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Project Life® 2017 | Week Eleven

As I've been catching up on Project Life® over the last few weeks I've been thinking a lot about this project in general and my own personal ebb and flow with it. 

I love that some weeks can be more word heavy, some weeks can be more photo heavy, some weeks can include more embellishments, some weeks can be super simple, some weeks can follow a specific story theme, and some weeks can just be a random collection of little stories from my week. The fact that it doesn't have to be the same every week is one of the things I love best about this project. It can evolve as your life evolves and it can ebb and flow to fit your lifestyle and your current stories. 

Do you need to give yourself permission related to some aspect of this project? Do you need to let go of wanting it to be "perfect" (whatever that looks like to you)? Do you need to focus on a monthly spread vs. a weekly spread? Do you need to stop worrying about whether you added enough product? Do you need to stop thinking that you voice isn't valuable enough? 

You can do this. Seriously. Make it work for you right now. 

Here's a look at Week Eleven: 

That lovely bright yellow quote card is part of my March Digital package that you can check out here (this isn't a subscription and the monthly digital packages are continuously available in my shop). These monthly digital kits are designed to be theme-based related to the time of year they are released. You can check out the new April digital kit here (Easter & April focused). 

Right now I'm totally into simple. For me that seems to mean reaching into my current stash of physical journal cards, quickly printing out digital cards, or making story-specific cards using alpha stamps. I love doing that for a very story-central "filler" card. 

I created the "Monday" card using stamps from my Days Of The Week stamp set + my Tillamook Ink

The "these are the days" card is from my Celebrate Journal Card Set (also available digitally here). 

The "so over being sick" card was created using my Sans Serif Alpha Stamp + my Olympia Ink. Love that alpha stamp set - totally a go-to for me. 

The "sun please" card is part of the April Digital Kit

"The story of today" is part of the This And That Journal Card set (this set is also available digitally here). 

I also added a few products from the current Eat Story Kit™ to this spread. Included with the kit are the "story of this meal" card (it comes to you as a pad of paper to use for a variety of stories) + the fork/knife/spoon card + the circles on the bottom photo (chipboard eat circle + plastic circle). The physical Eat kit sold out this month but the Eat Digital Story Kit™ and the Eat Story Stamp™ are still available until April 14th. Our next story theme will be Lens (released on April 15th). 



Check out my Storytelling With Project Life® workshop that is now available as a self-paced workshop. Topics include: 

  • Lesson One | A look back at many of my past Project Life® albums (2010-2015) with individual video walk-throughs. The take-away from this lesson is the opportunity to learn from the past and reflect on what's worked and what's not worked to create a plan for right now.
  • Lesson Two | Process exploration. Setting expectations, creating a plan for yourself (key word here being "YOU") and setting yourself up for success by establishing a storytelling mindset. This content will be specific to telling stories in Project Life®.  
  • Lesson Three | Specific storytelling ideas, encouragement, and inspiration to spark stories.  
  • Lesson Four | Working with products in Project Life®.

Shop This Post

March 2017 Digital Kit
Sans-Serif Alpha 6×8 Stamp Set
Sans-Serif Alpha 6×8 Stamp Set is Sold Out
Sold out
Olympia Crafter's Ink Pad
Days of the Week 4×6 Stamp Set
Days of the Week 4×6 Stamp Set is Sold Out
Sold out
Tillamook Crafter's Ink Pad
April 2017 Digital Kit
Journal Card Set: This and That
Journal Card Set: This and That is Sold Out
Sold out

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10 thoughts

  1. cruisin_ali says…

    Thank you for the words of wisdom and the little pep talk! Love going back to simple and giving ourselves permission. Definitely words to live by! Thank you for your constant creativity. Love this week of PL sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jamie59 says…

    This has been the best week. New PL layouts every single day? You spoil us. How do you decide when to do a black and white? Is it something you decide before you look at the layout as a whole? Like this photo has a lot going on, so you decide the b/w prior to printing? Or is it after you've printed all the photos, you'd go back and redo one or some as b/w b/c the overall layout feels like it needs it?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - usually it has to do with the color. If the color is pretty bad (like way too orange based on being later in the day inside) I usually change it to black and white. Sometimes I've done all the photos for a week black and white (I have one that is coming up to share later this week that is like that) and other times it's just one photo in the mix.

  3. Lize says…

    Oh this is a great week! I'm just wondering if you also get people looking at you weird when they hear you're taking almost daily photo's and printing them for an album. And what you say to them... I'm sure you're more convincing than I am!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I honestly can't remember the last time someone said something. I just take pictures and go on with my day :). Maybe it's because most of the time I'm using my phone and lots of other people are too. I usually try to fly under the radar.

  4. scrapfin1 says…

    Project Life spreads are my favorite things you post! And this week is pure bliss -- one every day. Thank you for the inspiration.

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  5. BSAW15 says…

    Loving your spreads! When do we get to see the new week in the life footage :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm not sure! Good question :).

  6. marysara says…

    Love this layout and your reflections. It makes me want to try this again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Shawmf79 says…

    Thank You for reminding us all that it doesn't matter how we do project isn't anybody else's to critique or understand. I love that you keep it simple and move on about your day. I have gotten so much out of following your blog. I can't believe I have managed to keep up with my PL album this year. My husband and I are both on 2nd marriage and we have 8 kids beautifully blended; 2 grandkids and expecting #3 at 37 years young!

    Reply 0 Replies

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