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These Kids

These kids are rad. 

This house is full.

The toothbrushes have all been replaced and everyone now has their own color so there's no confusion about who and where. 

It's good. 

Here's a look at what's up with my crew right now: 

  • Name: Audrey
  • Age: 7
  • Totally into: Kittens, puppies, Shopkins
  • Likes: Shopkins, kittens, puppies, meatballs + spaghetti, Lego Friends, Itsy (cat at her Mom's house)
  • Dislikes: Coffee, dirty green color
  • Wants to be: Help with Greenhill (local Humane Society)
  • Toothbrush color: Pink

  • Name: Anna
  • Age: 7
  • Totally into: Her Spotify playlist, games, Lego Friends
  • Likes: Shopkins, going to Grandma & Grandpa's, ramen, soccer
  • Dislikes: Coffee, kale, possums, snakes, rats, mice
  • Wants to be: Hairstylist, gymnast
  • Toothbrush color: Green

  • Name: Elliott
  • Age: 9
  • Totally into: Music (drums + piano), basketball
  • Likes: Music, basketball, legos, orange chicken with broccoli and rice, Woody (the dog)
  • Dislikes: Long car rides, Isaac, school, boredom
  • Wants to be: Musician
  • Toothbrush color: Purple

  • Name: Isaac
  • Age: 11
  • Totally into: Pokemon Legos and physics/engineering stuff, guitar
  • Likes: Math, programming, and heavy metal
  • Dislikes: Little, constant annoying noises
  • Wants to be: Engineer (nuclear or mechanical)
  • Toothbrush color: Light blue

  • Name: Simon
  • Age: 14
  • Totally into: Movies, time travel, legos, video games
  • Likes: Gorgeous girls, cheese, candy
  • Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, being embarrassed
  • Wants to be: The world's first time traveler, scientist, blacksmith
  • Toothbrush color: Dark blue

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60 thoughts

  1. jennie says…

    What a gang! Noted Simon's "gorgeous girls" like.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    Those kids are awesome! I think it's cool Isaac wants to be an engineer. One of my boys (high school senior) is going for civil engineering (crazy for math and physics), we are waiting impatiently to hear he's been accepted to his top school). Anyway, great stuff. Great, awesome people there. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. christyj says…

    How fun. Cute kids! Poor Isaac love his curly hair. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Julchen82 says…

    This is so cool and something for project life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Radish38 says…

    So delighted to meet all the kids. I have been waiting. Cheers for all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. LoriAnde says…

    Five cute kids! And five blessed kids to have adults in their lives who come together for their wellbeing and behave as cool adults! Goodness is here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Wmreale says…

    I literally burst out laughing at Simon's "gorgeous girls." This list of all of your kiddos makes me so happy and I'm going to go home tonight and capture the same kind of thing at my house. Well done, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Joelaw says…

    So, Elliott dislikes Isaac - to the point that you felt you needed to document it?! That's really sad. (I have 3 boys -they adore each other and are often inseparable but not 24/7 and on any given day would say they disliked each other at least once, occasionally for an entire day or more, but it's not something I would ever have included on a memory list like this).

    Reply 9 Replies
    1. ssporusta says…

      It's real. It's unfiltered. It's life. Memory keeping is personal and should be exactly what we want it to be.

    2. teacherlisa says…

      ^^^ this... my boys love eachother. They are 18 months apart,and are now adult roommates. There were a few notes passed under doors that I saved from their young years. Some were nice, some, not so much lol. They look back and laugh and are super glad that I saved them.

    3. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      Joelaw, I can see your point that this part of the list isn't for everyone. However I also think the comment was "tongue in cheek" and not to be taken at such a serious level. Kids are always talking about "hating" each other at that age, but underneath it all they know how they feel. I am thinking that Ali is the type of person who wouldn't publish something hurtful intentionally, and she knows who's under her roof better than we do. I could have put this on a list for one of my kids, because I can honestly say they would have thought it was funny.

    4. AliEdwards says…

      I absolutely know, without a doubt, that these boys love each other. I also know that his response is a slice of what's real for him right now & is also part of his dry personality - the kind of thing that's hard to capture with words alone (and I know that his answer in no way shape or form will be a surprise to the other one). I plan to do this kind of list-capture many more times in the coming years and I anticipate, based on years of experience in my own life, that all of their answers will evolve.

    5. KProffitt says…

      Ha! I loved that! It's just how siblings are and I love that raw, unfiltered answer. You can't edit what kids say and I think you were right to document it! Brothers are that way and yep, they can still love one another A LOT. ;)

    6. YolandaL says…

      I laughed when I read that response. I realize that it's easy to misinterpret intent when all you have are image + words, but I think we all know Ali a lot better very than to think her intention here would be to humiliate or antagonize. When you see Elliot's smirking grin in the photo paired with his words, it conveys sarcasm and mischief. If there were real anger and strife between the two boys, Ali would never have picked this forum or time (our first chance to get to meet the kids face to face) to unveil that. She has been methodical and thoughtful in the way she has added these new people into her public story and we should work hard to be a good--not judgmental or finger pointing--audience.

    7. MarciMonster says…

      I thought it was hilarious.

    8. Characterfan says…

      I love my brother he's 3 years younger than me. I remember many times as a kid disliking him on any given day for anything. I read it that way. I'm sure the kids all love each other, but one day you they might not.

    9. Tamibr says…

      I thought it was so cute - that is the way kids are. I think we (adults) all know that they love each over deep down (most of us anyways).

  9. srsurman says…

    Fun idea and a totally cute bunch of kids!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. ddownes says…

    Thank you for introducing us to them and thanks to them for sharing their personalities via their answers to the questions. Each kid seems unique and wonderful and I bet the sum is even greater than the individual parts. The pride and joy you feel comes across in your words...and in the smiles you can coax from those bright, shining faces. This is a milestone post for your family. Go Ali go. Go Aaron go.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. hgauvin says…

    Now that's a houseful! Thanks for sharing these great shots of the kids. Noted: Simon's "like" - gorgeous girls. I giggled when I read it. He's so grown up.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lize says…

    Welcome to the new kids on the blog! They are an awesome bunch, and their likes are so interesting, especially "timetravel".

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. khess136 says…

    Thank you so much for sharing your children and this intimate peek into their personalities. What a wonderful keepsake for ALL of them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. jaimeelynn says…

    Simon and Anna's freckles though. :) And Simon better get used to being embarrassed if he likes gorgeous girls. That made me giggle a little bit. I love that you guys have merged your life and filled your house with more kiddos. As we continue to see updates for december daily, can't wait to see how your new household changes your album and stories!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. ShellyK says…

    I can only imagine the fun!
    Hope you are feeling better with this big change!! Love that the girls will grow up together...Trouble for sure!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. jstock17 says…

    So nice to meet you, Audrey, Elliott and Isaac. I feel I already know Anna and Simon! Such a beautiful family. Can't wait to learn more and more about this new life you have, Ali. So exciting!

    (And I LOVE Isaac's curly hair).

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. RMcCabe says…

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful, unique, and beautiful children with your readers. Being a parent myself, the greatest thrill I have experienced is nurturing and celebrating my two kids' totally different personalities, talents, and interests. I am thrilled to see how your journey will evolve. All best to you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. zousan says…

    Loved the way you documented this - the beginning with their colored toothbrushes, their individual portraits and their answers to those question - so awesome to have this piece documented and will be fun to look back on for you and them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. KProffitt says…

    What a super cute, great bunch of kids! Love how you snapped a photo of the toothbrushes and then said which color they were all assigned! Super creative and they are all adorable! Loved their answers! Kids are the best! Thanks for sharing them with us, Ali! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. virginiegoujon says…

    This is so cool! What a crew!

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  21. jamie59 says…

    This is such a cute snapshot of the kids right now. Awesome idea. Just curious...does their toothbrush color match their hydraflask color too?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Kegger says…

      That's exactly what I thought too! :D

    2. run_pump_scrap says…

      I'm totally sure they have too... love this

  22. YolandaL says…

    I've been looking forward to meeting these new little people and learning more about them through your pictures and words. Already getting the sense your house is full of music and your floor is covered in lost Lego pieces. Can't wait to see 5 kids appearing through December Daily. It's going to be awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. claraogren says…

    I LOVE everything about this. The fact that you have such a full house, the organization by color, and the writing. Simon's "gorgeous girls" and Elliot's "Issac" are so real and honest, I totally laughed out loud at both.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. scrappinjam says…

    So great to meet all of them. Looking forward to hearing more about them!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. pierek14 says…

    Thanks for the intro, what a great bunch of kids. I can see your house is full of fun, laughter and love. Bless you Ali.

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