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Project Life® 2017 | Week Thirty-Two

Continuing today sharing the Project Life® spreads I completed this past weekend in an effort to get closer to having my pockets filled before we hit December. 

Here's a look at Week Thirty-Two: 

As you might have noticed with the last two spreads I shared one of the things I focused on when filling the pockets as using one or two embellishments repeated throughout my week to create cohesion. In this spread I used some circle stickers that were a past Story Stamp™ Add On option. I simply added them to the edge of each of my 4x6 photos and fold them over. 

On top of each circle I used the rolling stamp from the Day In The Life™ Mini Kit No. 4 (includes the following words: currently, around here, eating, watching, listening, reading, buying, wearing, trying, wanting, feeling, loving) along with a small silver star rub on from my stash. 

I've loved including the Project 52 Cards as title cards every few weeks in my album this year. 

The "you got this" card is from the Brave New Day Journal Card Set. The photo next to it was one I shared on Instagram (on my wellness account) and I copied and pasted the text from that post directly onto the photo. Love how that turned out. 

The chipboard piece with the "heart today" is from the Summer Chipboard Shape Variety Pack

Sometimes we might not have a lot of words and that's totally okay. Remove the pressure you might have on yourself to tell EVERY SINGLE STORY or feel like you must remember every detail. What I continue to love about this project is that it's the sum of all these stories that's the most magic (I'm going to keep saying that over and over again). Some of my weeks have a lot of words and some have a lot less - that's totally okay. 


You can see all my past Project Life® blog posts here. For more information about my overall process make sure to check out my self-paced Storytelling With Project Life® workshop

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Day In The Life™ Mini Kit No.4
Day In The Life™ Mini Kit No.4 is Sold Out
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Originally $9.99, on sale for $3.00
Brave New Day Journal Cards
Brave New Day Journal Cards is Sold Out
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Summer Chipboard Shape Variety Pack
Summer Chipboard Shape Variety Pack is Sold Out
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4 thoughts

  1. scrapfin1 says…

    Love your PL posts. Im catching up myself and find your layouts inspiring.

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  2. Inkfanatic says…

    Love seeing these posts & pages. Getting the stories told=yay!!!❤️

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  3. brooke_jenkinson says…

    I love ❤️ love ❤️ love how the photo of you sort of side profile image and the way you typed over it turned out

    Reply 0 Replies
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