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Project Life® 2018 | Week Fourteen

This is the seventh and final post in a series where I'm sharing six  Project Life® spreads + a video overview I put together last week using simple design formula ideas. 

You can see an overview video of this spread along with five others using this concept here

Here's a look at Week Fourteen:


For this week I used a super simple treatment on each of my 4x6 photos - I just added a white with black type chipboard piece to the center of each photo (from the Summer Chipboard Shape Variety Pack - released last year). Again, don't make it more complicated than it needs to be - sometimes just one sticker can be a simple unifier for the spread. 

Journaling for this week came directly from a couple Instagram posts during this time period. I just copy and paste those words and print them on photo paper (fill the canvas to black and adjust the type to white). On the top of both those journal cards I added a small chipboard circle. 

You also might notice that I didn't have the actual "each day of the week" white chipboard piece because I had already used Tuesday and Sunday. Rather than just let those chipboard stickers sit there I decided to add the ones I did have left and just use a couple sentiments for my Tuesday and Sunday photos.

The "family gathering" journal card is from the April Stories By The Month™ kit. 


You can see all my past Project Life® blog posts here. For more information about my overall process make sure to check out my self-paced Storytelling With Project Life® workshop

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3 thoughts

  1. Jeannew says…

    Loved the video and seeing all these spreads!

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  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Way to get 'er done Ali!

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  3. sparkle says…

    Lovin the pix of your garden!

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