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Planning For Week In The Life 2013


Week In The Life is coming soon!

Monday, September 9th through Sunday, September 15th to be exact and you are invited to document your week right along with me.

This will be year 7 of this project for me.

I do Week In The Life for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is to answer the question: what in the heck do I do really do in my daily life (and maybe even what in the heck am I doing with my life)? How am I spending these precious hours here on earth?

Here's something I know to be true: every single time I do this project I am inspired to make changes to the way in which I'm living my life. I do it not only for the awesome documentation opportunity and the supportive community, but I also do it as a way to examine the life I'm living right now.

There's something very powerful in reflecting the life we are living back to ourselves via photos and words.


Before I get into more details I want to say a big, huge thanks to our title sponsors this year who will be appearing at the end of each of my posts during the week of documentation: 

We'll also have giveaways all week long. Big thanks to the following companies who are sponsoring giveaways this year: 

There are a couple spaces left if your company is interested in partnering as a sponsor. Send Katie an email for more information


When I first started this project back in 2006 (originally it was a class I taught at Creating Keepsakes University) I used a 12 x 12 album with divided pockets (originally a Scrapworks product if I remember right). Each spread represented one day and each pocket documented a particular topic: food, gratitude, work, observations and then stuff (collect bits of paper pieces from your life to add to collages that were then slipped into the pockets).

Here's a look at that first Week In The Life album:


The idea was to document all these specific topics (with photos and words using Daily Sheets) over the course of seven days and then come together in class to create the album.

We worked in what I call "production-style" where we created all the cards for food, then all the cards for work and so on.


It was a lot of work but it was such an awesome project.


And man is it fun to look back on today.

Over the last few years I've changed things up and simplified things - especially as digital and hybrid (printing out digital elements to use in paper scrapbooking) have gained momentum.


2007 | Created for Creating Keepsakes University event. This one also had two inserts that included gratitude images + a collage of "stuff" on the opposite side.


2008 | See completed album here.




2010 | See completed album here.


2011 | View completed album here.



2012 | View completed album here.


For the last few years I've been using a Vanilla 8.5 inch x 11 inch 3-ring album from We R Memory Keepers. Inside you'll usually find 9-pocket divided page protectors sandwiched in-between regular sized page protectors. For this project you also need an extra set of 8.5x11 page protectors to have enough pages for a spread each day of the week.


I'll be sticking with this same basic plan this year and got my album and page protectors in the mail from this week.


I'll also be using the same set of Daily Pages to document my words for the seven days. You can download those for free here: Daily Pages.

For the last few years I have designed layered templates to use as the foundation of my album (these are available as either 8.5x11 or 12x12). The new set can be seen below and is available at Designer Digitals now. 


One thing to note is that I did include both "my" and "our" life options in these layered template sets (simply turn off either layer in Photoshop/Elements to remove the one you don't want). I'll have more details on just how to do that with a video tutorial coming soon.

These layered template sets include 15 layered templates: one title page, seven daily intro pages, and seven photo collage pages for mixing & matching. Here's a peek at the additional preview images (all are included with the one package):

AEdwards_WeekInTheLifeAlbum8x11vol5_PREV2 AEdwards_WeekInTheLifeAlbum8x11vol5_PREV3

In addition to these digital pages I usually include more traditional products inside the 9-pocket divided page protectors. I don't have a specific plan for exactly how I'm going to use those just yet, but I'm pretty sure it will include some journaling, some see-through elements, and some other embellishments. I'll share more about that as I create my own plan.


I know many of you out there are loving the process of Project Life® and might have an interest in simply playing along in that album during this same week. I've designed two sets of 4x6 cards - one that includes "my life" and one that includes "our life." These sets include PSD (for editing), PNG, and a printable PDF for easy printing.

These will be available at Designer Digitals on Friday:


I'm starting to get really excited about this project once again. These albums are some of my favorites because they really do detail our daily lives during each of the specific weeks. Such an amazing thing to look back on over the years.

For even more information and specific links to all my previous posts go here: Week In The Life.

I hope you'll consider joining me!

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73 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I can't wait to join again this year!! So cool seeing all your past albums here. The new things you have here look GREAT!!

    Thanks so for inspiring and sharing this wonderful idea with us. Looking forward to seeing what everyone does.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sue TR (Your Story 2011-12-13) says…

    I have to say that originally, I was not going to do WITL this year, I've done it in '11 and '12 and it was awesome, but it's a lot. Feeling overwhelmed...but then when you talked about evaluating how you spend your time and using it as a tool to make changes, you got me. I'm in, and I'm going to make it simple simple simple and not stress about it.

    And then make those changes!
    Thanks Ali!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Maggie says…

      I'm right there with you about keeping it simple! I got so overwhelmed with my grand plans last year that I didn't finish. Taking a "keep it simple" pledge this year. :)

    2. Ali says…

      Keep it simple - it's totally possible!

  3. Alida says…

    So awesome! I've seen most of those albums at the time you were doing them. Looking forward to another great round of WITL.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Terri Torrez says…

    Question - the 2010 template used a lot of pattern paper. In 2011 and 2012 you used transparencies. The picture you showed of 2013 looks like its just on white. Are you planning to use pattern paper/transparencies with the templates or just keep them simple.

    I used the 2010 template several times but I'm thinking about something new.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      For the templates I'll likely be keeping them white, but for an insert in-between I'll likely be including some transparencies and/or pattern paper and embellishments. Just haven't decided on those yet.

  5. Shannon says…

    Thanks so much for making a PL option! You consistently go above and beyond when it comes to thinking about what different people need.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Renee says…

    Hi, are the old templates still available for purchase?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes. If you click on the photo example of the year you are looking at it will take you to a post that likely includes a link to the templates. Here's a link where you can see them all too:

  7. Susie Leggett says…

    Hey Ali, love this Week in the Life project that you do. It is an amazing look at everyday life, and each year that I do it, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all that we have to be thankful for in our lives. Capturing the details always makes me stop and notice all the little blessings that normally get lost in the hustle.

    I love this year's WITL templates. Will you be offering those "stamped" stack captions, "Hello Today," "This is real life" etc. that are part of your templates as a digital design? Would love to print those on vellum or clear printable overlay and use in the 9 pocket protectors. They'd make great see through elements.

    Thanks for sharing your life and offering so much inspiration.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - they are available in a separate package as well.

  8. Sue FitzGerald says…

    It all looks gorgeous. Wish the templates came in A4 for those of us OS, they look great and such a time saver.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Lisa B says…

      I also use A4 but like Ali said this years is easy to resize to A4 because of the space.
      In 2011 I used Ali's template, resized the width to the same as A4 then added a border strip to the top and bottom to account for the difference in length. I was quite happy with how it turned out and I ended up doing each day a sightly different colour.
      You can read it here:
      if you are interested just to see how I worked around the letter/ a4 issue.

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Sue - I checked into the A4 size (looks like it's 8.3 x 11.7). With the design I did this year (lots of white on the top and/or bottom on the photo collages) you could totally use the 8.5x11 templates and just adjust the size a bit to make them work for your paper size.

  9. Susan Bowers says…

    OH MY! I'm over-the-top excited. I'll be visiting Designer Digitals this Friday for sure!!!! I've been planning to participate but just never creative enough to begin from scratch - thanks so much for your creative genius who is doing it for me. I just love your work - so inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. iHanna says…


    I've marked my calendar already, and will be brining my camera with me the entire week. Looking forward to see what this year looks like vs. last year when I did this too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Maggie says…

    I can't wait, and am pledging to keep it simple enough so that it will get done (unlike last year!). Thank you for sharing this project with us!!!

    Will there be a WITL board over at BPC this year?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Good question! Let me check on that.

    2. Maggie says…

      Thanks Ali! I love the BPC community & got so many ideas from the forum last year.

  12. shelly k says…

    Goodness! Can't believe I've been following you for so long! :)
    Time flys when you're having fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Keianna says…

    One of my fave projects for the past four years. I didn't see them, are you planning to make journal cards for the baseball card slots this year?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm thinking about it - I might also just use what I have here and cut things down to fit.

  14. Mye says…

    I'm joining this year! A little different though as i planned to do a smaller album and I won't be using pockets but I'll play along with you for sure. The kits I am using are already in transit :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jenny B. says…

    Ooh! I LOVE the new template designs!! So fresh and fun! Looks like you could pop a 3x4 PL card in some of those spots, and of course, Instagrams in the squares. Perfect! Thank you again for continuing with this project. This will be my fourth year to do WITL with you! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. stacyk says…

    I did it for the first time last year, and I absolutely love going back and looking at it. Such a treasure. I look forward to this year's WIL.

    THanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. amberca says…

    just printed out my observation sheets for WITL. I haven't done it in a few years, but I am feeling really excited about it this year....can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jeanne M says…

    Looking forward to joining in again. Always a great experience!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jessica says…

    I plan on playing along!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. September 365 Photo Challenge List | CaptureYour365 says…

    [...] month we are also joining Ali Edwards’ Week In The Life from September 9th to 15th. You can read more about her project here. It’s a project I love [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. kris says…

    Oh I keep saying that each time you do the week in the life, that I'm going to play along, and I think that this year I will play along. I have Mon-Wed off, and only work Thurday, Friday and Sunday. But we have a horse play day that is on Saturday, so it'll be cool to have that in there too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Fanny says…

    I love the design this year! I can't wait to join you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. pam says…

    I've not done this although I've enjoyed seeing what you have done. This year I am planning on joining in. At a point in my life where I'm doing a lot of introspection about how I want to live the life I have left, and this will be a very useful tool in addition to a great glimpse into my days for all to look back on. Thank you for all the cool things you do to inspire others.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Heather says…

    I'm curious, what happened in 2009? Did you not do WITL, or is it just not up on your blog?

    Thanks for all the work you put into this to make it so easy for all of us to play along... you're the best! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Anna was born that year and I just had too much on my plate.

  25. Keathe S says…

    I was in one of those album classes the first year at CKU, and it is one of my favorite albums to date!

    Thanks for the great concept, Ali!

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