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December Daily® 2019 | Story Twenty-Five

Welcome to story twenty-five in my 2019  December Daily® album

Thank you so much for joining me in telling stories in December! No matter where you are in the process I hope it brought you a bit of joy this past month. Some of you might be finished, others are starting now, and others will work on it throughout this next year.

This continues to be such a meaningful project for myself and for my family. I love looking back at our past December's each year and seeing the changes, adjustments and the things that stay the same. 

Here's how I told the twenty-fifth story: 

The fold-up page idea was shared in the Wreath lesson in December Daily® Product Play 3. I set it up in advance knowing I would likely have a couple photos to choose from and might want space for more. I mentioned previously that I don't always take a lot of photos of Christmas morning/Christmas Day - it's a day I often just like to let be. That said I almost always have a few that anchor us all in time to where we were and what was happening. 

I added two photos to my tell my story visually - one of the presents waiting and one of most of us sitting around on the couch waiting for the festivities to begin. 

Washi tape holds these pages together. 

On top of my photos I added word/phrase stickers and a small gold star brad. Along the bottom of the journaling block I added a thin strip of washi tape. 

As I wrap up this year I want to encourage you to own + value your own story. We are all at different places in our lives with different family situations, health situations, home situations, work situations, etc - no matter what is happening in your own life there is value to sharing your story even if it's just for you to make sense of your own life. 

You've got this. 




You are invited to leave a link in the comment section if you'd like to share your daily pages. As usual, please include a direct link to your specific blog post vs. a general blog address link.

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9 thoughts

  1. Trary says…

    Beautiful album. I finished mine yesterday. I'd be curious to see how you go about purging your stash now that you're finished. What to keep, what to let go. I like your idea of "less" and I'm trying to let go of hoarding my physical stash.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I was just looking at my box of supplies on my table yesterday as I was cleaning up my office. I have that on my list so I can try to share that soon. Mainly I go through and only keep the pieces I really, really like and donate the rest to friends/school.

  2. KProffitt says…

    Love the way your entire album came together! It's beautiful! Thank you again for this beautiful project and all of the inspiration, Ali! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. cyndibrdy says…

    Lovely album! Always enjoy your process videos and I did many out of pocket stuff (just like yours.) I did miss your beautiful 6x8 photos, too! Thank you for continuing with DD!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mshanhun says…

    Thanks Ali for sharing again this year!

    I'm sharing my Christmas mroning page here:

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. embur214 says…

    This was just so much fun. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. soonymary says…

    Thanks for everything you do Ali! Will be thinking of you and wish you much health and happiness for 2020. ♥♥♥

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Alyjean says…

    Looks great! I really like the smaller size - think I’ll try that next year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. PrinzessinN says…

    Dear Ali,

    I love your album. Thank you for sharing your pages with us. This is great. Love wathing your videos when lying in my bed.

    My December was really turbulent. We had health issues, issues with who will look for our kids when I am working and sadly my uncle died. There were some times where I was too tired to be creative or I just was not in the mood of it.

    Slowly I am doing one page after the other. My album already is chunky. I will have to order a second one. This never happend to me in all the previous years. But I have so much joy doing interactive pages. I think this album will be also a therapeutic issue which I have to accept. This year I had so much jounaling to include. I did not want to stop this.

    Thank you for encouraging us to write our stories down.

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