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Around The Yard | April 2018

It's amazing how fast things actually happen in the yard when I'm paying close attention. The changes from last month to this month are small but also huge at the same time - so much green peeking out of everywhere. 

Love that feeling of coming back to life. 

I feel super lucky to live where I do (knowing many of you are still having snow) and super lucky to be a witness to the change of seasons. I love that I feel different in each one and I think as I get older I am more and more conscious of how I feel in different seasons. The shift happens gradually and I love being able to use my camera to capture the rhythm. 

In my yard right now it's really all about the daffodils and a few tulips (all ordered from Floret).  

This past month I also purchased and planted sugar snap peas and arranged them to climb up these poles that I set up over the ranunculus (which should bloom soon). 

I have super loved the idea of planting bulbs in this raised bed area just for the purpose of using them as cut flowers to bring inside. All kinds of happiness coming from that decision. 

Other things purchased that need to go into the ground include spinach, kale, sweet peas (flowers), and two daphne bushes. 

Here's a quick walk-around to show you what's happening in the yard this month: 

You can also view this video on my YouTube Channel here

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7 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Your yard is really beautiful. Michelle t

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  2. dsmarangoni says…

    Thanks Ali for my breath of spring! PA is still waiting for spring and we woke up to snow yesterday! Ugh! I am so ready to get out in my yard too!

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  3. gina200 says…

    Ali I love this! I said on your Instagram post that it's beautiful and inspiring. I love seeing all these glimpses of spring even though we have a ways to go here in New England. You've inspired me to plant some bulbs next fall in pots for next's that for planning ahead? I'll keep them in the garage until spring starts to show itself. I'm also going to start my planting earlier this year. Typically I wait too long and my growing season is too short.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! It's so worth it.

  4. heatherlyle says…

    I just love these walk around the yard videos...Spring has not arrived yet where I'm from but this gives me hope that I will get to putter in my yard as well once the snow melts. Thanks Ali!

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  5. sparkle says…

    I LOVE these videos of your garden. Here in east central Florida (by the Space Center), my garden is beginning to look a bit more like spring too. I have a bunch of orchids hanging from a tree outside my kitchen window. Some have buds now. Different kinds bloom different times during the year. But my hibiscus bushes are already putting on a show for me. I really like your attitude about your's not 'I have to' but a 'I want to' mindset. It's a fun part of life :-)

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  6. amorton63 says…

    Your yard is so pretty, can't wait to see everything once it's fully grown. You would probably love my yard too. I have a very wooded lot and mostly shade plants & lots of flowerbeds to play in. Right now, my Lady Banks rose bushes are going wild and they are so beautiful climbing over my fence. I have them planted outside my craft room and it's so peaceful to look outside and see the pretty blooms and nature coming to life. The Japanese Maples are gorgeous with their bright red/burgundy leaves. I love spring so much!

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