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Week In The Life™ 2014 | Friday Words & Photos

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. 

In honor of a crazy-full day of work and family and friends, I'm skipping the words and just sharing the photos today. 

There are definitely things I want to say about these images and stories to tell (like how both the girls had meltdowns way before it was time to trick-or-treat which left me carving the pumpkins on my own with my Coors Light). 

As you look through the photos I invite you to think about the difference the words make. If I do tell you more, how does that impact your experience? 

My house was full again this year for Halloween and for that I am so very thankful. 


About 116 DSLR shots + 28 iPhone shots. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your FRIDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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39 thoughts

  1. ZoeZuDesign says…

    The words - they make all the difference. It's how you partner your words with your photos Ali, that makes your style unique. Unique and appealing, especially to me. I learn about new ways to see things, record moments and reflect, from your words. But without the photos, the words would be too strong, unbalanced. You have a perfect blend of the two! Looking forward to viewing your WITL album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. petrac says…

    The words give context and add life. They also show feelings. In other words add richness & dimensions to the photos. I love our pictures Ali but your Pictures with words I love even more. Thanks for sharing your Friday.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. desilei says…

      I agree!

  3. wilkins says…

    Even just a few words bring the pictures to life - the context making them real. I love your Halloween pictures. Halloween in Australia is much less of an event and I always love to see pictures from the US!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. k10morris says…

    I think sometimes a picture without words let's us imagine our own story, which can be fun. Overall though, the words can make it more thoughtful and impactful. Love that shirt by the way, I have to have it! Where did you find it? Thanks!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning! It's actually one I found at a second-hand store - it's vintage Sears!

    2. k10morris says…

      Too funny! Love it!

  5. Bellaa75 says…

    I miss the words, I miss the story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. buhrmandavis says…

    The words, especially you storytelling, make all the difference. This really shows me how important the story is to the documentation. Also, I am glad to know my son wasn't the only one who had a meltdown before we went out to a Halloween party and trick or treating. I expected the meltdowns after with being up late and all the excitement and sugar. Thank you for all your inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. scrapfin1 says…

    Your such a good storyteller--- your words were missed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. fannyathome says…

    I'm trying to link but don't seem to find the widget…
    Here's my friday:
    Thanks for your friday words+photos!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. nirupama01 says…

      I couldn't find it either. Tried my iPad and desktop.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Sorry guys! For some reason the link didn't activate - it's up now.

  9. tishey says…

    i often post just pictures on my blog, or put a lot of words at the top and then the photos below. this process is opening my eyes to the impact of telling the story of the particular photo. even if it's just a few simple words, it gives it meaning. this is my 3rd time attempting WITL, but my first time to actually complete it. I'm so glad that I've stuck with it this week! And I love seeing your process each day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. nirupama01 says…

    Happy Halloween!!! I always love seeing how you celebrate. We are totally into it too and when our kids get a little older I think we will start inviting people over too.

    Here is my Friday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. andidirks says…

    Wow! What a difference.
    I miss the words.
    This is a big eye-opener for me. I often skip the words - thinking that my friends and family know the story.
    Lesson learned.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. sue_novascotia says…

    I hadn't realized just how much impact the words have. Great lesson!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. dailydwelling says…

    The words make such a difference! They really make photos come alive with the stories they tell.

    Here is my Friday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. mrsmartha says…

    Yes....the words make ALL the difference!! Wow. Seriously great object lesson. There's even a something about hearing YOUR "voice" with YOUR photos. The picture/story with no words seems flat. Thanks for sharing and being a great teacher!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Bsthlf says…

    Ali - that old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words- is so true with your pictures. Your eye is amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. kaclink says…

    I too missed the words! When I read the words, (the story) I somehow feel connected and involved. Even though I haven't met you personally, your storytelling somehow includes me and through your words, I feel like I know you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mrsmartha says…

      I totally agree!! :)

  17. Esk74 says…

    I agree with most others: I like having the words together with the photo. To me it tells the whole story. Photo without the story tells a bit, but not everything. I miss feelings, thoughts... the why.

    Just the photos does make me look more closely to the photos, and lets me notice more details. For example: technology (ipad or smartphone) in almost every shot, and: do you really have two ovens?!?!?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I do really have two ovens. Crazy, I know. And yes, I looked back through the photos for today and really most don't have an iPad or phone in them but I definitely get what you mean - they are a big part of our lives.

    2. Esk74 says…

      I'm sorry, I didn't mean to judge, it was just an observation. (And you're right; I counted, and most don't :) ) To me it shows a glimpse of what life in 2014 is like, a life where most of us have access to various forms of technology (at home, at work, in the car -heck, the car itself is mostly technology-, etc.) To me it's nice that is shows in photos, so that many years from now we can see what "stuff" we do/don't use...

  18. SarahCB1208 says…

    The words make a difference. Even if it's just a snippet, it still gives a lot.
    Though sometimes the picture can speak volumes all by itself :D

    These spoke of a wonderful time together with family :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. StillWater says…

    Can someone tell me how to access the message boards? I placed the "order" through Studio Calico. Now what? I didn't get a link or any other email.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. anandi says…

      If you ordered the WITL "class" and checked out with your $0 amount, it should show up under 'My Classes' when you log in. Just click on your name at the top right, then click My Classes, and it should be there. Then you click on the Week in the Life title and that should show you the message boards, etc.

    2. StillWater says…

      Thank you so much!

  20. anandi says…

    I love the beer on the table with the pumpkin carving :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. isabellerenaut says…

    Very interesting question indeed. Today, my son and one of his friends leafed through the 2014 PL album and his friend kept asking questions such as "where was that?" and so on... I was crafting right near them and thought to myself: "you didn't write enough for people to look at this album without you". We need words!!!!! Enjoy your time with your family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. HelenP says…

    For me, the appeal of scrapbooking was always about the words. Photo albums are nice to look at, but the words - the stories - are what linger with me long after the particular image has faded from my head. Love your words!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. cliebel says…

    hmmm, i love the words, but it's always fun, in a mysterious sort of way not having the words associated w/ the photos. nice day!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I get that too :)

  24. gabbimia says…

    First of all I ALWAYS love to read your "words", your "thoughts" when you post pictures. Always!!!! It is always so real, and the thoughts that you are having, I love it because it's things I think, or feel, but think when I'm scrapbooking "OK does anyone really care what I am feeling/thinking of that picture I took!!??

    BUT I really enjoyed just "seeing" the pictures today also!!! Some of my thoughts are WE all have good days and bad, meaning you could of if ya wanted to, leave out about Anna and her little cousin having meltdowns, BUT you didn't (love that) AND I am loving where some of them have "blur" of motions, WHAT was actually going on right at that moment. I used to think well that is not a very good picture I took, I can't scrap that, but then I would be honest to myself and think WELL I like it. So to see yours, well I just love that too, and think this is real life, this is what was going on right there, that moment. Made my day!!!

    I am missing Halloween, my kids are all grown up, no more trick or treating here:( You must of had some warmer temps too, I seen lots of pics with Anna's tootsies exposed, lots of pics with your doors wide open. It was a awful, I mean AWFUL night here in Michigan, 40 mile a hour winds, low 30's, and rain, LOTS of rain, that then turned to flurries later that night. WHEW not really ready for the winter, but here it comes. Thanks Ali for sharing it truly made my day, exspecially the one with Anna and Gabbi in full costume on the front porch, with Anna having ONE sock on and ONE sock off:)))))

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. hylagan says…

    This showed me how important words are. I missed your story-telling... I'll also be adding a few words to my photos.

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