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One Little Word® 2020 | Less

Since 2006 I've been choosing a single word to focus on over the course the 12 months from January through December. I call it One Little Word®. It's a personal growth project that uses memory keeping as the vehicle to help us live with intention.

My past words have included: 

  • Play
  • Peace
  • Vitality
  • Nurture
  • Story
  • Light
  • Up
  • Open
  • Thrive
  • Give
  • Whole
  • Connect
  • Space
  • Habit

For 2020 I'm going to focus on the word less

Less is a word that has "almost" been my word for the last few years. I come back to it again and again in a variety of areas in my life so I'm excited to work with it this year and make it my focus. Less extra stuff. Less of what matters least + more of what matters most. 

You're invited to join me in choosing word and working to make it visible in your own life in 2020. 


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2020. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here:  20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 and 2018


Since 2011 I've been offering a One Little Word® online workshop that's goal is to help you stay connected to your word throughout the year. It's not complicated and it doesn't take a lot of time. Each month you receive an email reminder to head back to the classroom for some sort of creative prompt/writing reflection. As with most years, the majority of the prompts will be similar to last year as I find that I enjoy the process of doing the same prompts with different words each year - it's never the same. I record all new videos each year that include my personal reflections on the process with my new word.  

You can read all the details about this workshop and sign up here. You can watch a video walkthrough of my past album projects here to get an idea of past prompts. Registration is $5 off until December 31, 2018. I've also created a selection of products to help you document your journey with your word -  check those out here.

My wonderful little heart talisman in the photo at the top of this post is from Liz Lamoreux and is available on her site as part of her Pocket Talisman Collection

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One Little Word® 2020 Main Kit
One Little Word® 2020 Main Kit is Sold Out
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Originally $39.99, on sale for $15.99
One Little Word® 2020 6×8 Album
One Little Word® 2020 6×8 Album is Sold Out
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Originally $26.99, on sale for $10.00

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193 thoughts

  1. Beejay22 says…

    habit is my word. After my word this year which as commit I now want to attempt changing some habits I have and make new ones.

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  2. vicki_dalton says…


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  3. ElanaAW says…

    {Connect} mostly to people, but also to myself and my Higher Power.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dpayne says…


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  5. Kwarbing says…

    I chose INVEST. I realized there were several areas of my life that I would like to see grow and flourish and the words that found me seemed too narrow, so I seek to actively invest in my health, my creativity, my relationships in 2020. This will be my first year taking the course and actively documenting. But this will be my 3rd or so year choosing a word. I'm so ready!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. LEHORD says…


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  7. KLynn1963 says…

    My OLW for 2020 is SIMPLIFY

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  8. laceyweeks says…

    I’m going with Habit this year. As you know, I’m in the restaurant business and that takes a lot of my time and energy - I don’t take a lot of time to take care of myself since the business demands a lot of me. So, since i’m getting older and it seems like i’m getting unhealthier by the year - too much stress and not a lot of self care - it’s time to try to focus on good habits to make me and life healthy. I’m going to use this word for other aspects of my life and stay connected to my past words :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Michelle06 says…

    CLEAR similar to LESS but wanted to take it a step further. It arrived in November whilst clearing clutter and then a toxic narcissistic 'friendship'. It all felt so freeing and lighter and makes me want to explore it more.... and allow space for space and healthy supportive genuine connections.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. mum2boys says…

    My word is HABIT ... For much of December I was toying with consistent - consistent health choices such as wake up times, go to bed times, exercise, food choices; time for self care such as mindfulness, crafting and journalling. But I wanted a 'shorter' word, and it occurred to me that HABIT sums up what I would like to be consistent about. HABIT also sums up the things I would like to let go of - ie - BAD HABITs - not enough sleep, poor food choices, not making time for myself.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Honore says…

      ALso my 2020 word - as well as my 2019! Decided to continue the journey since in many ways I gave short shrift to it ...

  11. Helen13 says…


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  12. Michelle06 says…

    CLEAR similar to LESS but wanted to take it a step further. It arrived in November whilst clearing clutter and then a toxic narcissistic 'friendship'. It all felt so freeing and lighter and makes me want to explore it more.... and allow space for space and healthy supportive genuine connections.

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  13. bmcgarry says…

    Listen. :)

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  14. StephanieJ13 says…

    Awaken for 2020

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  15. anncb says…

    Kin = golden, Tsugi = joinery.

    Zen philosophy. When pottery is broken, the pieces are reassembled and glued together with gold-infused lacquer. The damage is not hidden; the gold is there to emphasize that breaks have value, too.

    The care and love given to shattered pottery leads us to respect what is damaged and scarred, vulnerable and imperfect—and encourages us to maintain it—starting with ourselves.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. iScrap says…

      Beautiful choice! I love the meaning.

  16. sherryo says…


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  17. scasavecchia says…

    My word for 2020 is TIME. I want to take a closer look at how I'm spending my time and be more intentional with my time.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      Great goals for your word!

  18. mom2bigtom says…

    For 2020 my word is LIFT

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  19. briel says…

    My 2020 OLW is kind. It really found me and I'm embracing it.

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  20. Juneinthewoods says…

    Season - (v.) to bring to a desired state of fitness; (n.) a time characterized by a particular circumstance (my husband’s retirement).
    Fav Quote 1 - “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” ~ Ecc. 3:1.
    Fav Quote 2 - “Perhaps this is what this season is all about: Trusting in the unknowns, finding gold in the little things, trading fear of what’s uncertain for freedom to thrive within it.” ~ Morgan Harper Nichols

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  21. tltorrez says…


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  22. clickclick says…

    My word is RELEASE. Release stress. Release expectations. Release extra weight ;).

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. karenika says…

    my word this year is wild! it came a few months ago and wouldn't let me go. it's about going out into the wild more often. hiking, camping, breathing the amazing air. let's see how it goes!

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  24. Linzanize says…

    Truth - it just came to me back in August. And paired with it the color yellow. Now I’m off to register for 2020!

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  25. donna_is_sunshine says…

    BLOOM: the flowering state; a state or time of freshness and vigor; a state or time of high development or achievement; a rosy appearance of the cheeks; an outward evidence of freshness or healthy vigor; to mature into achievement of one's potential; to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence; to shine out; to become more apparent or fully expressed; to flourish or thrive; a healthy, vigorous, or flourishing condition; prime; to grow or develop successfully; health, energy, and good looks; to produce flowers, or to open or be open.

    I chose this word because in 2019 I made some very big positive changes in my life, and in 2020 I now want to BLOOM where I am planted.

    I am in the prime of my life, it is time to step into my power and be my best self.
    I want to embrace my health, vigor, and energy and “shine from the inside out”. I want to have the rosy glow of health on my cheeks. I want to bloom by growing and being open.

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