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December Daily® 2014 | Inside The Kit Video + Overlays + Printables

Ah my friends, it's getting closer! 

As many of you have noticed I'm getting going on this project a lot later than I have in previous years. It's definitely not my first choice, and there are a number of different reasons for that, some within my control and some out of it (read below for a shipping update). 

As always December Daily® for me is about capturing one story per day from December 1 through December 25th. I love focusing on the words and the photos, looking for things to capture via my lens (especially things that twinkle and sparkle - oh, I can't wait for those twinkle lights), finding things to be thankful for in the middle of the mess, capturing Simon and Anna's joy, and reflecting on this past year. I love that this is an album that can hold all those stories. 

While I wait for my full kit with the album to arrive here's what I'm working on: 

1. Re-reading my past December Daily® posts and reflecting (you can see the albums in one place here and you can read all the past posts here). What did I love? What do I want to do again and what do I want to skip? How can I simplify or how can I tell more if that's my intent this year? I think having a general awareness of the stories you want to capture is a great way to being this process and something to keep in mind throughout the month. 

2. Listen to this fun podcast:  The Scrap Gals Podcast With Tiffany And Tracie. Katie and I listened to this the other day and it was so great and we were laughing right along with Tiffany and Tracie throughout - full of history and thoughts and tips about this project. 

3. Listen to Christmas music. Katie and I haven't started playing it in the office yet - which is unusual for us. But I think this will be the week we start. 

4. Gather up supplies you think you might be playing with in December and corral them into one place. I'm gathering things like gold embossing glitter and red embossing powder (always), white or cream paint, pens, etc. 

5. Print out any printable cards you might be including. Read below for information on my 2014 sets. 

Here's a look at all the fun things that should be on their way to you very soon if you've ordered the kit this year: 

December Daily® 2014 Kit from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

So many fun things that I can't wait to start playing with - especially those big gold letters, the masking tape and the stamps. 

December Daily Combo Pack


In addition I've got my annual packages of digital overlays and printables now available for those of you who like to incorporate those into your albums. 

This year I've included 6x84x6, and 3x4 - sold in individual packages - as well as offering a combo pack for the first time that includes all three sizes. Each package includes 31 individual PNG files for each day in December + easy to print PDF's in black, gray and red. For 2014 I decided to go back to one of my favorite overlay designs and have updated it to correspond to 2014 dates. What's cool about these overlays is that you can also use them for different times of the year simply by erasing/removing/covering up the day of the week. 

I'll have some new layered templates and additional holiday themed items up next week.


If you have purchased the December Daily® kit, please check your email today for a shipping update. 

It has always been our intention that this kit arrive to you in time to begin working on it before December arrives. 

Unfortunately we are experiencing a delay with the albums as they are stuck in customs in LA and we are waiting for them to be released. Please know that these were initially slated for arrival to the warehouse in October.  

As you can imagine, we are seriously unhappy with this situation and we are doing everything in our power to get these kits and albums to you (including exploring a variety of options to make that happen). Your patience as we assess the best path forward is greatly appreciated. 

Because this is supposed to be a really fun, joy-filled positive experience. 

If you have additional questions or issues related to your order (such as wanting it shipped to a different location) or would like other accommodations please start a conversation with Customer Service.

Hoping to have it in your hands very soon!

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165 thoughts

  1. Kimmie says…

    Very nice email sent this morning with a solution to the shipping situation. I am glad the team came to this conclusion. Looking forward to working on my DD later this week. : )

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Happy to make you happier!

  2. belindascraps says…

    Thank you so much for the digital combo pack this year, Ali! I have already purchased it and look forward to using it. My album has never been just one page size, so this will be perfect for me to pick and choose what I want as I go along. I love the large, open font you chose for the numbers. I envision myself painting/coloring/decorating those. :) Thank you for all of your inspiration, Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome! Thanks for the support!

  3. jennywaloch1 says…

    Thank you Ali for keeping us up to speed on our packages - I have to say I could tell by your writing that you have been getting some "heat" - which makes me sad. You and Katie are doing a great job at expanding your brand - situations like "customs-gate" are stressful/and are out of your control - anyone who has followed you knows you have amazing attention to detail and produce quality products and experiences for your customers (SC as well). I hope your fans have been reasonable and respectful - things happen - it is life and out of your control and people who follow you - of all people should know to embrace the ups and downs. This is scrapbooking - you are sending us packages of fun - everyone needs to chill out. I also see comments about cost/availability. I personally have tried to order the package for several years - one year I missed the boat they were sold out (I was happy for you that is awesome!) - the other year I didn't think I should spend the money on it but I followed along and did my own thing. This year I splurged. I splurged because this year I have seen this industry - I love start to reduce - 2 Peas; Archivers...gone. If I want "Ali Edwards" to continue to inspire me and wow me I need to put my money into the company - and not only do that at a discount rate. I also need to support her company in a respectful manner and embrace the ups and downs that happen in life because if this blog has taught me is that! Carry on ladies - looking forward to my DD package to arrive!

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for your kindness!

    2. mmolloy says…

      I so agree! Great perspective Jenny!

    3. stkong7 says…

      Go jennywalochl! I agree as well!!

    4. sarajeanne12 says…

      Nicely said.

    5. annabell123 says…

      Love this!

    6. FrancesM says…

      Hear, hear! Totally agree.
      I am in the UK & my kit arrived today! Yay!! And by my calendar it isn't December until Monday. So the print outs have been printed & cut up, I have read last year's blog over and over so no worries, no problems. Ready to go next week? Certainly. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Well done Ali. Now relax girl! ou've done your best and that's all anyone can ever do. Love & hugs, Frances xx

  4. trinibird says…

    what "jennywalochl" said...ditto!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  5. ras1190 says…

    I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. I've done some scrap booking but not a lot. This is my first December Daily and everyone is talking about preparing their albums. What do you do to prepare?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I'll be sharing a bit more about how I plan in advance soon - in the mean time you can check out my past getting ready posts. Often I get started on pages that I then fill in with my stories to take some of the work out of the process in December itself. Not everyone does it that way :) - lots of people just wing it during the month and play when they can. For me it's, again, about the stories. I look for one story each day to tell, one thing to focus on and document that in my album. Here's a look at what I did last year in advance:

    2. ras1190 says…

      Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting my kit tomorrow.

  6. geordie281 says…

    I just wanted to say thanks to both Ali and SC for explaining in detail what has gone wrong with the shipping of our kits this year, and I'm not interested in apportioning blame to anyone. Now that we know it's out of everyone's control and will happen as soon as it CAN happen I've decided to be completely relaxed about it - even though I'm in far off sunny Australia. Looking forward to the process - one thing's for sure, December 1 will come directly after November 30 and that's it!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome! We are a team and have been working really hard to get this going in the right direction ;).

  7. sarajeanne12 says…

    I was so surprised to receive my kit today and I just wanted to say that it is awesome Ali! Thanks so much for inspiring this project. I've tried to do it on my own in the past but with the craziness of the season I never finished. I'm excited to have the kit this year and I'm so motivated to keep up and have a finished album!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yea! Awesome

    2. njstampinmom says…

      Got my kit yesterday too! LOVE LOVE LOVE. Thanks so much for all you did to make sure we get it in our hands. HAPPY SURPIRSE to find it at the door last night.

  8. drciri says…

    I got my kit today. Yayyy!!!! I cant wait to dig in

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Kimmie says…

      Tell us!!!

    2. AliEdwards says…


  9. Kimmie says…

    I just got an email, that my kit was delivered! Only three more hours before I get home. I can't wait to look at all the pretty things. I have so much to do, need to organize and I wish tomorrow was not a work day. I can always stay up til the wee hours of the morning, right? ; )

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! Have fun!

  10. Honore says…

    Kit was just delivered! 5 PM, EST! Next up: Open!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! Enjoy!

  11. lkfisher says…

    I just received my kit too! I'm not going to let myself open it until I finish my week in the life album. That kit will be a tempting carrot dangling in front of me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Balletarlington says…

    Oh my goodness! My kit came yesterday and I brought it inside at 11:00 pm and it is GORGEOUS!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jynx says…

    Please help! The album is NOT coming with the kit but will arrive later? I received my kit yesterday minus the album. Does anybody know?



    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! You should have received an email about this on Monday - maybe it's in your junk or spam folder? The update is that your album will be shipped tomorrow (Friday) via the same method that you kit was expedited to you. It will be on it's way soon!

    2. NMay says…

      Exciting the albums are on the way. LOVE the WITL kit, just finished mine today. It was so much fun!

  14. NMay says…

    Love the design plan you did for the Week in the Life project. I found it very helpful. Will you be doing similar for the December Daily project?

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Bsthlf says…

    YaHOO! Kit arrived this week and my album arrived today! Everything is AWESOME! I am so excited Ali! It is my first December Daily and I knew you were the right person to share it with. Thanks so much for all your inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Athompson05 says…

    does the album look orange to anyone? I love all the goodies.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. drubatino says…

      Yes, I was really surprised at the color but I figured I'd just go with it. It's growing on me.

    2. mmolloy says…

      Yes, but in the morning light (I went to the mailbox at 8pm last nigh! Ha!) I am really liking the color. It is not traditional, but the shade is pretty!

    3. labernathy says…

      Mine's definitely like a pinkish orange or light rusty orange. I don't believe it's red, but going with the flow.

  17. ternyak says…

    I was disappointed that it wasn't a traditional red that I assumed it would be. But the kit makes up for it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. FrancesM says…

    Me too, especially as I thought I has ordered cream but I might paint it. Thinking about it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. helenc says…

    je viens de recevoir mon kit : pas de problème de livraison et : waouh ! c'est superbe ! merci beaucoup

    Reply 0 Replies

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