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Week In The Life™ 2017 | Thursday Words + Photos

I love this project. That's all. 

That's how I feel about it tonight as I look back over my photos for this day. I'm so thankful for the "push" to take more photos, something I feel like I do less of overall these days, especially with my bigger camera. Time and life and love and story and even the hard parts are so very precious. Let's be the people that are thankful every day.

Here's a look at my Thursday: 

5:58am // Woke up this morning and found this photo that Aaron texted me at 8:53pm last night. I didn't even make it to 9pm.

8:02am // Fell back asleep for a bit after my first wake up then showered and fed the animals and filled the dishwasher and then walked outside to pick these. Thank you  Floret for selling the best bulbs - I believe these are called "sensual touch." I seriously can not recommend their products enough - the dahlias I ordered from there last year were so awesome. I can't wait to see how the ones I ordered for this summer turn out. 

8:16am // Repeating a photo I took the other day because this is truly a daily thing. Photo taken with my iPhone propped up against a flower vase using the timer.

8:36am // We have a visitor! Stomach bug for Anna = no school. Chris had meetings this morning so she's hanging out here with some Gatorade for awhile.

8:55am // Morning social media check-in for Facebook Groups and classroom forums. Some days I like to sit at the dining table vs. my desk for a change of perspective. I took this one with my iPhone propped up against a flower vase. 

9:52am // More meetings. It's what we do.

11:54am // Lunch. Burrito. Same as yesterday = simple and easy.

After lunch I went back up to my office to continue going down my list for the day. 

When I'm here by myself in the office I usually listen to podcasts. Three of my current favorites include: 

  • Pantsuit Politics // This is a new-to-me political podcast that features a woman from the left (Sarah Stewart Holland) and a woman from the right (Beth Silvers) and I love their super-civil, educated discussions about current political and world events. And PS, Sarah is a memory keeper and has participated in Week In The Life™ and December Daily®. 
  • The Daily // From The New York Times. 
  • The Simple Show // From Tsh Oxenreider of The Art Of Simple (a blog I've been a fan of for years now). General simple living + family life + travel stuff. Tsh has a new book out that I posted about on Instagram earlier this week called At Home In The World - a memoir about how they took their kids on an around-the-world trip for nine months.

That flower painting is a recent purchase from artist  Erin Gregory

1:11pm // Working on Project Life® from last week this afternoon. Printing photos at least.

Currently Aaron's desk is set up in our bedroom while he remodels the space at the back of the garage (I have a really long garage) into his music room/office. I love that we both do most of our work from home.

As usual, this guy isn't far from the action. He's either in his basket in my office or on our bed near where Aaron is working on his computer. Our bed is from Target ( Nail Button Wingback). 

1:51pm // I like it when he comes in my office to plan out the rest of our day. Especially because he's just not hard to look at.

4:26pm // Shopping with Aaron for some boys clothes at Old Navy and this is coming home with me.

He makes me laugh every single day. 

4:45pm // After Old Navy we headed over to one of our favorite local restaurants called Sabai. It's always busy there so we loved going early. 

They have the best drinks. I had a Rangoon Gimlet (tanqueray gin, basil, lemongrass, lime) and he had The Confession (jameson whiskey, cucumber, st germain, lemon). 

Usually when we go here it's dark so it was so fun to have awesome light for photos. I was so happy that I brought along my  big camera. 

Green Green Avocado Curry for him + Pineapple Fried Rice with shrimp for me. 

6:20pm // When we got home Aaron had a meeting with our contractor friend who is advising and helping him on the music room renovations in the garage and I dropped off a couple purchases in the girls room (wishful thinking for flip-flop coming soon weather + these cute little shorts jumpers from  Old Navy) on my way up to my office to upload the photos from our outing. These dressers have been in my family for a long time - at least when I was a young child + probably longer if I remember correctly. This is the first time in many, many years that they have been in the same room. Right now there is also a tv in the girls room that's hooked up to an Apple TV and is only used when they watch a movie together on Saturday mornings or sleepover nights with friends. When we merged houses we seemed to have an excess number of TV's (none of which are hooked up to "regular" TV).

I'm going to wrap up posting at this point for today. When I put my actual album together I might have a few more photos for the evening. 


In the past I've offered a linking widget here to collect links to people who wanted to share their Thursday post of words + photos. For some reason I can't get it to work again so if you would like to share a link to your THURSDAY words and photos please post in the comment section below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. Thank you!

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39 thoughts

  1. smalls530 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  2. JenHart says…

    Fab post, so inspirational that your day felt 'normal' but still special and important to you, and interesting to me.
    Those flowers are awesome!
    My thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jessfo says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  4. sa_scully says…

    Here's my Thursday; kind of an off day. Hope it came across!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. amyj924 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  6. teri0604 says…

    Great blog the photos of your day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. kelfergie1803 says…

    I love seeing this week through all the different views around the world. Thanks for inspiring us with your stories.

    Our Thursday stories are blogged over at

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Ka_Ra says…

    Thursday is ready: ☺️ Ali, thank you so much for your inspiration and all the fun this projects brings.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. agnes_and_co says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  10. stephanieadams says…
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  11. gdtch4 says…

    Finally catching up with my blog posts from the recording week.

    Reply 0 Replies

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