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Menu Planning | Week Of March 26th, 2018

For the last three weeks I've been menu planning on Saturday mornings and then heading to my local farmers market + a grocery store (usually Trader Joes or Whole Foods) for the rest of the things on my list. For some unknown reason - ha - it's taken me a long time to just start making meal-planning a routine. I seriously love having dinners planned out in advance and prepped when possible (vegetables cut up, etc). It makes my overall day and week so much smoother. I am also really loving spending a bit of time on Saturday mornings - often after yoga - at our local farmers market. 

This week it's Spring Break and the kids are all with their other parents which means these meals will just be for me and Aaron. 

The three main meals and dessert I'm planning for this week ( planning that we will eat out at least once + eat leftovers on other days): 

Today I also made a  Spiced Carrot + Red Lentil Soup to have for lunches the next few days. 

Have a great week!

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7 thoughts

  1. Mrsfabry says…

    Meal planning is HUGE in my life- every week I sit down and plan the entire week out of dinners and then write a grocery list & shop. I then add it to my calendar I have on my fridge so I can see what's on the plan for that night. It takes all the stress (& poor choices) out of the equation at the end of a long or busy day. I've been doing it for 3+ years and it's been a life changer. I also now have 3 years worth of calendars for meal ideas & inspiration when I'm needing ideas.

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  2. jenkeen says…

    Huge meal planner here! And try to keep prepped meals in the freezer as a back up plan, too! Check out A Couple Cooks...they are local (to me) bloggers who just released their first cookbook - all veg!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I am familiar with them - I've heard them on the Feel Good Effect podcast ;).

  3. lizness says…

    You're making me hungry! =)

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  4. u52387 says…

    Love meal planning! When I do it, it is my life line!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Cameragal8 says…

    I make my meal plan every Monday and shop on Tuesday. I have done it for a long long time and I like knowing what I will be eating and when. It makes my week much calmer. Glad to hear you are doing it, too.

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  6. CarolineMcD says…

    I love meal planning. We usually do a monthly shop for dry goods and freezer stuff (including frozen veg) and then do a small fresh top up each week.
    I have a list of meals to choose from rather than a list of what we're eating on what day.
    It's a time and money saver when you're not stopping at the shops every second day.
    Looking forward to checking out your recipes!

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