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Day In The Life This Thursday (5/8) | Want To Play Along?


I was thinking last week that it's been way too long since I last did a Day In The Life.

Actually it was last June to be exact.

Last year (2013) I started the year with the plan that I'd do it once a month. I lasted about half year and then let it go because it just wasn't inspiring me and other things got in the way.

You're invited to join me this Thursday, May 8th to document a day in your life.

It's just more fun when we are doing it together.

Grab a free downloadable Daily Sheet for documentation. You can download a free set of Daily Sheets (originally designed for Week In The Life but you can choose to just print one page) here. I use this as I go about my day.

In 2012 I did a Day In The Life in February. Here's the posts that went along with that project:

There's lots of options for how you might choose to make something with the words and photos you gather over the course of the day. With the content you collect maybe you will: 

  • Create a traditional scrapbook page.
  • Add your content to Project Life® as an insert or consider using a whole spread for just one day. See below for how I've done that in the past or check out my Day In The Life archives.
  • Document your day on Instagram. Fun and easy!
  • Make a mini-book. It would be so fun to use one of these little We R Memory Keepers 4x4 albums for a Day In The Life.

WEEK IN THE LIFE 2014 | And in case you are wondering I do currently plan to embark on a Week In The Life project again this year as well starting on September 8th.

Last year I designed a set of 6x12 Day In The Life layered templates that I can use as inserts in Project Life. They include space for a photo plus areas for journaling morning, afternoon, evening and gratitude. Here's a tutorial for working with this specific template: Day In The Life Layered Template Tutorial.

I've also designed a 6x12 Photo Collage Template set to go along with the Day In The Life layered templates. They can be used in conjunction or on their own for anytime you want to add a 6x12. You can also combine the two together to create a 12x12 layout. I'll be using these as the back page of the 6x12 insert to include photos I take throughout the day.

Like the idea of 6x12 layered templates? You can also check out my 6x12 Words And Photos Layered Templates and see how I used them in Project Life here.

AE_GiveawayImage1211Two (2) people will win a $75 credit towards their next purchase at Minted 

  • Elizabeth Icaza
  • Sherrie Davis

One (1) person will win a May Main Scrapbook kit from Paper Camellia Kits. US & Canada Addresses only. 

  •  #424 | Alyna said…What an amazing kit! Thank you so much for the chance to win it!

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38 thoughts

  1. rachel del grosso says…

    i have a pretty boring week ahead of me, but sure, i will play along. it's the everyday days i should be documenting anyways :) count me in, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Katrina says…

    Thursday is Hope's birthday - and I'm feeling particularly emotional about that this year b/c she leaves for her summer job the next day. Sounds like a good day to document real life (plus, there'll be cupcakes!).

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. MK says…

    Rock on. I am there. My daughter just asked me this morning what I do at work. SO even if it is going to be a work day for me, it has value.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Rae says…

    I noticed that you stopped posting Day in the Life days last year. I continued to document mine but haven't actually put them in the digital templates since last March. I think it is more fun when others participate too. Nothing special that day except a department meeting!
    As far as WITL, I am curious to know why you selected the same week as last year for this year's Week In The Life.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Rae says…

      Thank you. Even though it is the same time of year, my year will be different since I am moving this summer to California from Washington and I may be working from home verses in a classroom! I really enjoy this project and the work you put into the templates. Looking forward to seeing the kit!

    2. Ali says…

      Most years I've moved it around. This year decided to keep it the same time because it worked best for my schedule and I'm hoping to be able to offer a kit and needed more time for that.

  5. Michelle t. says…

    Neat idea. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. andrea says…

    This came exactly on the right time. I wanted to ask you today how your plans are about a "day in my life". And what do I see now? This.
    I will definitely follow along.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Harriett says…

    I'm in. I've been itching for an excuse to get out the big camera for something besides little league games.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Megan says…

    So excited for week in the life!! I kinda like it's the same week as last year. Last year I had surgery and this year I'll be in vacation. Big, big difference!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. MK says…

    Oh my gosh! I posted earlier that it was an ordinary day. Why is wrong with me? It's my 15th wedding anniversary!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. chris s says…

    i'm in too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carol Labuski says…

    I'd love to do this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Amanda Villagómez says…

    Excited to see this. I also haven't completed a day in the life for a while. I think I made it to last August. This is good motivation to do it again, right in the mix of it all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. rossana says…

    I think I'll use the small 4x4 album, it's perfect for the stories of one day! what will you use?

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jennifer Kolakowski says…

    Yes, yes, yes! Thank you Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Annette says…

    Question for you that has nothing to do with the post: Do you document the hard times? I look back through my scrapbooks and only see the good days, the happy times. But that isn't a fair reflection of life. I struggle with whether or not to tell the stories that involve the real, but not so pretty parts of life.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Annette says…

      Thanks, Ali. I'm signing up for your class...perfect timing.

    2. Ali says…

      I absolutely include that kind of stuff. Not everything (I don't believe that everything needs to be documented). I did Project Life all through the process of my divorce and I included things here and there that referenced the pain and the challenges. The big thing that it did for me though is give me an opportunity to see all the good stuff - right there in front of me via my photos and words (especially the opportunity to express gratitude). I've done pages about having skin cancer (that's included in my Yesterday & Today class that I just launched yesterday - there's a whole lesson in there on scrapbooking the challenging stories and my approach) and Simon having autism, etc. It's all part of my story. You can check out that workshop if you're interested here:

  16. Megan Anderson says…

    I'm so excited! I kept up with the end-of-the-month Day in the Life practice last year, and this year I've been doing the 15th of each month. I'm thinking of switching to the 8th with you all, though, because it's so much more fun when lots of people are joining in!

    The 8th is a travel day for me, so this will get interesting :)

    Last year I used your 6x12 templates, but this year I've been making an extra Day in the Life spread in Project Life:

    Thanks so much for this project idea, Ali! It's seriously my favorite.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. J3SS1C4 says…

    Looking forwards to Day in the Life! I haven't done something like this since Week in the Life last year. And I'm kind of excited that Week in the Life will be the same week as last year as well, because I'll be moving shortly, my mode of transport will have changed, and things will be oh-so-different to last year! I think it will be awesome to really focus on how some things are the same and some are so different! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Hobbyjunglen says…

    Sounds & look very interesting Ali, looking forward to study this page alot more (just got in thru a tip from a customer) Good luck! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. About routines and change | Field Journaling says…

    […] noticed Ali Edwards is offering up another “Day in the Life” challenge for this Thursday. I’m definitely in on this one as a way to document this […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Katie M says…

    I'm definitely joining in! I'm a long time scrapbooker, but took a few years off due to life's challenges. I'm looking forward to trying Day in the Life. The funny thing is that Thursday is the busiest day we've had in a long time full of meetings, and fun. It will be fun to document!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Michelle says…

    I am all in!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Day in the Life | Spring - Simple Scrapper says…

    […] you documented a day or week in your life this year? Ali Edwards has invited scrapbookers to play along with her in documenting this […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Time of Day Cards - Shayne Bundy Creative Consulting says…

    […] …And here they are! Nothing particularly special, but they seemed useful (especially with Day in the Life coming up […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Carol says…

    For those of us on Instagram, is there a specific # to use?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm using #dayinthelife or the short version #ditl

  25. Cathy says…

    I've been doing my Day In The Life today as I am in Australia! I'm curious to know Ali if you are going to be releasing a 12x12 template for this year?


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      For Day In The Life? I don't have plans at this time.

    2. Cathy says…

      Thanks for letting me know Ali.

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