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Menu Planning | Week Of April 9th, 2018

Hey friends! 

I am loving my new menu planning routine - it is seriously making a difference in my life. Right now it's really working for me to plan on Friday or Saturday morning and then heading to the Farmer's Market and grocery stores on Saturday morning. It's a routine that I've started looking forward to at the end of each week. 

Also, heads up that I recently opened up an AE Wellness Tribe group over on Facebook if you are interested in joining a community of people sharing their wellness adventures. 

Here's a look at what I'm planning to make this week: 

Have a great week!

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14 thoughts

  1. jambajuice57 says…

    Wow! There are at least three of these recipes I want to make this weekend! Thanks for the links.

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  2. cruisin_ali says…

    Thanks for the links. Will you also be commenting on your faves? Would love to hear what you loved and not so loved!

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  3. amyewhite_live_com says…

    That Sheet Pan Ginger-Orange Salmon is so easy and good! We have it in our regular rotation.

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  4. Bellaa75 says…

    Oh I love this Ali!! I work with woman to help them change their habits and mindset to lose weight (I know not that’s not your focus) but planning makes such a big difference to my clients progress and results. It’s a simple strategy but it makes such a difference and has roll on effects to their whole journey. Thanks for sharing the recipes - I look forward to seeing more of what you eat, it always looks so yummy! Amelia

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  5. Shauna says…

    It seems like you asked for suggestions on IG, maybe? Well, here's one of mine! If you like brussel sprouts this will knock your socks off!

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  6. kgoldhammer says…

    Thank you so much for sharing your meal planning. The recipes look delicious. I am going to try the salmon. I really enjoy your blog. I love how you have been adding more about your reading and your wellness journey. Thanks for being so open about documenting and sharing your life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. charris says…

    I am also really enjoying your recipe choices, as I am in the same place in my personal journey. One question - with a house full of children, do they eat these meals or do prepare different batches of "kid food"? Also enjoying your garden and your books!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - my goal is to encourage them all to eat these meals. There are some here and there that will protest so I usually have plain roasted chicken + a vegetable (that are just in the fridge for them). They are still required to taste/try the main meal.

  8. sparkle says…

    Since January I've been eating much healthier by eliminating dairy, bad fats, etc. but I've not tried any healthy recipes. They always seem expensive and time consuming and I was simply too lazy to try them. But you've made them look inviting. So I'm hanging around and watching what you're up to here. Thanks for the glimpse into your life that just might make a difference in mine. Sharon

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  9. Jeannew says…

    These look good but my daughter wouldn’t eat an6 of them. Trying to expand her palate but it’s a challenge. She doesn’t like things mixed together.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      One step at a time! Keep offering, keep introducing. We did that with Simon and he will literally eat just about everything now. You might be surprised too :).

  10. kfehseke says…

    Skinnytaste is the bomb!!! Love, love, love Gina’s recipes!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. sophie3832 says…

    Slowcooker Korma went down a treat with the whole fami!y, thanks for sharing Ali!
    Salmon tonight ☺

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