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Week In The Life™ 2018 | Date Annoucements

Hey friends! Just a quick announcement today to let you know of a few things relating to the 2018 Week In The Life™ project. 

(1) I will be doing a Facebook Live on my Ali Edwards Design Inc Facebook Page on Tuesday, March 20th at Noon to give you a look at the new products to support this project. That video recording will be added to a blog post here after that live event as well as saved to YouTube in case you've got other stuff going on during that time of the day. I will also be publishing a blog post after the Facebook Live on Tuesday with an overview of all the products so you can see them in advance of the collection going live. 

(2) New Week In The Life™ products will be available the next day - Wednesday, March 21st with a time TBA (most likely announced during the Facebook Live). We will have a kit, albums, stamps, and other coordinating shop products available. 

(3) Digital products will be available in the beginning of April.

(4) I will be documenting the week of May 7th through the 13th for 2018. 

That's it for now! Thanks to everyone who participated in Day In The Life™ yesterday - I'll be working on bringing my words + photos together over the weekend and hope to share the end result here next week. 

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5 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Thanks! Very excited for my most loved documentation of the year. My daughter was just looking through the albums yesterday, and had a big laugh when I grabbed the camera and got a photo (because, well, Day In The Life, and when someone's looking at an album...). :) Michelle t

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  2. jorgybones says…

    My birthday is that week. How fun!! (Sometime please share your secret recipe for how you pick DITL and WITL dates.)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      These days it's totally dependent on when we have all the product available (I want to have it release at least a month before the scheduled date of the project) and on my personal family schedule.

  3. mairgr says…

    This isn't really relative to the post but I wasn't sure where to ask. Do you have any favorite podcasts or IG accounts? Looking for some interesting content and inspiration.

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  4. iHanna says…

    Thinking about doing this again, because I enjoy it so much. But can I really? I think I have two years of back log weeks that I did not turn into the photo books I want to create... Ali, is that bad? :-)

    PS: Loved the vlog you did. HOpe you do more.


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