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My Plans For Project Life® 2019

It's time for me to switch things up with Project Life®

For 2019 I'll be using a 9x12 album (now available in the shop). Rather than focusing on weekly documentation I'm going to do it once a month. After eight years of doing 12x12 I've been feeling the need to change something up with this project and am feeling super excited to mix things up. 

This year I want to reflect on each month as a whole at the end of the month and pull out the stories that feel the most meaningful to me. Sometimes that might be a "big" story and other months it might be a collection of smaller stories. My initial idea is to mix page protectors but have something that is the same each month - this might be a 6x12 or a full page 9x12 or something along those lines. 

Do I know how this will all turn out? Nope, but I'm ready for a change. 

My plan is share how I tackle my 2019 project here on my blog each month. 

For those of you who are Story Kit™ subscribers I will still be sharing 12x12 Project Life® spreads in the classroom each month as I continue to work through 2018 and any earlier weeks I haven't completed. 

Here's a short video message from me regarding this change: 

Thank you so much for being a part of this storytelling community! I'm excited for this change and looking forward to sharing my process with you over the course of the next year. 

The kit shown in the main image above is the January Stories By The Month™ for 2019. Subscriptions are now available. 

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Black 9×12 Pleather Album
Black 9×12 Pleather Album is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protector Multipack
9×12" Page Protector Multipack is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 4B
9×12" Page Protectors - 4B is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 1B
9×12" Page Protectors - 1B is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 2B
9×12" Page Protectors - 2B is Sold Out
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40 thoughts

  1. Dawncarp says…

    YES!!! I have been struggling on how to revamp my PL 12x12 album - I was feeling like 6x8 was too small. Thank you thank you thank you. Once again you are such an inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. MariClaudi says…

    Ah yeah!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. minkaclark says…

    Will you be producing 9x12 digital templates pls? I have been looking for these.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. JeanneMurawski says…

    So excited to play along with a new format. My 2019 word is fresh, and after doing PL as a true project 365 since 2009, I’m ready for a “fresh” approach to this project that I love, but has been increasingly difficult to maintain since my twins were born!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. princess2boys says…

    Any idea when the 3B protectors will be back in stock? I'd love to try this size, but not if I'm not going to be able to get a stock of this size.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dpowersfabian says…

      I would second that as well!

  6. LaurieTeg says…

    Will you have other colors or designs available in this 9x12 size?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. cjuliego says…

    Cool! I see the 6x12 page protectors fit in the new 9x12 album. Are you going to have a 6x12 album as well?

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. SilkyTenn says…

    You read my mind!! I've always thought 12x12 was too big and I've been trying to convince myself for two years now to switch to 6x8 (I love doing December Daily on them) but they just seemed too small for all the pictures that I take. This post was the perfect push I needed to make the CHANGE (Change is my word for 2019 - didn't want you to think I was yelling at you :-) I already donated my money to you (lol) at the shop before posting here just in case they sold out fast. I also decided to start a Stories by the Month subscription because it seemed like the perfect time. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so excited for the new year to start!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kaphelps says…


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  10. threebeansmombo says…

    Wow ! You just said everything I was feeling around May when I made my decision. Change had to be made!
    I also am not sure how it’s gonna turn out. My thoughts were that along with the new size I wanted this year to be a sort of “diary” in pictures and stories , more stories, more personal. To focus on one story for the month. My thoughts about something going on in the word , telling stories to the people and about the people that really matter. Or a collection of moments. What was most meaningful that month. Also giving my self more time to play, the addition of memorabilia ,and to mix up and use a variety of page protectors. I have enjoyed seeing so many creative and interactive December daily’s, it’s something I want to also be part of my PL this year. Thank you again for creating such a great community. Excited to be a part of what’s to come!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. skemp65 says…

    I switched to 9 x 12 a couple of years ago, and have really enjoyed doing something different. I love the idea that we aren’t constrained by a certain size, and I can’t wait to see our 2019 stories!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Bellaa75 says…

    Hi Ali, I’m excited to see what you do! I love this change. I did 12x12 weekly for 3 years then the last 3 years I’ve done 12x12 digitally monthly with Cathy Ziekske. I now want to make a change too! I love the 9x12 size but not sure I can afford to ship them but my question is. Do you think a year will fit in 1 or 2 albums? Thanks so much for all you do to inspire us to tell our stories. Amelia

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. lotspeis says…

      If these are the same size as the Studio Calico 9x12, I used 2 albums for a weekly format. If you do monthly with an average of 2 spreads per month you could fit a year in one album.

    2. Bellaa75 says…

      Great - thank you!

  13. amble63 says…

    I did 2017 and 2018 in 9x12 after a couple of years at 6x8. You certainly get a lot more scope with 9x12 but it is still manageable. I am able to fit the entire year in one album, whereas 6x8 requires two.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. lotspeis says…

    Yippie!!! I did weekly 12x12 for a few years, then weekly 9x12 for 2015 and 2016 before switching to monthly digital with Cathy Zielske for 2017 and 2018. I needed the 'easier' digital format for the last few years, but have missed the pockets and love the 9x12 format and haven't been able to find them anywhere. Thanks!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. laceyweeks says…

    Yes! I went to 9x12 about 3 years ago as i felt like I was having more storage space issues with 12x12 and I could never get into the whole week to week thing so i just document monthly. As the kids got older and moved out...well, there hasn’t been as much to document weekly like before (i know i know I still hear you in my head haha) but seriously things sure have changed and yet have stayed the same every day for awhile now lol Anyways, I’m excited to see what you do as I still get stuck and I am super behind a few years so this will be fun to see your process as I catch up. Funny though, i’m trying out the 6x12 for 2019 lol!!! Less to try to fill and kinda easier for me as far as photo size and journal size just like the design A in the 12x12 one for you. My 2018 word is/was Simplify so this is one way i’m trying to make my documentation easier on me. Yay to new things :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. ileanais says…

      Where do you find 6x12 albums? I’m always looking for them! Wish there was one here 😉

    2. 55mikeyfan says…

      Studio Calico is now selling 6x12 cloth albums. They come in navy and charcoal. They also have a 6x12 chipboard album.

  16. Audreydz says…

    I gave up on weekly project life a few years ago and switched to monthly. I use a 9x12 album where I put my monthly pocket page spreads in there and also just regular scrapbooking layouts. Kind of like it sound that you are doing, the front page is always my “date day” with my husband, a day that we go out and do some activity that we take time planning each month. I use your SBTM kit with almost the same format each time. Then I do two middle pages and an end page. I add things in the middle every once in awhile. I love this format. I never feel like I don’t get to tell stories about all my photos as I go through and do traditional layouts, or a story kit layout. I’m super excited your doing this and have a 9x12 album. As always, thanks Ali. (If you want to see how I do it my IG is @lawofcraft)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. stickles says…

    I've been doing a PL monthly for 2 years now, I use a 12x12 format, each month has a full 12x12 page and one or two pocket pages (it depends on the stories I write about (if there's an extra like a travel, or big event or celebration); I'm afraid a 9x12 would be a bit small for me. In the beginning I tried a weekly PL, and found it stressful, because I couldn't keep up, forgot the pics etc. In fact I prefer to look at a whole month and sum it up, keeping a track of the stories on my phone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. renway says…

    I have been looking forward to this since it was hinted at earlier in the year! I'm ready to order as soon as the 3B page protectors are back in stock. So excited!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. gina200 says…

    Really love this Ali! I’m excited to see what you do with this and how it works. I’ve always wanted to do project life but just never could do it, whether it’s because I don’t print at home and couldn’t keep up or because some weeks I have too many photos and other weeks not enough. Lately I’ve also noticed that our weeks are very routine and not as much “happening” with older teenagers and work routines (and tired nights). I love this idea as an option for those of us who want to tell stories less frequently.
    One comment/concern -Also, one of my issues with 9x12 is I love 4x6 photos and that size doesn’t allow for as many of those. I know there is one configuration that has 4x6 but not many. What are your thoughts on managing the sizes and horizontal vs vertical photos?
    And a question- Do you see yourself using the stories by the month products a lot in these layouts/spreads? .

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AnnetteH says…

      I love the 4x6 photos too. I have found adding in a 6x12 or 6x8 page protector with 4x6 pockets is helpful when I have a lot of 4x6 photos. I also trim down older pocket pages and punch new holes to fit. I would also love a design with 3 4x6 pockets and 3 3x4 pockets.

    2. terriporter says…

      That was my feeling as well. Last year I bought a 9x12 album but it didn't take long for me to realize it wasn't going to work for me and I went back to t he 12x12. Also most of the pockets in the 9x12 are vertical so you are limited as to where to put horizontal photos. AnnetteH, I like your idea of the 3 4x6 and 3 3x4 pockets.

    3. gina200 says…

      Good points!

  20. AnnetteH says…

    Love this Ali!! So great to give ourselves permission to try out new approaches. I’m super excited that you are excited and can’t wait to see what you do!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jeannew says…

    I love this idea. I still love my weekly 12x12, and I added a 6x8 story album in 2018. Interested to see how it all comes together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. AnnieCarignan says…

    it will be my 1st year at Project Life and I just subscribed to the Story Kit. I had already bought a 12x12 album with page protectors but I wish I hadn't now because it seems overwhelming but that's OK. We'll see how it goes and I might change next year. I am very excited about the kits coming :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. riikka says…

    Fun to see how it works out! I've done a 12x12 PL album for seven years now and will continue the same way. This year I started a special story album (6x8) as well. I did monthly PL for one year, 2014 I think, but for me weekly just works so well and feels so organised.

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  24. Untiedt says…

    I can't wait to see what you do with the new format. I'm liking the smaller size for storage purposes but wishing the protectors had more space for 4x6 photos. I'm considering using 9x12 size but the refills are already sold out? When do you anticipate they will be back in stock? Also, with 3x3 pocket pages, will your storiy or monthly kits include 3x3 cards?

    Thanks for inspiring me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Momany says…

    I think it’s great you’re making the change and I can’t wait to see how it goes! I’ve done 12x12 for so many years that I’m concerned I will miss it but I bought the new album and we’ll see how I feel in January. Life has definitely changed around here and monthly now makes more sense.I am also wondering how this will affect your kits.

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