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December Daily® 2014 | Day Six

Welcome to  December Daily® 2014 | Day Six. 

I'm hanging out here this weekend working on my Week In The Life™ album and taking breaks to move holiday decor around.

As I decided on my story for today I wanted to pass along this thought: you can let go of worrying about whether something happened on one particular day or another. Don't get caught up in things having to happen on specific days - it's nice when they do but its okay to save up a story for a different day - it's all part of the same season this year. 

For my story today I'm sharing about going to see Aaron's boys at their talent show that was on the 5th - I'm making it my story for the 6th. And it's all good

Here's a look at what I came up with for Day Six: 

Remember  yesterday how I showed you that I was planning to include the Starbucks bag? 

I stuck with that and decided to enlarge a photo with journaling on it (via Photoshop) to fit inside the bag. 

The photo I printed ended up being 6 inches wide x 7 inches tall and I printed it on  Epson Photo Paper

I also really wanted to use that number 6 as a 'pull-tab' for pulling the content (photo and words) out of the bag. 

It's something that's easy for your hands to grab when you come across it in the in album. 

It ended up working great. 

Here's the full page:

On top of the photo I added journaling in Photoshop (Remington Noiseless, type size 8). 

After printing I added the number 6 + the "so merry" using the white letter stickers from the kit (which are awesome) and I used a little  "have courage" rub on from Tim Holtz as it fit my story. I also added some of the red glitter tape to the bottom. 

Photo was taken with my iPhone. 

Here's what the back looks like for tomorrow:

I'm not sure yet just what I'm going to do with that - I might leave it blank and just do a little decoration. I have to see what my story ends up being for tomorrow first. 

Hope you guys are having a great weekend!


Click on the images below to link to the products used in this project.


I'd love to have you share a link to your Day Six pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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33 thoughts

  1. pirate63 says…

    Looks so lovely Ali !! Beautiful picture of Aaron's boys.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. shoppershaz says…

    Love what you've done with the bag. We don't have a Starbucks where I live but I will be stalking the shops to find a Christmas one... ;)

    I really like the idea of pulling the card out of it, adds another level of interest.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Michelle06 says…

    Love the number doubling as a pull tab!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mrsbandco says…

    Love the bag. Love the colours. Love the number tab.
    Beautiful story, and I am also glad that you remind us of making the project work, and there is no right or wrong way to do it! Sometimes I include stories on another day than it happened just to fit a specific photo pocket better (horizontal vs. vertical photo) and I am totally ok doing that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. lime says…

    Loved your story about courage. Really like how you are approaching the pages this year. Beautiful, simple and story-focused. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. petrac says…

    I love the bold contrast of colours. So punchy. Brilliant.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. donna10 says…

    I now feel so relieved! I don't have a story for today and I was thinking 'OMG, my life is so boring. I have nothing to say". So hearing from you that it's ok to use a story from another day is so much of a relief. I was getting so caught up with the fact that I had to document a 'today' story today. (hope this makes sense). This is my first DD and am loving the process of acknowledging that each day is important, especially in this season of joy, peace and love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cllapham says…

    Pocket scrapping allows us to use more non-archival products with our photos because the pockets separate things like wood and papers with lignin from the photos. Using a paper bag in your scrapbook looks really cool, but aren't you concerned that photo will be ruined by the bag over time?

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. peggy1958sue says…

      I was wondering that myself Cllapham. Thank u for your thoughts. Hope we get some replies bcause I have my starbucks bag ready 2 go...just no photo yet!

    2. Char says…

      I think in the age of digital photos if it does happen to cause a problem down the road you could always reprint the photos. I used old stuff like this 18 years ago and my photos are fine. So if it does cause a problem it would be a long time from now.

    3. AnnetteH says…

      I have a pen from American Crafts where you can test acidity. So I just checked and it says the bag is good as far as acidity is concerned. Is it the lignin that is the concern with paper bags? I used this pen to check my wrapping paper before using it in my Dec Daily and some of them are good and some are bad. Makes me feel a little better but I know there are other things to think about.

    4. AliEdwards says…

      Good question and I think it's a totally personal choice. I'm okay with it - it might deteriorate over time (as will most things in one form or another) but think about all the cool things that people used to put in their "scrapbooks" - papers and cards and foliage (think pressed flowers and other organic materials) and the stuff of life. I'm in the camp that some pieces of all this will last and some might not and that's okay.

      At the same time I totally get that people would like to do things to work towards avoiding the opportunity for a faster deterioration - if that's the case I'd probably stick with the pockets and leave out stuff like this bag.

      And thanks for testing it out Annette ;).

  9. orangegearle says…

    Ali, first of all, I love this project and you are such an inspiration. Second, your advice is SO RIGHT. This is the first year that I haven't gotten too worried about the "date", and it just might be the first year (out of 5) that I might finish! :-) It makes complete sense though. As soon as I stopped worrying about scrapping LO in chronological order, I got so much more accomplished! Makes complete sense that those two things would be related! Thank you for all that you do!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. abragg79 says…

    So clever with the bag!

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  11. YolandaL says…

    What a fun piece of interactivity. But you've made it so simple and approachable.

    BTW, really like the Try This callout you've included in each day's post. They're a great takeaway.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. krista_l_wells says…

    I know it's a whole lot of work for you to complete your page, take the photos and blog it every day. As a fellow blogger I know how creating content + blogging content can be time consuming and irritating at times. Just want you to know how much I love waking up every morning to a new creative post from you like the December Daily posts and the Week In The Life recaps of each day. I LOVE that. I admire the amount of time and effort it takes on your part to make it happen- don't think it's going unnoticed. I know it's not magic and I appreciate the effort you're putting forth. Some would say, well that's just her job, but you have a life outside of scrapbooking so I want you to know how much I love that you're 'giving' us a piece of your gifts each day with these intense projects.

    Thanks again. You're awesome Ali.

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. peggy1958sue says…

      I ditto this comment. Never blogged before but I can just imagine the time this all takes....THANKS ALI!!!

    2. trinibird says…


    3. AnnetteH says…

      Totally agree! It's such a treat to have a post from Ali each day. Love that you take the time to do this Ali.

    4. Untiedt says…

      I couldn't agree more. Ali puts so much time & love in these December daily posts and I'm so grateful them. The blogs are 25 gifts I receive from her that will last a lifetime. Thanks Ali!

    5. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks guys!

  13. Lize says…

    Oh, this page so rocks! I want to also thank you Ali for the time you took to extensively answer my question two days ago. And thank you for giving a hint of what your next page might look like. For us who wants to follow your format. And, yes off course, flexibility with the days on which you tell the stories! Brilliant.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. mtercha says…

    Oh, wow, beyond awesome! Great, clever ideas throughout. I am working on my WITL album too. Thanks, Ali, for answering my question on the message board. I kind of thought of that, but so lacked the confidence. Anyway, your photography is terrific, it really is. Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. AnnetteH says…

    Love how you used the big number to make it easier to pull out. Simple and brilliant! Love it Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. llaurenb says…

    *LOVE* everything about this, but the numeral "page pull" rocks my world! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Untiedt says…

    Some days I have so many stories and some days I have none. I pick one and pass on the other stories. Thanks for reminding me it's ok to tell a story from yesterday today. After all when you look back it's the whole season that really matters not a particular day. It's about the big picture. Thanks for your advice. Enjoy your day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. bgazarek_columbus_rr_com says…

    This is my first year doing December Daily (read about it while taking your Lens of Joy class - which I loved!). I'm doing good keeping up so far. Let's hope that sticks :) I don't have a blog, but I did dedicate a page on my website to this project putting the most recent layout at the top. I'm doing it digital - but I LOVE your mini book! That may happen here next year. We'll see how this year goes.

    Thanks so much for all of the inspiration and encouragement! It's fun actually creating and playing with Christmas scrapbooking in actual December (instead of months later when I stop doing other stuff to scrapbook).

    FYI - I was really struggling to find the links to others pages. I can see where you have "share your day...below" - but I couldn't see anything else (using firefox) so I assumed the links were in the comments but I couldn't find links in the comments. After a week of confusion, lol, I finally tried a different browser (chrome) and ta-da! I see the links now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. ashleymoseley says…

    Hi Ali! I just went to your projects page to look for a page (or pages?) about how you documented pregnancy. I am four months along, and while I didn't see anything about that, I did see something amazing- all of the stories of your and your kids' lives together on one page- your families and friends and man, it made me realize I am THRILLED to be starting that journey with my husband. We've been married for ten years and we have had a GREAT TIME! And I am so thankful for that, but I'm also so excited for what is ahead. I have been a little bummed the last few weeks (because pregnancy is turning me into an angry person (where did that come from?! I am always happy!), and I just look kind of fat), and this really was the moment I needed to see that it's not about week 15-17 of pregnancy, but about the bigger picture! I've loved your website since you launched it, but that Projects page really struck me. Can't wait to start with the Story Kits soon! Thanks for all the inspiration all the time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Wilna says…

    Love that you remind us it's ok to tell different stories on different days. That's what I do! But somehow when you say it, it makes it legal and not cheating. LOL.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. belindascraps says…

    Ali...I love what you did with the bag from Starbucks. I am working my bag into my book, too. :) I'm not sure how yet, and I like your idea. So simple! And I have to say I followed the Epson photo paper link above and saw your "bummer" page with you and Simon standing in front of your door...that totally cracked me up!!! I was laughing out loud at that! Very cute!!! :) Thank you so much for all of your inspiration. :)

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  22. Lmesserli says…

    You are amazing :)

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  23. crazystampwoman says…

    This is my favorite so far!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. kristapowell says…

    I'm glad I am not the only one who is creative with the dates! Hoping to get some of my stories recorded today.

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