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December Daily® 2015 | Day Four + Documented Life Project

Welcome to  December Daily® 2015 | Day 04.

Today I'm sharing my  December Daily® story/album pages in conjunction with a fun collaboration called the Documented Life Project. If you are new to the Documented Life Project go over and check it out (here's a link to what they are focusing on over there for 2016 - "The unPlanner"). If you are looking to spread your wings artistically you should definitely check out this fantastic community of mixed media creatives who are documenting their lives via techniques rooted in color, texture, words, images, etc. If you are new to December Daily® I encourage you to check out my Project Page and watch a short video and check out my archives for this project.

Here's the theme, challenge, and prompt I was given for the  Documented Life Project

  • December Theme: Storytelling with the Written Word
  • Challenge: Words front and center
  • Prompt: Life is a book. We fill the pages.

As many of you know, I like creative constraints and guidelines so it was fun to approach my story today with those ideas in mind. As many of you also know, words "front and center" are a big part of my personal memory keeping process. 

I took this prompt into account as I decided what story to tell and how to tell it. I love the "we fill the pages" portion of the prompt and it actually spurred me to go get the rest of the garland I needed to wrap around my front porch with the idea that magic is something we make. We don't always get to choose what story we step into, but we get to choose how we respond to it and how we move forward from there. 

How are you figuratively filling the pages of your life's book? Are you living a "good" story and what in the world does that even mean for you? 

I know many of you out there face challenges this month - personal, emotional, attitude, etc. I get it. It can be hard to document or look for the good when you are feeling not good. One of the things I've learned over the years, and I regularly remind myself, is we really do get to choose what our own attitude is towards any given situation and towards our life in general. It's not always easy to choose the positive, but it's possible. One moment at a time, one day at a time. 

This season I'm choosing to the fill the pages of my life by seeking out and creating magic for myself. I'm not waiting for someone else to make it happen. I'm writing my own story and filling my own pages by the choices I make. 

A step-by-step video tutorial that includes more thoughts and a closer look at the process of building this story is included below or you can watch it on my  YouTube channel

Here's my foundation page for Day 04: 

And here's what it ended up after adding my photos and words: 

Ah, yeah is right. 

I love how this turned out. 

First thing I want to talk about today is self-portraits. DO THEM. Make them happen for yourself

I took this shot after I was done putting up the garland around the porch. I held  my big camera out in front of my face and took about eight shots. I wanted to see myself in this story and I wanted to capture how I was feeling in the moment. Which was happy and good and proud of myself for taking action on creating magic for myself. 

For editing this photo (and the enlargement) I used the  RadLab filter Bullet Tooth (I use RadLab as an add-on within Photoshop) and it was printed here at home using the Epson PictureMate PM400.

On top of the photo I added a "finding my way" stamp from the Roots Story Kit™ and a  Silhouette cut of "joy" from the Storytelling with December Daily® workshop package. The little star was included with the Jasmine Jones December Daily® Mini Kit. 

Just a short bit of handwritten journaling included on the 3x4 card today that gives a few more details of the story about making my own magic. I used a date stamp + the  gold tinsel embossing powder (again) for the date. 

For this page I used  Educational Insights See & Stamp stampsblack Staz On to stamp my words onto vellum. Going big is fun. This can also simply be done using fonts on your computer and printing onto the vellum. 

Think of a message you could include - something that you are working on, a message to yourself, a favorite quote or song, etc. 

In addition to self-portraits that show your face, get some of you in action. It's all a part of the story of you who are right now. I set my camera up on a small table I took outside with me and played around with different shots using the timer on my camera. 

On top of the printed photo (sized again to the same size as the outside of the page protector) I adhered another Silhouette cut from the workshop. I dotted three of the "i's" using the small gold stars in Jasmine's kit. 

Remember, this is your story. BE IN IT. Via your words and via your images and via the choices you make. 

Here's a look at all three parts outside the album: 



Please note that some supplies are not linked below for pieces that were created previously but can be found via my Foundation Pages post.


I'd love to have you share a link to your Day 04 album pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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38 thoughts

  1. Michelle06 says…

    Love stamping on vellum! Will take on board the self portrait suggestion Ali, not afraid to just never seem to think of it when I am the one behind the camera all the time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. SandiKeene says…

    Ali- thank you so much for being our Featured Artist today over at the Documented Life Project! What a great way to interpret the prompt for today. Those big bold letters on the vellum make as much of a statement as the inspiring words. Seeing DLP and Daily December together makes me oh so merry! Both projects are a huge part of my art life. Thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jdido says…

    Am LOVING your videos. Thank you so much for taking the time to create and share them with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kellysill says…

    Thanks for the encouragement to get in front of the camera! I need to work on that more!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mtercha says…

    Cool stuff on the Documented Life Project site, interesting. And love your take, the words on the vellum, that's the perfect quote for you, definitely. Really hits how you're living your life. Anyway, the self portrait photos are awesome, especially the smaller one, I can see the joy. Wishing you an amazing, magical Christmas/December. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kjjennings says…

    I love the videos it is daily inspiration and for the first time I getting my daily pages done daily! Thank you for doing those, I so appreciate it. Also, I have a question. I see you just got the new Epson PictureMate PM400. I have had the original Epson PictureMate (for 20+ years -- what a workhorse) which I have been using nearly everyday to do Project Life (and DD in December). I have been wanting to get a new Epson PictureMate that does wireless printing but this is the first one they have made that does wireless printing easily from an iPhone. Since I use this primarily for Project Life I print a lot of 3x4, 3x3, and 4x4. Does this new PM400 also print those size? I have not found anything about the ability to print smaller sizes on the 4x6 photo paper like my 'old' PictureMate does. Thanks!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      To be honest I haven't checked out all the features because I just have it plugged in to my computer (so I haven't tried the wireless option) and print directly from Photoshop. I'm thinking I will do a more thorough review after this month is over.

    2. kjjennings says…

      Thanks Ali! I look forward to your review.

  7. Lize says…

    If the idea was to make magic, you've certainly succeeded...that selfie is pure magic, and so love the vellum page.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jgk04 says…

    Ah, this is pretty awesome and so inspiring. Thank you Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. iluvred says…

    I love what you stamped on the vellum! It's a fabulous reminder for me to focus on the magic this season!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. sskov says…

    Love the 'magic' theme! It resonated so much with me and love how you expressed it visually. Thanks for doing this for DLP2015!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. bravelove says…

    Loving the videos! Loving all your ideas - the ways such simple understated additions can just make the pages come together. And loving your sentiments about the holidays, life and making our own stories magical. THANK YOU for sharing what you do!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. asackr01 says…

    Ali you were really able to capture joy in your face, it looks fantastic and made me smile when I saw it. It feels good to do those things for yourself. As always, thanks for sharing :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. astoria150 says…

    I cant find the cut files in Story telling with December daily?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You should be able to access it by clicking on your User Name in the top right corner and clicking on My Digital Files (it should automatically show up if you are in the class).

    2. astoria150 says…

      I can get the digital stamps but don't see the cut files.

  14. Carriecook says…

    You've given me something to think about today. Sometimes I get bogged down in the responsibility of 'making Christmas' - being responsible for decorating and shopping and activities and giving my children the Christmas season. It is easy to lose sight of the very cool fact that... I get to MAKE CHRISTMAS. Attitude adjustment completed!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. smultringunn says…

    Oh man, my favorite page yet! Love everything from the sentiment to the execution. Awesome.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Ravenwood1950 says…

    Ali, thank you so much for sharing so much of your spirit with all of us! I had a real "Ah ha" moment taking this class and have created a new mantra for myself. "Happiness and Magick doesn't occur all by itself; YOU must create it". May you have the Merriest Christmas ever!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. krista_l_wells says…

    You need one of these for adding holes to your photos to add to the binder albums-
    It makes the same size holes as the actual binder pieces in the albums. I have found a huge difference after using this for mini albums instead of my crop o dile.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Librarybug says…

    Thank you, Ali. Thank you for the reminder to get my own story in my album. Dec. 4 is the anniversary of my uncle's death. I knew I wanted to document it in my December Daily Album, but I didn't know how. I also wasn't completely convinced that I should. But you've made me realize that as hard as it is, it's an important part of my story. So I'm going big & including his last words to me on one page. Thanks for continuing to be such an inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Babz510 says…

    Mad love for all that stamping Ali! Beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. JenHart says…

    Brilliant, just brilliant.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. kellyish says…

    love this so much! the sentiments, the photos, the story. thank you for always sharing yourself so generously!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. platoj says…

    Holy cow! There could not be a community the screams your name louder than this one, Ali. I am sharing it with some friends who are in the same "place." Definitely checking this out.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. virginiegoujon says…

    Thank you Ali for the reminder to create MY own magic. You know MAGIC is my intention word for December. Magic for Erin who already knows (Love that she's my little helper for the holidays doing her best to create Magic for her little brother.) Magic for Liam who is 6 1/2. Perhaps it will be our last Christmas with a kid who does'nt already know. But what about me? My hubby? Definitely need to create Magic for us.
    Thank you for the reminder to use "big educational stamps" . I got some in my classroom from another brand but never thought to borrow them.
    Love everything about your page Ali, the photos, the sentiments and the realisation.
    Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. sparkle says…

    I love the close up of your face. It reflects everything you teach us...authentic, in the moment, documenting our life how we live it. True life= magical!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. robenmarie says…

    Thanks so much for joining us as a featured artist for DLP this year, Ali! We truly appreciate you taking the time to create such an inspiring take on the challenge! Your work will surly be a hit with our participants. Thanks again!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for asking me!

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