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Hey Friends


Hey friends.

Just a short note to tell you that I'm still here even if this spot has been quiet lately.

I've currently got over 90 drafts in my blog posting folder about everything from how to work with the 3x4 Layered Sentiment Cards to photos from my China trip to "smoochies" to 5 Trips For A Beginning Scrapbooker.

I'm writing. About life and scrapbook pages and finishing projects and birthdays.

I'm creating content for One Little Word. A new prompt will be available on Saturday and there's still time to join if you'd like some inspiration on keeping your word visible throughout the year.

I'm reading. Finished 7 and have started Packing Light. Picking up Wild and making my way through that one. Reading Charlotte's Web to the kids out loud in the evenings could be one of the best decisions I've ever made (we're almost done and will be moving on to The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe). And man it feels so good to be back into the nightly routine of reading books. So, so good.

I'm planning Anna's 5th birthday party for next weekend. Bring on the rainbows.

I'm exercising. I started. For real. And just making the choice to start and actually starting again feels so good. I bought a kettle bell. I set up the TV in my room to do it in the evening after the kids go to bed. I found some workouts on You Tube that I could watch through the Apple TV. And I did them. I went with Katie & Peter last night to the gym for an hour of cardio.

I'm practicing script writing for Kal's Life | Scripted workshop at Studio Calico (see image above). Registration closes soon and class begins February 1.

I'm putting down the phone. That post was such a catalyst for me to make a change and I've thought about it and taken action every single day since then. It's made such a positive impact all around.

I'm planning and dreaming and implementing. Always.

Hope you have an awesome weekend!

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45 thoughts

  1. Jessica says…

    Awesome! It always feels good to get on track again! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Wendy Smedley says…

    Good for you! Keep us up to date, and you will love reading Wild, it is a fabulous read.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. KRISTYN says…

    go ali go! just wanted to make a quick recommendation for at home workouts ... check out New free workout videos posted every tuesday. last week was a great kettle bell workout.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kelly Fehr says…

    Reading out loud to the kids is such fun and will given them many wonderful memories of time spent with you.
    I read the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe to my youngest when he was about 7. At the part where the wolf comes to life, I raised my voice and it shocked my son so much he literally jumped out of his chair. It was one of our funniest and most cherished memories together. He is almost 19 now and we still talk about it.
    Reading good literature to your kids is one of the best gifts a parent can give to their child.
    You are doing a great job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Theresa says…
    01/30/2014 has great, free exercise videos...I love doing them at home...(I have no ties to the company, I just really love the videos)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Kathy says…

    WOW! Ali you are truly Thriving!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Susan says…

    You are thriving Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    Wonderful to hear of so much goodness happening for you, l've been missing your regular posts :) Looking forward to each of those 90 drafts.
    As for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe .... I read the entire series to my daughter when she was just a baby. She found the sound of my voice soothing at bedtime, so l would sit next to her cot and read a chapter every night :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Patti L says…

    Awesome! I also momentarily stopped Wild, but finished it a few months back, it was inspiring. So agree on the putting down phone thing. My biggest battle right now is the polar vortex we have on the East coast, so much snow and freezing temps!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jenni Hufford says…

    the lion, witch, and wardrobe is an amazing book! I hope you all enjoy it! :) i remember it as a child and it was one of the first times I understood in my own mind the sacrifice Jesus made for me (when Aslan laid his life down for Edmund). Enjoy!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Madeline St Onge says…

    Good for you Ali, keep it up. Try Leslie Sansone videos too, love her and you will sweat ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Melissa Gross says…

    Sounds like you're busy! I love that you're reading to the kids & such great books. It was great to meet you at Play! in Anaheim. I'm looking forward to the February OLW prompts - as I have FUN this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Teri H. says…

    I'm a high school English teacher and I just started reading a chapter book to may daughters (8 and 7). I know, I know. Crazy. It was mainly because of you mentioning it Ali, so I just decided one night to try, and of course, the kids are hooked. We're on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

    I'm reading and writing a lot too. Keep it up! You're awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Debbie says…

    My two adult children with babies are already beginning bedtime story time with their infants. It was a huge part of their home life, and they LOVE to continue it. So glad you and your children get that great bedtime read together. I really beleave it can be so helpful to make a strong family. SO GLAD you are thriving, meeting so many of your goals!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      We've always read to both Simon and Anna separately (and encouraged them to look at books and read on their own before bed/during quiet times) - it's definitely been a part of their growing up. What's been different now is being able to read non-picture chapter books to the two of them together - I've been so loving it.

  15. Fanny says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali! I was missing you on the blogosphere!
    The book 7 sounds really appealing to me!
    And it's curious we are reading the same books with our children!! We read Charlotte's web in the summer and then read The Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe during Advent. We watched the movie afterward as a "treat". We just finished The Magician's nephew tonight. I posted about it on my blog today. That was kind of hard for the kids who are almost 5 (I have twins) but they followed the stoyr most of the time or I'd cut the chapters in two or three. We are planning start with The boy and his horse tomorrow. I'm a little late with december daily, but I'm getting there! I finished 18 days now and have the rest of them half finished. I wish you a happy weekend from the other side of the ocean!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Mary says…

    Have been missing you but am so happy to hear you are doing well and truly embracing life on your terms! Had a rainbow party for my 4yo daughter - so fun!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Eileen says…

    Your mention of Packing Light reminded me of your need for simplication. I embrace this concept as well. Kate suggested this event: I thought it looked pretty good and will attend the one in SF. They are coming to Portland too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Laura says…

    Ali, you continue to inspire me. Thanks for sharing. When our kids were little, we read to all three of them at once for years even though they were 7 years apart, youngest to oldest. I then began reading the Little House on the Prairie series to the two younger, then once we finished all of those, we moved on to the Anne of Green Gables books. They all looked forward to reading before bedtime, and remember those times still.

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  19. Gwen says…

    Nice post..... I have been feeling good for you that you were doing what you needed to. I knew you would get back to us in time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Trina says…

    Fun to hear that you're reading 'Packing Light,' since I was on the book launch team for it. Here's the Amazon review that I wrote: I'll never look at my "stuff" in the same way again.

    Have you read Jen Hatmaker's "Worst End of School Year Mom Ever" blog post ( from last May? If not, it's a classic that went viral.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Sylvia says…

    Great post! I also just got 7 and it will be my next book. I'm doing OLW and loved Jan and can't wait for Feb!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Simoné says…

    GO! Ali! GO! Absolute mutual understanding. I am so busy living my OWL OPEN that my blog is pretty quiet and I haven't even completed the January prompt but for a real big collection of post-its stating what I want to be open for. LIFE 2.1 ... here I come!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Carrie says…

    Cheers to an awesome weekend for you too! xo

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  24. Jo-Anne says…

    Wow Ali! As usual you have got so much going on i just don't know how you always manage to get so much done and still organize 2 kids:-)

    As for the gym - GO ALI GO!! We are all supporting you from the side lines:-) THRIVE!

    Have a super FAB weekend everybody!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. michelle t says…

    It really sounds like there's a whole bunch of thriving going on. That's awesome. Have a great weekend. Michelle t

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