images and process information) here.


You’re invited to include a link to your June Day In The Life page here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link.

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21 thoughts

  1. Rina says…

    Thanks Ali, I particularly love the ones with you in them. I find that I have to pluck up the courage to ask people to take photos of me. I sometimes wish I didn't always have to, but I think projects like this make us more intent on being grateful, and gratitude for our lives is what we are capturing here!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lee Currie says…

    This was my first "Day in the Life" using your templates. It was fabulous - but I went a bit overboard, I think :) My day had me up for 18 hours so I suppose it couldn't be avoided. I'm looking forward to how this project (replacing my 12of12) will evolve over time. And, really looking forward to Week in the Life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    Oh Ali you take such wonderful, thoughtful, expressive and uncluttered photographs. Wish I could master that simple yet 'says a thousand words' type of photography. Love your style!

    I am working on it:-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Megan Anderson says…

    Love all of your photographs and I had so much fun following along on Instagram too! Thank you so much for leading the way to document a day each month this year; the photos and words I've recorded for DITL these past six months are probably my favorite memory keeping bits ever.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Debbie says…

    My favorite is you two girls with your faces in your screens. Too cute, capturing I am sure a common moment. So glad you are together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. youngmi says…

    love these photos. and i love that your cat is doing its best to take up as much space on that desk as it possibly can.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Robyn :) says…

    I am so excited about the dates for the week in the life because my birthday is September 14 :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Barbara says…

    wonderful photos, beautiful kids (& momma). Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cindy P says…

    I love George right in the middle of it all. I have 2 cats - 1 stays out of it, but the other has to lay right on whatever I'm working on.....
    Happy 4th!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. anneberit says…

    I love this project, thanks for inspiring me to make one day in our month extra special. This time I went the phone-photo route too and truly enjoyed keeping up with the #dayinthelife feed. Love the photo of you and Simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Cynthia H says…

    That picture of Anna in the backseat is ridiculously cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    Can't thank you enough for the bucket loads of inspiration you give me Ali....I’ve just got an iPhone5 and have just started playing with pic,tap,go. It’s really encouraging to see what sort of photos you can take with it. Signed up for the Hello Story class, looking forward to flexing some serious writing muscle !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Maria G. says…

    I see you are having a great time with your kids. I think your project is inspiring. It’s like a visual diary of your every day 2013 life. The photos speak for themselves so no need for more words. It’s so easy to have fun too because you are with your kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. cindy says…

    adore the pic of Anna in the backseat & Simon on the laptop... great pics & day!! looking forward to witl in a few months...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. lee says…

    I absolutely love the photo of Katie and her assistant George!

    Also, I'm excited to put the dates for Week in the Life in my planner. Looking forward to that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Project Life 2013 | Week Twenty-Six (Includes June Day In The Life) | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] I used my Day In The Life 6×12 Layered Template set and Day In The Life 6×12 Photo Collage Layered Template Package again this month for documenting my day. You can read about that adventure here: Day In The Life June 2013. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Stacie says…

    so, ya know what i find cool...that you (guessing that is you looking down on the swimmer :)) are wearing SALTWATER SANDALS!!! I always wore those as a kiddo in the Pacific Northwest and didn't know they were still made and that they have them for big people! I also love that your sweet girl has the book eggs for tea...such a random book but one i love!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Day In The Life 2013 | July Reminder | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] out my days so far in 2013: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. 15 on the 15th | august 2013 » tracy larsen blog says…

    [...] month on the 15th, i’ll be documenting our lives for ali edwards’ week in the life project. so, i don’t know if i’ll be posting photos for my 15 on the 15th project. i’ll [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Rosalie Vos Tulp says…

    Would like to start preparing my week in the life album over the holiday weekend. Are you planning on using new templates or other new digital products? I would like to know what to expect .


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - they will be available at Designer Digitals on Friday.

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