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Day In The Life™ 2016 | Mark Your Calendar For March 29th

One of the projects I plan to continue this year is Day In The Life™

One single day of in-depth documentation, Day In The Life™ is an awesome opportunity to record your right now - from the time you wake up until the time your head hits the pillow. What do you do, where do you go, who do you see, what's important to you, what are you eating, what are you saying, etc?  

My completed Day In The Life™ projects have come together in a variety of different ways including monthly in Project Life®(did this for about six months in 2014), in minibooks, on traditional layouts, etc. For this next one I'm planning to use pocket pages and most likely include it as an insert in my Project Life® album. 

This year I'm hoping to do quarterly Day In The Life™ projects - with the first date scheduled for Tuesday, March 29th (other dates throughout the year will be announced as we get closer to them). 

What I love about Day In The Life™

  • The invitation to use my "big" camera for the day. It's simply a fun photo project that encourages taking more photos than I usually do on any given day and I always end up with some photos I really love that tell the story of my life right now. 
  • It tells the complete story of just one day. In Project Life® I'm most often aiming for an overview of the week so I don't capture all the details of every single day (that would be way too much). Day In The Life™ gives me the chance to capture more of a single day: routines, things said, how much time I spend doing this or that, etc. 

There's nothing you need to sign up for - just mark your calendar and I'll post more ideas as we get closer to the actual day in March. 

Check out my archive of past Day In The Life™ documentation hereI also have a Day In The Life™ Mini Class available as well if you are interested in learning more about how I've approached this project in the past and seeing the step-by-step for a simple 4x4 album. 


To help you with your intentional storytelling for Day In The Life™ I've put together a small kit of supplies that is available now

In addition to the 3x4 & 4x6 cards and the chipboard circles, this kit includes something that I'm super excited about - a rolling time stamp. This is a product I've wanted to find/offer/create for a very long time and I'm super excited to have it to use to document the times of day for this and other memory keeping projects:

Here's a short video overview of what's included in the Day In The Life™ Mini Kit

We will be offering a digital version of this set with the cards + circles at the beginning of March. 


I also want to let you know that the pre-order for the 2016 Week In The Life™ kit will be coming soon. I'll be documenting my week in May 2016. More details to come. 

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48 thoughts

  1. NZKaren says…

    I signed up for the kit - the stamp is so cute and I can see myself using it a lot.
    Thanks for the sharing you do with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. nightwolf says…

    Oh that stamp! Please tell me it will be available separately?
    Looking forward to Day in the Life :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - it might be sometime in the future but it won't be soon :).

  3. Kellyr911 says…

    The day in the life kits that are in the shop with the albums says 2015 kits will there be a 2016 kit

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This is the first one for 2016 (the same one that is shown above): Are you thinking this is Week In The Life? Different project - those kits for 2016 will be available soon.

  4. PrettywomanAXO says…

    Can't wait- I don't think there was a kit when I did it last! :) So excited... this will be my travel day home from Europe, so I'm excited to track my "day in the life" for more than 24 hours as I travel through different time zones! :D

    Will there be any digital elements for this Day in the Life?

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. nhudson says…

    I just bought the class I guess from the last time you did this project. Super excited! I am anxiously waiting for the kit as I see others are getting theirs...we are expecting snow tonight into tomorrow and Thurs but, the mailman better bring my kit! lol..I also ordered your pen, and a stamp set. your classes are going to cause me to work overtime...:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. hiltonp says…

    Hi Ali! Very excited for both Day in the Life and Week in the Life 2016 as well! So appreciate your style and the daily inspiration. Just wondering if the 3 x 4 Number Stamp will be restocked? I am kicking myself for not ordering it sooner and have stalked your site regularly checking to see if it is back in stock.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jennp6 says…

    I've followed along with Day & Week in the Life a few times, but this is the first time I've ordered a proper kit - so stoked about the rolling time stamp!! Pure genius Ali! As always, thanks for all that you do to inspire us :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. lizness says…

    How do people share their pages/creations with each other? I'm just getting back into scrapping and I'm not sure where to go to see the awesome pages/stories of others that are participating. (Thanks!)

    Reply 0 Replies

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