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Project Life® In Progress (For The Love Of Post It Notes)


So what does my Project Life album look like when it's been neglected while I've been busy with other things?

See above and below.

I thought I'd take some photos to share with you guys so you could see what it actually looks like when it's not up to date. As always, this documentation can be anything you want it to be - for now I'm sticking with using it as a home for weekly documentation.

You'll see lots of yellow sticky notes to label the weeks and where I've jotted down journaling, papers from school, 4x6 journal cards from Week In The Life, and some photos here and there.

This includes weeks 37 through 41 (two weeks ago). I've got Week 36 ready to share next week.



For Week In The Life I've got the 4x6 journal cards printed and inserted into the pockets. Right now I'm planning to add photos to each of the 3x4 pockets and maybe add a photo into the content area for each day as well.


I printed #monday (from my #Everyday Life Brushes & Stamps set) with my photo of Simon checking out books at Target.


These sticky notes actually make me really happy. They are great for simply reminding me of something that happened that day or for jotting down words I don't want to forget.



A trip to Houston to film my segment for Brene's e-course and Katie's wedding. That was a big week.


This week actually has most of the photos printed and included already. Printing the photos is what I almost always do first - they tend to be what guides me through the stories especially when I'm working on weeks that happened in the past (vs. documenting during the actual week).



The week above really just needs some journaling and a few embellishments added to the photos.


Looking through this doesn't stress me out (I hope it doesn't do that to you either). In fact it gets me excited to get my photos printed and words added.

Let the printing begin!

(But first I'm getting started on my December Daily™ foundation pages. Look for a post about that next week.)

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21 thoughts

  1. Annie says…

    Thank you for sharing your work in progress. It's nice to see your process, and then adapt for my own PL.

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  2. Debora Prass says…

    My process is like that too... pictures first, and then words and a few embelishments. And lots of post it notes before that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. SammyD says…

    I'm a sticky note lover too... they really help keep me organized!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kris says…

    Thanks for sharing-- I love the how real your writing and blog is.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Donna B says…

    I totally use the post-it note system also! Thanks for sharing this with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. CJ says…

    Lovely to see how you put your album together. You always make such a beautiful job of it. I'm looking forward to the December Daily posts now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. dawn says…

    I love seeing this work in progress pages!! Sticky notes keep me on track too. Have fun catching up, always nice to remember the moments from a few weeks ago.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Paula says…

    Sticky notes rock :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. annad says…

    It's refreshing to see your process of documenting ...thanks for showing us your Real... how you try to keep up when life gets busy vs. the finished work, is cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Enikö says…

    Great idea using post-its! Thanks for sharing...I wondered how you kept so organized.

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  11. Gina says…

    Thanks for sharing this. I love seeing your in process. You've probably already talked about this but do you always use the same format pages - design A? Do you always take horizontal photos? If you take vertical, what do you do with them? Print them smaller or crop them? I'm just starting on the pocketed pages and having this issue. I take mostly horizontal but my husband who is a great photographer takes A LOT of vertical.

    A side comment - I've been meaning to comment that I just love your style of photography. I searched your site for posts on photo tips but didn't really find any. Have done some photography posts? Do you have any photography resources you'd recommend? THX

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Patti L says…

    Awesome! Even tho I don't do this weekly all the time, I like seeing how it unfolds. I love post-it notes. I also find Becky Higgin's envelope inserts in the smaller sizes work great for holding memorabilia I'm not sure what to do with yet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Debbie says…

    Let the printing begin! I wish I had invested in sticky notes! :)

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  14. Sue TR (Your Story 2011-12-13) says…

    Hi Ali! It's heartening to see your process which is much the same as mine when I'm trying to "catch up"! thanks for the photos and have a great weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. susan garner says…

    Thank goodness some ones else Project Life looks neglected. I was busy with your Week in the life and soon I will be following December Daily. I really need to get my life together !!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. J3SS1C4 says…

    Looks like your well on your way to getting the pages done! You're doing a lot better than I am so far... I have 26 weeks finished only, and nothing beyond that point!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Linda says…

    My album looks very similar, I always have a few weeks in progress at a time [except for the occasional week I get 100% caught up!]. My only difference is I use a notebook instead of the sticky notes, the sticky note approach seems easier but idk if my perfectionism would allow for it...I have the whole spread sketched out in my notebook + notes from the week before I create anything.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Project Life® 2013 | Week Thirty-Six (Studio Calico Project Life® Kit) | Ali Edwards says…

    […] week I shared my love of post-it notes for working through weeks in this album that I’ve not yet tackled. It’s been a good […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. lee says…

    Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look!

    When I'm "behind" - as I am now - I keep the weekly stacks of stuff sorted on the dresser in my craft room. That, combined with my photo filing system that already sorts photos by week, makes it easy to go back to unfinished weeks and get them done without too much difficulty.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Scrapbook Retreat: How I Pick a Project, Plan, and Pack | Scrapbook OBSESSION says…

    […] Sticky notes (I hate to say Ali Edwards copies me but THIS is what I do, too . . . oh, simmer down! I’m kidding! I’m suuurrree it was her idea […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Project Life® 2013 | Week Forty-Three | Ali Edwards says…

    […] in the pockets. Sometimes it’s a photo or two or a couple journal cards filled out or a post-it note (read a post about that here) or a receipt. It’s really rare that there would be nothing at […]

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