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December Daily® 2017 | Updates

Ordering for December Daily® 2017 began yesterday and you can access available products here

At launch time yesterday we again experienced a crash of our servers. In preparation for this year we had doubled the capacity based on the highest point last year and it was still not enough. We received triple the amount of traffic overall. We will be completely revisiting our entire process and going back to the drawing board to take a close look at what's working and what's not working to come up with a plan for the future. Many people in the December Daily® Facebook Group have mentioned a pre-order option. I have initial reservations about going that route - including issues related to quality + the manufacturing timeline - that could potentially lead to disappointment as well. That said, the conversation will be had. 

At this time the majority of products released for this launch yesterday are still available. Because of the server issues yesterday products continue to come in and back out of stock as my Customer Service team sorts out orders from yesterday where multiple quantities were added during the order process. This will likely continue to happen throughout the day as they work through those conversations.

If a product is able to be re-stocked it will have a Notify Me button rather than a Sold Out button (the Word Phrases Sticker Bundle is one product where that is the case). 

The main thing I want to express to you within this post is that we care very much about this project and the products that support it and we will continue to work towards finding the best way to offer you products to support the project.

Below you'll find information about the new December Daily® Journal as well as video walk-throughs of the additional products we are offering this year. You can see full kit video walkthroughs on my previous post here.

This Order Selection Period will run from now until the end of September and then we will package up your box and ship it to you in October. For a full FAQ about how this ordering process works please go here.

If you have any questions or issues with the order selection process please start a conversation with our Customer Service team.  


One thing we are super excited to announce is a brand new product this year - a December Daily® Journal. This Journal has it's own page for purchasing (not a part of your December Daily® order) and it will ship FREE everywhere in late October. 

This spiral bound journal is designed to be a home for planning and documenting your holiday season. It includes 120 pages of storytelling prompts, undated calendar pages, tear out art prints, and stickers in the back. Here's a look at some of the interior pages: 

I'll be sharing more about the journal as the season progresses. 

A few days ago I posted full video walk-throughs of the kits we are offering this year. You can check those out here.

Below I'm including two videos that will walk you through the additional products we have available this year:


The first video above includes a look at the albums, stamps, 6x8 pattern papers, 6x8 transparencies, journal card sets, and the log book. 

This second video includes a look at all the rest of the products offered as part of this year's  December Daily® release.  

Digital products, for those of you who are interested, will be available on October 16th. These will include new layered templates and overlays for 2017, as well as digital versions for most of the products we are offering this year.

If you have any questions about the process or issues with the order selection process  please start a conversation with our Customer Service team.  

Thank you, as always, for your support and excitement about this project. 

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26 thoughts

  1. lohersh says…

    I know you told us before but can you please remind us of when the DD digital products will become available? Thanks. Nevermind! I see it! Oct. 16. Yippee!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. rhondapogo says…

    Kudos to you and your team, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. kalibetsy says…

    I am super excited about this project and can't wait to work on it again this year. Focusing on the project has helped me process some very difficult Decembers. I know that I put a tremendous amount of pressure to make December a magical month and with this project I can pour my pressure into the scrapbook and let my family have an easier time-they love it for that (having me photograph them, not as much!). Thank you again for all that you and your team do.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. lauralou222 says…

    You guys out did yourself with product this year. Thanks so much for taking the December daily communities feedback for products and making them happen. I am so excited for the planner this year! Are you going to do a video on the planner? I would love to see a walk through video! Thanks again for all your time and effort into making all this excitement come together.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I will do one soon!

    2. mrsb says…

      I look forward to seeing that video too. Especially to see what the stickers are like.

    3. jamie59 says…

      Me too! I was going to ask what kind of stickers they were.

  5. jessicanturner says…

    I've had a couple intense years and stepped away from scrapbooking. But I miss it. Yesterday I ordered a bunch of the products, with an expectant heart that this project is going to reignite documenting for me. I can't wait. Thank you for the amazing work you do, Ali. xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mamami says…

    Thanks for showing all the new products. I love the options and the classic colours, but i really miss some alpha sticker.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. LynnseyJo says…

    It is truly amazing how much this project has grown over the past few years. WOW! You and your team did a great job handling the situation yesterday. I'm not sure how it could be avoided or what the answer would be - who can guess how many people will hit the launch minute...around the world no less! I appreciate the previews you provided so I knew exactly what I wanted to order at launch. Great job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. meldarcy says…

    I love the cover on the Journal. Just a suggestion for next year (or future years) - I would LOVE that as a 6x8 album cover!! Just saying!!
    But honestly, Ali & Katie, you guys rock!! You have been proactive in planning this year - you can't be expected to predict the future and if people were more sensible (and didn't try to access across multiple devices) you would have had less headaches yesterday. Thanks for trying so hard to provide us with excellent products and inspiration to tell our stories :)

    Love your work!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. CraftyCat says…

      Agreed, that would be an AMAZING DD Album cover.

  9. RhondaN says…

    I want to thank your team for being so helpful the past 2 days. It is greatly appreciated by me.
    I love this project and I really want to thank you for listening to our feedback on adding more items to the shop this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Mandyg says…

    We are so lucky to have access to such beautiful products to help us share our December stories. You have clearly put so much time, effort and thought into designing these items, long before we're even thinking about using them. Thank you Ali for trying to have this process run as smoothly as possible. What a compliment that the system crashed again when you doubled the capacity! You must be doing something right. I can't thank you enough for giving me inspiration to share my stories with others.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. legal_memories says…

    Can I be a little grumpy that all of the albums sold out in one day with no chance of a re-stock. It goes without saying that I missed out

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! A second order selection period has been added and the details are available here:

  12. Beejay22 says…

    Just wanted to add my thank to Ali and Katie for all the work you put into DD. I really like the choices you provided for us this year and am also thinking to purchase some digital items too. I know you try but you just can't predict how people are going to react to your selection. Again thank you Ali for getting us to tell our stories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Mrsecdy says…

    Watching your videos and seeing your wonderful products made me want to turn on some Christmas music tonight! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Mrsecdy says…

    Will add-on products also be available as digital? (Obviously not the clear pages). I'm just wondering if I should purchase the physical product or if they do come out digitally, I can wait for those. Thx!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They will!

  15. clarabelle says…

    I think you and your team have done such a lovely job handling what has surely been an incredibly stressful time. December Daily is a wonderful concept and your execution is always beautiful. I am not upset that I did not get to order the items in which I was interested (logged in launch evening), just wanted to share my perspective about those items. Like many of your community, I already have a good bit of product, including even remaining items from past DD kits. I was interested in DD items this year that I did not already have and are unique to DD. For me, three items: a charming album (I like all three styles), transparency pages (which you do so well), and the chipboard bundle (makes any page more fun). I love all of your products; I wonder if perhaps the items that are sold out went so quickly because they are special "other" items, really ONLY available through you and DD (eg, access to holiday stamps is broad from many sources; access to holiday transparency pages is very limited). Estimating how much to order of any one item is always a challenge for a small business, not to mention how to handle ordering for holiday-related projects. Wishing you all the best as you continue to navigate these waters through your wonderful and much-deserved success!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! We have opened a second order selection period with the items that sold out quickly:

  16. Kary13 says…

    I was able to get everything I wanted (yeah!), but just had a thought. For those who didn't get something they wanted--binders for instance--would it be possible to have them place a prepaid pre-order once those items are sold out, with the understanding that the item wouldn't arrive until after December? I know I never have managed to actually do a DD in real time and I'm guessing that's pretty normal! I take the photos, plan the stories, and collect memorabilia, but the album doesn't get put together for months (just starting to put together 2016 right now-don't tell!), so if I didn't get the items until later it wouldn't matter. That could take some of the pressure off release day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. christi says…

    I tried to order an album.
    By the time the site loaded, they were sold out.
    This happened to me last year and I "settled" for the gold WITL album that was offered later.

    This year, I went to Amazon and bought a different brand's 6x8 album that arrived in 2 days. I say this to let you know that having the same problems with capacity and quantities year after year will erode your customer base. Goodwill and apologies only go so far.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Christi - I'm happy you were able to locate an album to hold your December stories! Yesterday we opened a second order selection period to give people additional order opportunities for the albums, the transparencies, and the chipboard bundle. We went beyond goodwill and apologies and took action. We will continue to review our processes and attempt to plan for future releases to be able to get products in the hands of the people that want them.

  18. NatashaP says…

    Loving all the DD products this year. I loved the video with Anna in it. It was super cute to hear her tell us all about it.

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