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December Daily® 2014 | Inside The Kit Video + Overlays + Printables

Ah my friends, it's getting closer! 

As many of you have noticed I'm getting going on this project a lot later than I have in previous years. It's definitely not my first choice, and there are a number of different reasons for that, some within my control and some out of it (read below for a shipping update). 

As always December Daily® for me is about capturing one story per day from December 1 through December 25th. I love focusing on the words and the photos, looking for things to capture via my lens (especially things that twinkle and sparkle - oh, I can't wait for those twinkle lights), finding things to be thankful for in the middle of the mess, capturing Simon and Anna's joy, and reflecting on this past year. I love that this is an album that can hold all those stories. 

While I wait for my full kit with the album to arrive here's what I'm working on: 

1. Re-reading my past December Daily® posts and reflecting (you can see the albums in one place here and you can read all the past posts here). What did I love? What do I want to do again and what do I want to skip? How can I simplify or how can I tell more if that's my intent this year? I think having a general awareness of the stories you want to capture is a great way to being this process and something to keep in mind throughout the month. 

2. Listen to this fun podcast:  The Scrap Gals Podcast With Tiffany And Tracie. Katie and I listened to this the other day and it was so great and we were laughing right along with Tiffany and Tracie throughout - full of history and thoughts and tips about this project. 

3. Listen to Christmas music. Katie and I haven't started playing it in the office yet - which is unusual for us. But I think this will be the week we start. 

4. Gather up supplies you think you might be playing with in December and corral them into one place. I'm gathering things like gold embossing glitter and red embossing powder (always), white or cream paint, pens, etc. 

5. Print out any printable cards you might be including. Read below for information on my 2014 sets. 

Here's a look at all the fun things that should be on their way to you very soon if you've ordered the kit this year: 

December Daily® 2014 Kit from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

So many fun things that I can't wait to start playing with - especially those big gold letters, the masking tape and the stamps. 

December Daily Combo Pack


In addition I've got my annual packages of digital overlays and printables now available for those of you who like to incorporate those into your albums. 

This year I've included 6x84x6, and 3x4 - sold in individual packages - as well as offering a combo pack for the first time that includes all three sizes. Each package includes 31 individual PNG files for each day in December + easy to print PDF's in black, gray and red. For 2014 I decided to go back to one of my favorite overlay designs and have updated it to correspond to 2014 dates. What's cool about these overlays is that you can also use them for different times of the year simply by erasing/removing/covering up the day of the week. 

I'll have some new layered templates and additional holiday themed items up next week.


If you have purchased the December Daily® kit, please check your email today for a shipping update. 

It has always been our intention that this kit arrive to you in time to begin working on it before December arrives. 

Unfortunately we are experiencing a delay with the albums as they are stuck in customs in LA and we are waiting for them to be released. Please know that these were initially slated for arrival to the warehouse in October.  

As you can imagine, we are seriously unhappy with this situation and we are doing everything in our power to get these kits and albums to you (including exploring a variety of options to make that happen). Your patience as we assess the best path forward is greatly appreciated. 

Because this is supposed to be a really fun, joy-filled positive experience. 

If you have additional questions or issues related to your order (such as wanting it shipped to a different location) or would like other accommodations please start a conversation with Customer Service.

Hoping to have it in your hands very soon!

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165 thoughts

  1. MrsKnight says…

    Here is an odd question. Could any of us voluntarily put ourselves on a later ship if all the albums aren't released at once, so that others might get theirs first? As excited as I am to get mine, I would love to send just that little bit of love to an Aussie or someone who really needs it faster. Christmas spirit and all that?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. jdido says…

      I would also - I don't typically put anything together until after the holidays anyway.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Ah, you guys are kind. My understanding is that they all ship at the same time. But please start a conversation with Customer Service with the offer and they will let you know if it's actually possible:

      Thank you.

    3. Laura_Steingiser says…

      Love the generosity.

  2. anniais says…

    I have not recieved the email yet. I'm from spain.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! If you send me an email or start a conversation with customer service we can get that to you -

  3. goshery says…

    Looks like a great kit! I was so worried about the #17 chipboard when it fell into the box (oh no! the #17!) and so glad you found it. Odd, I know :)

    I didn't order the kit and I'm not doing the project this year, but still enjoy reading the posts and watching the videos. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha - that silly #17.

  4. Mpasquini12 says…

    Everything looks awesome! Can't wait to start. For now, I'm printing and trimming my overlays. :D

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Good plan!

  5. lkfisher says…

    Thank you for your efforts Ali. The albums will arrive when they arrive. Big picture, right? It's a scrapbooking kit. My daughter's classmate is in the hospital with meningitis and unable to answer simple questions or walk on his own. That certainly puts things into perspective. We can still take our pictures and write our stories. Everything will fall into place just fine.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes. Thank you.

  6. katevdp says…

    I watched the video, got so excited about lovely Christmas products, so I immediately went and finished last years December pages. So now I'm well & truly in the spirit & can't wait to see this kit in the flesh. I'm disappointed in the current situation, but am also used to playing catch up - so I refuse to let it dampen my love of Christmas scrapping!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome for being in the spirit!

  7. crownoflilies says…

    Will you upload more pages from your previous December Daily albums? I miss being able to see the majority of the pages, particularly from your 2007 album.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Did you know that you can scroll back through and see those 2007 posts in the December Daily® blog category:®

      My plan is to add more images to those product galleries - but it probably won't happen in the next couple of months.

  8. sclugo says…

    Really like this kit so wish it was available to purchase without the album. Also, forgot about your shop and was hoping your digital items would show up at Designer Digitals during their quarterly sale. Oh well.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sorry for the disappointments! I ended my license with Designer Digitals for any new products back in August and am now offering them here in my own shop.

  9. alteredangel says…

    Honestly, I am really disappointed. December Daily is not a new idea - it is an annual tradition. More planning should have been put into the shipment and manufacture of the kit. And by that, I mean plenty of lead time should have been incorporated into the schedule, because this apparently is a common problem with manufacture in the east. And I was really rubbed the wrong way when I was offered an opportunity to purchase templates for the $100 kit that I don't have.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for your comment and I understand your frustration - you are right, our lead time ended up not being enough based on these extenuating circumstances. I apologize for making you feel like I was adding insult to injury by adding information about the overlays. The overlays are something I've offered separately from any kits for a number of years now - there are many people who don't purchase and many who do purchase the kit that also use the overlays and I was simply attempting to communicate their availability.

  10. djarfemiano says…


    Although it is disappointing the kit is delayed, it was not due to any intent on your part. So we make do and move forward. I am actually going to pull out my unfinished 2012 album and complete it. Get into the spirit AND cross something off the "to do list."

    I do have a "if you have time to do this" request - for the last 6 years I have followed along and done this project. Often during the course of the project you use something that has me saying, "Oh, I wish I had that" but it is usually to late to acquire, think about getting or substituting. Could you possibly (in ALL your spare time) make a video or make a list of additional items you think you'll be using? And not just products like paint or glitter, but basic supplies and tools, like your favorite pens.

    Just a thought and maybe a way to bridge the time until the kit arrives.

    Thanks for all the inspiration you put out there.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for understanding that we have every intent to get your kit in your hands as soon. I used to have a list of favorite products in general that I use on my site - let me see if I can pull that together again.

    2. abbypimentel says…

      I'd be interested in seeing that, too! Again, in your "spare" time. HoHoHo!

  11. KARENT72 says…

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who posted. I was a bit bummed about not getting the kit on time but I realized it is all good. Ali does great work and I enjoy what she does. The kit will arrive when it arrives. I will start with what I have and get some thoughts down on paper and enjoy my holiday season.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for your understanding and patience.

  12. scrapperjjb says…

    I'm so excited to start my 6th DD! Thanks for the sneak into the contents and no worries on the shipping mishap. This is an uncontrollable situation and I understand that. I have been the type who prepares my pages ahead & also during the documented holiday, so I will go with the flow and work with what I have for now. Some great ideas in the comments above on things to do prior to the kit arriving! It's ALL good. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Appreciate your support - thank you.

  13. NinaChow says…

    Hi Ali, will you have digital templates like the ones that are at the Designer Digitals' site or are they new designs. Love the December Daily collection that you had in 2013 and was trying to decide if I should wait.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Nina - I will have new designs of 6x8 and 4x6 layered templates. I need to double check but I should have them up before the Designer Digitals sale is over so you still get it on that if you choose the other templates.

    2. NinaChow says…

      Thank you! I can't wait to get my kit, and I do understand about the delays with shipping. The Designer Digtals sale is on until Friday November 21 so if you can release your new stuff before then that will be awesome.

      I am so looking forward to meeting you at Crop and Create Markham 2015!

  14. micmagcan says…

    I loved seeing the video of all the cool stuff we will be getting. And I am definitely a "go with the flow" kind of person. I will start documenting on December 1st whether or not I have the kit and will start working on it when I can. And honestly, how many of us actually aren't able to work on their DD day by day due to work and other commitments? I am totally supportive of you Ali and thank you for all your inspiration over the years!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for your support!

  15. tccba says…

    I am not worried at all about getting the album late. As fun as it is to have it to drool over, I completely understand that things happen. Don't stress over that part too much! We are all just ready to follow along come December first!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

    2. sharylgolson says…

      Hi Ali, what do you use to paint your chipboard?
      I'm looking for fast...maybe the spray mists?
      Thank you!

  16. TracieClaiborne says…

    Ali - thanks so much for mentioning our podcast!!! That made our day!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It was seriously so great.

    2. goshery says…

      I agree! I enjoyed the podcast SO much - love all of the laughter and could totally relate to some of the reasons why projects go unfinished. I'm so glad you linked to The Scrap Gals podcast Ali!

    3. MaggieR says…

      Just got finished listening and loved it! Will definitely be listening to it again over the next week or so. Thank you! <3


  17. jheckenb says…

    As an Aussie, the thoughtfulness is beautiful. How kind that some people would offer to delay their order so that someone else may receive it faster! Living in Australia, it is often a part of life that things take quite a while to get here. Most things from the U.S. take about 1 month. Some things a little quicker, some a little slower. I am incredibly lucky to be able to call Australia home & have the opportunity to purchase these products. The wait for them just makes it so much more exciting!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I thought that was really nice as well - thank you for commenting.

  18. desilei says…

    I'm so excited to participate in December Daily for the first time this year! Ali, this year has been a year of many firsts...with you! Hello Story, OLW, WITL, Lense of Joy, and now DD! Thank you so much for your wonderful content and inspiration! I will wait ever so patiently for my DD kit :) --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. nusasb says…

    Hi Ali,

    Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for getting involved and helping to sort out the DD shipping problem. I was one of the more vocal commenters over at the SC site and I was very very upset. I do, however, want you to know that your efforts to do the best you can to make this situation right is GREATLY appreciated.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you Susan.

  20. Smylee87 says…

    Yay!! Just received a shipping notification! MY DD kit is on the way :) So looking forward to this project. Love all you are doing Ali!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. chibouki68 says…

      Are you sure it's for your DD? I also just received a shipping notification but it's for my Story Stamp set...

    2. vjm66 says…

      I received two shipping emails today. One for story stamp and one just a bit ago for DD!!

    3. Smylee87 says…

      Yep...both story stamp and DD have shipped!

  21. aprilch says…

    This is my first year ordering the kit and while I'm a little disappointed that it won't arrive sooner, I'm not sweating it because chances are I'm likely going to have no time to work on the album until the holidays are over anyway and in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal. Don't sweat the small stuff. Thanks for everything you do Ali. Can't wait to get my hands on the goodies. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love your attitude - and I get it, all around ;)

  22. jessah says…

    I live in New Zealand, so I'm used to things taking a while to arrive. Your video made me so excited that I have planned out my December Daily on paper! I have pretty much figured out what to put in most of the pockets on most of the days, so when the kit arrives I should be able to put my base pages together straight away. Yay! I love the designs on your papers - and was very excited to see that the large '25' page is gold foil! I didn't notice that in the photos :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for your understanding. I'm starting to get excited :).

  23. shawnaz says…

    I haven't ordered my kit yet. I am a little bummed by the news. Is there a possibility of having the kit shipped and the album shipped later? I know extra postage and all, but this may be a helpful solution.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - please start a conversation with customer service and they can get you set up (we began shipping kits yesterday to people who had ordered domestically without the albums - those will be shipped once they arrive in the warehouse).

    2. shawnaz says…

      I just read the comments where so many have received their kits. So glad! I thank you for your attention to detail and not only for sharing your stories, but inspiring us to share as well. I will order my kit immediately!

  24. carringtonl says…

    So excited to see the cute goodies in the kit and about beginning another December Daily! Love it, Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  25. ktber says…

    Just came across this calendar and looked at today's entry--it ended with great questions to reflect on about what holiday activities we did and how we felt about them last year, and how they could be more intentional about approaching activities this year. Seems like it goes well with planning for Dec. Daily as well as through the month, prompting reflections & stories to document in the album. Shortening the link but it's to the Center for a New American Dream "Simplify the Holidays" calendar.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. tjoergens says…

      Great link .. Thank you!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      That's really cool - thanks for the link.

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