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2018 Event Updates

I posted about this in the Craft The Story™ Facebook Group (open to anyone - come join our active community of memory keepers) last week and wanted to make sure to share it here as well. 

We have two event date announcements for 2018 that we are excited to share with you. We are announcing these earlier than usual because we've got the spaces booked and planning is underway. Full details on both events will be provided in the coming weeks but, per your requests, we wanted to give you a heads up on date information so you can mark your calendars and consider joining us in Eugene, Oregon. 

First up, we will be offering a second Story Camp event for 2018 from October 4th-6th. You can read more about what happens at Story Camp here

Second, we are super excited to announce a brand new event we will be offering this year which will be a December Daily® Prep Party. This will be held November 8th & 9th, 2018 here in Eugene (two full cropping days). This will be a fun crop/social opportunity to get together and prep December Daily® foundation pages, finish up past December Daily® projects or simply work on any other projects you might have on your list. This event will be open to 200 attendees.  

Full details including registration dates, what's included, schedule, locations, etc. for both of these events will be released in the coming weeks. As always, thank you for being a part of this community and for your interest in these events!

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12 thoughts

  1. simplypearl says…

    YES! i'm so excited about both of these events. i missed out on the first two since my fingers (or modem) weren't fast enough. i CANNOT wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Farrbo says…

    Thanks, Ali! With your announcement, 2018 is starting off pretty spectacularly!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. JeanetteE says…

    Makes me wish I still lived in Washington. Eugene was not to far away.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. katie1980 says…

    I was totally hoping that the December Daily session would tie-in with my visit to the USA... but unfortunately it completely clashes and is on the same days! Such a shame, as I would have absolutely LOVED to come and play and meet you guys! I would love nothing more than to come and crop with you, and to meet the fabulous Simon and Anna - that would be amazing! Maybe you could bring them to the UK and come and crop with me?!
    (Having said I would love nothing more, I am already committed to the other event and it is a 30th anniversary celebration which will be epic!) I hope that these events go as well as you can hope.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. btsoi says…

    December Daily prep party!!! Maybe those of us who can't make it all the way to Eugene can have local get togethers at the same time. That would be so fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. atel says…

    Today is Jan 26, I think I am a little behind ...but I printed/downloaded the free items except for the monthly cards, it just wouldn't print. okay so now I am wondering when the next class is. Help ..

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! What workshop are you referencing?

  7. seakin says…

    love the idea of both & of visiting a new place- both sound great but I think the december daily one sounds more exciting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. dpowersfabian says…

    When is the registration for October Story Camp opening?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dpowersfabian says…

      Or did I miss it...

  9. MaryAnnPerry says…

    When will there be more info about the December Daily workshop?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Coming soon!

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