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One Little Word® 2015

My One Little Word® for 2015 is give

The process of choosing a word, or letting it choose me as is often the case, is always interesting. For me it often starts around October - words begin popping up here and there via reading or conversations or overhearing something on the radio. I tend to do a lot of listening and thinking and trying each one on for a minute or two or a couple days or longer. 

I know there is no perfect word, there's only choices and paths and possibilities. 

This year the word give showed up in October if I remember correctly. It came in more like a whisper - some years my words have been so loud as if they were making it so they couldn't be ignored. 

Give began with the idea of giving to others and the question of what is it that I currently give. I'm pretty sure it was sparked by my trip to Washington DC to attend the ONE Campaign's AYA Girls And Women's Summit. There was a shift in my thoughts and a vivid reminder that it's not just about me and my own stuff - it was such a powerful opportunity to reflect on my place in the larger world and become educated on some of the issues facing girls and women in Africa. 

Over the last few months since it first made itself known, my thoughts about the word give and what I want to focus on in 2015 has evolved which is something I always welcome as I choose a new word. Give, for me, is so much more than the process of "handing something over."

Give love. Give kindness. Give time. Give patience. Give to others. Give to myself. 

On a certain level, the word give for me is rooted in connection and openness and awareness and willingness. What do the people around me need? How can I connect with them through the process of giving of myself? Over the last year I've lost some of myself in work and the transitions and I want more than anything to reconnect to the things/people/places I most value. 

Another level/definition of the word give is the idea of bending and being flexible. It's a nod to living in the gray areas and working on lessening my constant grip on the black and whiteness of things. My ability to be black and white is at the same time very much a strength in some areas and a weakness in others. Discerning the difference between when to give and when to hold firm is something I'd like to explore this year. 

The third level of give for me is in giving to myself. Giving time to myself. Giving patience to myself. Giving kindness to myself. Giving love to myself. I like the combination of the connection with others and the connection with myself. It's an opportunity to fine tune and get clear and make choices that align with what I care about most. 

I'm also interested in exploring give up, give away, and give in - all three of which I see as positive steps/ideas vs. the negative way they could be taken. 

I'm looking forward to experiencing a new journey with a new word in 2015.  

PS | That awesome little whole heart pocket talisman is from my dear friend Liz Lameroux's shop Soul Mantras. Check out all her lovely offerings here

PSS | Listen to Elise Cripe and I chat about One Little Word® on her latest podcast episode here


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2015. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 20122013 and 2014.


To help keep your One Little Word® more visible throughout the year I offer a year-long workshop featuring one creative prompt per month. Read all the details and sign up here. Registration is $5 off until December 31.

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523 thoughts

  1. Gracemypal says…

    I wanted to pick believe again and I now think I need to throw it away and pick a new word for a new begining. I take care of everyone and everything but not ME so was thinking of that but sounds selfish. Maybe "Do" for Do it?? I have a few days hopefully something will pop up. Thanks Grace xoox

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. justhayleys says…

    My OLW for 2015 is .... Emerge.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. beezzzkneez says…

    My word for 2014 was grow - I didn't get much of a chance to work with it and almost feel like it was a cheat as I became a mum in 2014 so the first half of the year was occupies with physically growing my son and the 2nd half with growing into my role as a mother, no contemplation required.

    My word for 2015 is 'Reach' - reaching my goals, reaching for a better me, reaching for completion; just reaching for those things I neglected this year or was too busy and preoccupied to pay attention to.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. P_J_ says…

      You grew SO much, don't sell yourself short. You were gorwing so fast you might not have time to realize it. It's a huge transition to become a Mom. One that requires A LOT of growing within your self. And your son grew along. What fun to watch a little one grow that first year! I think GROW was a very meaningful "word" for you in 2014. Congrats!

  4. sarafree says…

    My hope is to fear less. I want to share myself without the fear. I want to fear less about all the what ifs that could go wrong and look at what could go right. And there's so much more! I'm excited to see how fearless develops this upcoming year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. FYoung says…

    My word for this year is Healthy, not only physical, but in mind, soul, relationships, and spirit. So that is what I am going to be focused on for 2015. Keeping aspects of my life HEALTHY.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. tracey0502 says…

    FREE this has been on my mind for some weeks now and I am looking forward to where this will take me in 2015

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. donna10 says…

      Good choice!

  7. JaqueBampi says…

    "It involves sacrificing the pleasure and thrill of the moment for what matters most in life." (by Peter Clemens)
    I have 3 very specific goals for 2015, and I will need a lot of self-discipline to achieve them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. NCampbell says…

    MOVE is my word for 2015. I feel like this word encompasses everything I want 2015 to be about. Not only physically moving, but also moving my life forward and not staying in the rut I've created. Moving myself out of fear to try new things.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      Awesome word!

  9. pmmessner says…

    happy . contented feeling.

    the act of finishing . completed
    feeling fulfillment by completion of a goal . dream or project... FULFILLMENT. (fingers crossed)

    thanks again ali for the inspiration behind OLW.

    here's to 2015!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Emmaj says…

    My word for 2015 is DO. I often stop myself from doing or starting things because I'm nervous, or scared, or lazy. I decided in 2015 I'm going to try and DO more often. Say YES more often. To try and not be so structured.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. laurelsstitchery says…

    My word for 2015 is CALM. :)

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  12. WindyWen says…

    My word is Consistent. There are many reasons I am choosing this word, but ultimately I feel like the only way to grow as a person or to become better at something is to consistently work at it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. MariB says…

    I am still deciding between 'moment' and 'breathe', both to remind me to stop and be in the moment, to pause and breathe and take in what's happening around me. Not just rush on to the next thing that needs my attention.

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  14. stkong7 says…

    Coincidentally a few weeks ago, I also heard the word "give". Thanks Ali for sharing. Love this!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Hannah_Low says…

    I'm going with FRESH
    Re-fresh, fresh start, take a fresh look, eat more fresh food, and all that good stuff.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. saramitchell09 says…

    Ali your blog post definitely speaks to me and part of it feels like I could have written it...

    "Over the last year I've lost some of myself in work and the transitions and I want more than anything to reconnect to the things/people/places I most value."

    This has definitely been me this year, I started a new business venture plus my normal day job... and I have just been consumed in my work and not making time for the people and things that really matter to me.

    I have decided my word for 2015 is going to be "Bloom" . I was going to use the word "me" but thought it was too self centered and I needed something that would let me grow more. I came across Coleen Attara in one of your blog posts and was going through her words. When I saw bloom I clicked it and the description was "Bloom exactly where you are right now, like a beautiful flower. "Bloom" is a perfect reminder to grow into all you can be." I knew this needed to be my word, I can bloom into all I can be with my new business venture and within my personal life. It resonates with some many different parts of my life and I think it will be a perfect fit for 2015.

    I am so excited for the class and the message board and facebook is so active already! This is going to be a great group to work along side with.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. P_J_ says…

      What a great word. So many possibilities. Go for it!

  17. ConnieKayA says…

    Sholom is my word for 2015- a Hebrew word meaning peace, completeness, prosperity and welfare.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. corinne says…

      love it!!!

  18. laurel_holman_yahoo_com says…

    SPARK. Sparkle. Find what sparks me inside and follow the sparks. Spark new growth. Explore what sparks I can start out in the world. I like the energy and light in the word spark, and the feeling of activity, enthusiasm, liveliness, vivacity.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Anniejj says…

    Capture. Lots of things happening this year. My son is completing Yr 12 - last year of high school, we are going on our first family overseas holiday to Japan, I want to keep going at being more aware of my wellbeing so I'm capturing my life, my relationships and my experiences in Japan.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Pinrose says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  21. briel says…

    Adventure: it found me and I do not know where it will take me, but I think that it will be fun! It is not at all what I was expecting, so it has been interesting to say it out loud.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. zippy says…

    Mine will be "COMPLETE". I started out with the verb (to finish) but I think there's something to explore in the adjective (having all the necessary pieces or parts).

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. carabrewer says…


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  24. Courtney_Newton says…

    For 2015, the word OPEN is resonating with me. OPEN to possibilities. OPEN to new relationships. OPEN to adventure.
    OPEN to change. OPEN to whatever comes my way.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Jszaflik says…

      great word!

  25. Jszaflik says…

    my word is Challenge - to challenge myself to be better, be stronger, and to succeed.

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