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One Little Word® 2020 | Less

Since 2006 I've been choosing a single word to focus on over the course the 12 months from January through December. I call it One Little Word®. It's a personal growth project that uses memory keeping as the vehicle to help us live with intention.

My past words have included: 

  • Play
  • Peace
  • Vitality
  • Nurture
  • Story
  • Light
  • Up
  • Open
  • Thrive
  • Give
  • Whole
  • Connect
  • Space
  • Habit

For 2020 I'm going to focus on the word less

Less is a word that has "almost" been my word for the last few years. I come back to it again and again in a variety of areas in my life so I'm excited to work with it this year and make it my focus. Less extra stuff. Less of what matters least + more of what matters most. 

You're invited to join me in choosing word and working to make it visible in your own life in 2020. 


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2020. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here:  20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 and 2018


Since 2011 I've been offering a One Little Word® online workshop that's goal is to help you stay connected to your word throughout the year. It's not complicated and it doesn't take a lot of time. Each month you receive an email reminder to head back to the classroom for some sort of creative prompt/writing reflection. As with most years, the majority of the prompts will be similar to last year as I find that I enjoy the process of doing the same prompts with different words each year - it's never the same. I record all new videos each year that include my personal reflections on the process with my new word.  

You can read all the details about this workshop and sign up here. You can watch a video walkthrough of my past album projects here to get an idea of past prompts. Registration is $5 off until December 31, 2018. I've also created a selection of products to help you document your journey with your word -  check those out here.

My wonderful little heart talisman in the photo at the top of this post is from Liz Lamoreux and is available on her site as part of her Pocket Talisman Collection

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One Little Word® 2020 Main Kit
One Little Word® 2020 Main Kit is Sold Out
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Originally $39.99, on sale for $15.99
One Little Word® 2020 6×8 Album
One Little Word® 2020 6×8 Album is Sold Out
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Originally $26.99, on sale for $10.00

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193 thoughts

  1. Shauna says…

    This year my word is IF.
    My words pick me. Never sure where they’re going to take me! 🤷‍♀️

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  2. Isadebelley says…

    Hello everyone, last year my word was CHANGE, and it was very helpful for make some big changes in my life all along the year ... This year, I choose "& NOW", now for to be right here, right now at this moment, or/& continue to change, or/& ready for new beginning ... Since a long time I have a special connection with this sign &, I adore it for design and symbolism (together, family, love ...) so, I can't wait to get started! I think that Ali's word is very powerful, I'm very curious to be inspired by her !! For all the contributors of OLW 2020, I wish a wonderful year and a good journey with your words !

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  3. MelindaH says…

    My word this year is whimsy. I can take myself a little too seriously so I think this year of looking for the whimsical side of life is just what I need most.

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  4. tinawo says…

    Hi Ali, my 2020 word is SAIL. After a year of heartbreak I’m now ready for anything. xo

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  5. whitehart says…

    My word is Open for this year, following Home last year. I hesitated a lot with Bloom and Magic but Open has this expanding and receiving notes to it which made it resonate totally for me! Can't wait to get started. Thank you so much for this project Ali.

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  6. hollyann says…

    My OLW for 2020 is Magic...for so many reasons. Magic because life is nothing without that little something extra, Magic ✨ Because I believe in my own magic ✨ Because sometimes we need a little Magic ✨ And because once I had a sweet black kitty for 18 years we called Magic and I miss her still ✨🖤

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  7. Librarybug says…

    My word for 2020 is DO. I struggle with follow through, so I need an action word to give me a kick in the butt. There are so many things I hope to do this year.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. sophikins says…

      I am thinking along the same line. There are a lot of things I want to "do", not just think about or watch/read about on line, but I am going with "participate" since I wanted a longer word.

  8. Thea_m says…

    DEEP/DEPTH. I have been flirting with this word for over a year. Plunge in to creating a deep relationship with my people and my stuff. Work out if what I have collected over the years is worth hanging onto - my people always are. Just because I enjoyed something 20 years ago doesn’t mean I have to keep it around if it doesn’t suit my purposes now. So I will read the books on my shelves before I buy more, make that cross stitch Christmas stocking for my grandbaby-to-be, go through my house to see if these things suit this new space or even if they bring me joy. Hopefully at the end of the year I will have LESS, but will love what I have and what I do MORE.

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  9. Thea_m says…

    DEEP/DEPTH. I have been flirting with this word for over a year. Plunge in to creating a deep relationship with my people and my stuff. Work out if what I have collected over the years is worth hanging onto - my people always are. Just because I enjoyed something 20 years ago doesn’t mean I have to keep it around if it doesn’t suit my purposes now. So I will read the books on my shelves before I buy more, make that cross stitch Christmas stocking for my grandbaby-to-be, go through my house to see if these things suit this new space or even if they bring me joy. Hopefully at the end of the year I will have LESS, but will love what I have and what I do MORE.

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  10. tammywyn says…

    This is my 11th year doing OLW!

    I typically have a word by now, but have struggled to commit after a very full, exhaustive year. After watching the opening video I have decided that I want to invite more awareness of what I am doing in a moment, how I am reacting, what I am thinking, etc. . . as I tend to try to do a lot of things at once, skip on recognizing my feelings, try to move on from one thing to the other. I have decided that my word will be mindful.

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  11. linmarie says…

    THINK - because everything begins with our thoughts. We are what we think. I struggled to find a word this year = knowing the year ahead has some challenges. Feeling good about choosing this word and looking forward to exploring all the aspects of think!

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  12. Kathylieb says…

    My word for 2020 is content. I want to be content with what I have and spend less time and money striving for things that I don’t need. It’s about more than wanting to be happy. It’s about accepting whatever happens and finding a sense of contentment no matter what. Placing the accent on the first syllable challenges me to curate the CONtent of my life. It is also a reminder to make more art (CONtent) so I have a body of work by the end of the year.

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  13. princessmemo says…

    I’ve been playing along for about 5 years. So much better than a resolution. It’s been a busy 2019 for me since I started a business outside the home, and it’s time to square up. My word is present. It’s eye opening that something that was natural to me has become a real challenge. My companion word is trust. Lots of areas that I’ll need to trust God with this year. Work stuff, school stuff for my kids, possible adoption. There is an intensity to it, but I’m excited for the adventures ahead!

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  14. MauiStamper says…

    My word is Heyday. As in "This is my Heyday." One Little Word had slipped my mind this year (for a variety of reasons) but we went out to breakfast at a favorite spot this morning and were chatting with the server. He mentioned he was a sponsored surfer "in his heyday" and I said "Now is our heyday". During breakfast I turned to my husband and told him that was our motto for 2020. One Little Word following quite naturally! Thanks, Ali, for giving a name and identify to a concept that I love.

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  15. smross17 says…

    C L E A R (or clarity)| as in to clear useless clutter and to see things clearly (I thought it'd be a fitting word for the year "2020".)

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  16. LisaMacfarlane says…

    2020 is my year of MAGIC and I am excited to see where it leads me 😊

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  17. Sidney says…

    This is my first time doing one little word and I am excited and a bit confused. I will keep on trying to figure things out. My word is pause.

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  18. iccarrion says…


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  19. Maxpuppy says…

    My word for 2020 is ... pause.

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  20. ancler says…

    I’m so excited for 2020 OLW! I’m choosing BALANCE this year. I loved working with embarace in 2019, when my life changed completely since I became a first time mum I let myself go with whatever life surprised me. ( Pregnancy was not a surprise 😊) This January I’m going back to work and this little baby honeymoon is over, so Balance is the word that kept coming to mind. work-personal life balance. mother- being my own self balance. Mother-wife balance. Self care as a form of balance and equilibrium. Let’s work on that!

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  21. little01jd says…

    Remove is the word that came to me a few days ago. I'm not sure why yet, but know it is from God. In his time He will reveal His plan. I do know of a few things,habits,etc. that I would like to remove in my life, though. So,it does seem perfect~

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  22. mshanhun says…

    I think I'm doing to go with "guideline" as in, it's more of a guideline than an actual rule. I'm a bit of a legalist and I'd love to be less black and white in my thinking.

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  23. Wisley says…

    I didn't do much with my word last year (can't even remember what it was, although it was a good one that "spoke" to me in January) because it was a tough year (divorce amongst other things).
    This year, I am taking the workshop once again (I had stopped taking it because I wasn't completing the albums) with my 2020 OLW: grit (or perseverance) because I want to stop quitting things when it gets tough. I want to face my fears, my problems, life in general and start dreaming and achieving small and big goals. One of my goals will be to complete the album, ha!

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  24. jessiw says…

    My word for 2020 is going to be RELEASE.

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  25. AmyJ says…

    Steward (as in Stewardship of the gifts/blessings that God gives me. Initial primary focus being financial.)

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